Chapter 76 - Fang Jianghu's Naivety

Even as Alex left the room, Xi Ana kept staring on the pictures scattered on the bed, She had already calmed down. And she also know that this isn't a hopeless situation at all but it was undoubtedly a very complicated one.

It is a fact that she came here willingly but that is because she wanted to gain information, it was indeed a naive move on her part but in her situation a while ago there is really no helping it right? She may have the guts but she lacks the means to fight on her own.

If she dies then so be it, that only means that she's just that and nothing more. Today, she managed to gain something very important and that is the connection of that man to the Core and if it is true then there's a big possibility that that person is the same as the one who's controlling S Organization from behind the curtains.

This may be a wild guess but it makes sense, at least for her. Only few knows about it but the four of them has connection in the Mantle, or the second layer of the underground society and that mere fact shows that they are powerful people on their own league but that person seems more powerful than them all this time.

Although she already knew this a long time ago, the presence of Alex today made her conclusion more plausible.

While mulling over her ȧssumption the door to her room suddenly opened and she was a bit surprised upon seeing the person who entered the room. And now she understood what Alex meant a while ago.

"It seems like you have truly decided to show your true colors, Fang Jianghu." she said rather impolitely because of the emotionless face she had.

"You're very well informed, it seems like you really do have a good relationship with my niece Wenna. Well, it doesn't matter now that you are in my hand you will be a great bargaining chip to hold both Fang Wenna and Li Jingli on their necks."

He felt that his plan now will go very smoothly although Mr. Smith already withdrew, the gears have already started moving the moment Xi Ana's capture was made successful or so he thought.

"You may be right, using me as a bargaining chip is really a good idea if you want to destroy both of them at the same time but you have forgotten something very important."

If you're playing the kidnapping game to threaten someone it is very critical to choose the right person to kidnap because that will decide the action of the other party.

Her relationship to the both of them is very important and that in itself best reason that qualifies her as a bargaining chip but kidnapping her also showed Fang Jianghu's naivety.

"What are you saying?"

"You have forgotten that I myself is not a simple character." Since Xi Ana is much more clear headed now, her words has become more rational than they were a few minutes ago.

"You are just some successful corporate leader of City A, did you really think that someone like you is worth something here in City M? It seems like you still do not understand clearly about your situation right now."

Rather than her not understanding her situation, it was actually him was not able to fully grasp this whole thing. Xi Ana felt that Fang Jianghu has become really impatient, all these years that he tried to be as passive as he can be was all for nothing.

"I perfectly understand, what I said is right but I think you are clearly underestimating your opponents. This is Fang Wenna and Li Jingli we are talking about."

Even with these taunting she really can't seem to draw out any useful information from this person, is it that he's too cunning to divulge something from simple taunting or he is just simply too naive to not realize what she is actually doing.

"So what? They are just privileged young masters what power could they possibly have. Sure they may have some connections because of their identities but I don't think that is enough to fight me"

With that sentence maybe her latter conclusion was really what it is. They may have really overestimated Fang Wenna's uncle all this time. "You are seriously digging your own grave."

Because of Xi Ana's words, although not intentionally this time, Fang Jianghu pulled out his gun and aimed at Xi Ana.

"Shut up! You do not know who's backing me!"

Just when she was about to give up from digging information this man had already offered it to her on a silver platter. "Did you seriously think that the S Organization will back you up?"

"What do you know? Your money can't help you out of this situation. Completing the task of kidnapping you was all thanks to the S Organization so don't make it sound like I was nothing," what hypocrisy, Xi Ana thought. That self-important attitude of him will gonna get him killed someday.

Xi Ana didn't bother speaking anymore.

Seeing Xi Ana being quiet, Fang Jianghu ȧssumed that the woman has already resigned to her faith and was already afraid of him so he left the room merrily.

If she will sort out her current situation it will go like this.

Fang Jianghu wanted to kidnap her because of his personal grudge with Fang Wenna. Before the kidnapping was set in motion, somehow Alex obtained this information thus 'volunteered' himself since he will also need to deliver the pictures he has always been sending.

Therefore it's not because Fang Jianghu was a member of the S Organization that they helped him, it was rather a personal errand on Alex' part and this issue of Fang Jianghu was just conveniently used.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/fang-jianghu&apos;s-naivety_50023787780960758">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/fang-jianghu&apos;s-naivety_50023787780960758</a> for visiting.

Although she managed to conclude these things, there is one thing that she can't seem to figure out on her own. Is this whole thing planned by that person or it was only an action taken by Alex on his own? Well, either way this time again, she is still alive.