Chapter 578

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
John Adams was also very depressed. Originally, he looked at the astonishing chief and spoke very well, but how could he not say a happy word when his saliva was almost dry?

Of course, he didn't know that the big chief in front of him would not be moved by his beautiful tongue. In fact, the reason why stone bear is willing to meet this John Adams is more out of curiosity about historical celebrities.

This is the first vice president and the second president of the United States in the original historical time and space! And his eldest son will become the sixth president of the United States. But now his eldest son is only nine years old

If you don't see this kind of character with your own eyes, you are really ashamed of your identity as a passer-by.

As for answering John Adams's request, it was out of the question.

After all, even if they do not stand in line, according to the current situation, there is a great possibility that the American army will eventually defeat the British. After all, behind the army are the ready French, Spanish and Dutch.

The situation in the army may not be good now, but with the French, Spaniards and Dutch joining the war and standing on the side of the army two years later, as well as the acclimatization of British soldiers and the attack of Aedes mosquitoes, the trend of the war will soon tilt towards the Americans.

It's just that Shi Xiong knows these things, and the chubby man in front of him doesn't know him.

He only knew that the big army was not dominant now, on the contrary, it was still at a disadvantage in the northern battlefield. In particular, the two tribes of the Iroquois alliance, which was not easy to talk about, were suddenly destroyed by the powerful chief. This is undoubtedly a bad thing for the army.

Mr. chubby is not as strong as major general Henry Clinton, so he thinks it is very important to persuade the chief.

So even though he has been thirsty for a long time, he still insists on lobbying.

Stone bear also has to admire the toughness of this guy.

In fact, Shi Xiong doesn't really appreciate Mr. chubby. Maybe it's because of his character. Shi Xiong, who has always adhered to principles in his life, doesn't like Mr. chubby's character.

This is not what Shi Xiong said. He is really familiar with this chubby man. He really despises what he did before.

In fact, for more than a decade, this chubby man was a pro British, and he was always on the side of the British when he was a lawyer.

Don't forget, six years ago, when he was a member of the house of Commons in Massachusetts, he pleaded not guilty to the British soldiers in the Boston Massacre and successfully acquitted the British soldiers who shot and killed the Boston workers.

Only three years ago, when he was recommended to the State House of Lords, he was vetoed by the royal governor.

It is estimated that this event made Mr. chubby realize something, so he did not hesitate to turn around and join the continental conference, which is dominated by Americans, and became the representative of Massachusetts conference with his support for the Boston Tea event.

This gorgeous turn or Sao operation, ordinary people really can't do it, but this chubby man did it naturally, which shows his thick skin and strong utilitarian heart.

After that, Mr. chubby's various coquettish operations became more powerful. He even became a member of the five member committee that drafted the declaration of independence, and by virtue of his support for Mr. watsonton, he went to the peak of power step by step.

In fact, Mr. chubby's practice directly reflects the shamelessness of these Western politicians.

Not only Mr. chubby, but also Mr. watsonton

Now, the man who shows the Chinese ancestors' houheixue incisively and vividly is performing hard in front of the stone bear.

It's a pity that Mr. chubby can promise too few benefits to the stone bear now. After all, even he has no bottom in his heart.

Not to mention that the stone bear didn't want to help the Americans or the British. After all, we came from China, pursuing the five principles of peaceful coexistence

Now it's your own internal affairs for you to beat your own. Lao Tzu will not interfere in your internal affairs.

So, you'd better keep fighting! It's better to kill yourself all.

Then I can deal with the winner

Of course, although the stone bear has decided to remain neutral, it will never let go of selling arms and other materials to the army.

After all, we have to be neutral, so a bowl of water must be level. Otherwise, I only sell arms and materials to the British. How can you play?

In history, your descendants made a lot of money in the name of neutrality in World War I and World War II. Why don't we use this move to deal with you?

Therefore, under the principle of neutrality, Shi Xiong made the same promise to Mr. chubby as major general Clinton.

It is absolutely impossible for me to fight for you. But as long as you pay for talents, I don't mind selling you some urgently needed arms or materials.

Although he was not able to persuade the big chief to stand in line, Mr. chubby got the promise to buy materials and ammunition, which also made him a lot more stable.

This powerful Indian tribe really can't be provoked. Since they don't stand in line and remain neutral, things will undoubtedly be many times better than they stand on the side of the British. The most important thing is that everyone knows how powerful the weapons used by this powerful tribe are. It is undoubtedly a great thing to be able to get their weapons.

After dismissing Mr. chubby, who had been fooled and lamed, the stone bear immediately gathered Jorah krulu, bighorn sheep, Kuaima, bone spear and others together and began to discuss the arms and materials to be sold to the British and the army.

It's easy to say anything about materials, such as cigarettes, salt, drinks and grain. Compared with food, the British need more "luxury goods" such as cigarettes, salt and drinks. Therefore, these goods will wipe a layer of grease from the belligerents.

As for the main play, it is undoubtedly the arms.

In order to prevent the leakage of their own arms technology or being imitated by the British and Americans, the arms sold to them must be castrated.

It is absolutely impossible to sell the complete version of a weapon such as the explosive bear rifle to the warring parties, and the design concept of a rear pull rotary gun can not be spread.

Therefore, on the basis of Ferguson's rifle, a rifle that slightly increases the effective range of the rifle is very necessary to appear in the battlefield of the independent war.

In fact, as early as a few years ago, Shi Xiong had ordered several of the eighteen Arhats to start developing this kind of rifle. Now many of these castrated rifles have been produced in the military factories in Shangjing