Chapter 577

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Henry Clinton left with a smile on his face.

Although the chief of this powerful tribe has not been successfully persuaded to stand on their side, the Cherokee also promised not to stand on the side of the Americans.

It's no different from the Iroquois being neutral.

Major General Henry Clinton never thought that a strong British Empire would be unable to defeat a group of local militia. The reason why those damned rebels have been able to stand up to the British Empire's army to this extent is that they have been helped by the local aborigines and rely on guerrilla warfare to resist the powerful British army.

Now, all the aboriginal tribes near the east coast have been conquered by the Cherokees. As long as the Cherokees explicitly promise to remain neutral, the aborigines will not help the Americans, and the Americans will lose the foundation of guerrilla warfare.

The rebels who could not fight guerrilla warfare could not be compared with the regular forces of the British Empire.

That's what major general Henry Clinton thinks.

The most important thing is that the astonishing chief is willing to sell weapons, which is undoubtedly a great thing for the British Empire!

Now the whole thirteen colonies of North America are in rebellion, and the military factories that used to produce weapons are now unable to produce weapons and ammunition normally. Therefore, the weapons used by the soldiers of the British Empire had to be transported from the British mainland by ships.

This undoubtedly increases a lot of costs, but also has a lot of risks. After all, the Atlantic Ocean is not for fun. Every year, ships sink in the Atlantic Ocean.

If we can find a stable arms and ammunition supplier in the new world, it will undoubtedly ease the pressure of local arms manufacturing and transportation.

In particular, the weapons used by the bear army are said to be quite powerful.

Take the Ferguson rifle that soldiers in the new world are equipped with. Its effective range is 200 yards, which is not comparable to the old brown Beth rifle. Major Patrick Ferguson and major general Clinton, who invented the Ferguson rifle, have also seen it.

The major Ferguson made it clear that this Ferguson rifle was actually developed under the guidance of the magical chief Cherokee. In addition to the Ferguson rifle, another rifle with longer effective range and faster loading speed, the explosive bear rifle, was also developed.

Even major Ferguson said that the Ferguson rifles equipped by the British army can not be compared with the explosive bear rifles.

It's just that the explosive bear rifle has never been exiled. I've only heard of this famous rifle outside, but no one has ever got it.

"If the chief could provide some bear rifles, the war would be much easier." This is also major general Clinton's idea.

"Well, it would be better if the chief could provide more ammunition for the barrel." Major general Clinton had some greedy thoughts.

Now the manufacturing technology of the catapult has spread among the European powers. Although the manufacturing method of this small, light and powerful weapon is from the kingdom of Spain, the ammunition can not be imitated by the European powers.

The ammunition for the grenade needs to be purchased from the Fernando family in the kingdom of Spain or the textile tycoon in England, and their grenade ammunition is also obtained from the Cherokee people in the new world.

The power of the cartridge is indeed huge, but ammunition restricts the large-scale application of this weapon. Many domestic alchemists, including the scientists of the Royal Academy of Sciences, are trying to crack the formula of the magic propellant and the powerful propellant, but this kind of thing is difficult to complete in a short time.

"It seems that in this war, we can only hope that the chief will supply more ammunition for the catapult." Major general colington is helpless. This feeling of being controlled by others is very uncomfortable.

"As for the new artillery with greater power and longer range that major Ferguson said..." major Clinton, who was riding on the horse, shook his head and consciously threw this unrealistic idea out of his mind.

Naturally, the stone bear didn't know all kinds of ideas that came out of Major General Henry Clinton's mind when he left in the morning. He was preparing to receive the American envoys in the afternoon.

Moreover, the stone bear is also full of expectations for the messenger he will meet soon.

If the major general Henry Clinton I met in the morning is barely a figure in British history, then the representative of the American I will meet in the afternoon is definitely one of the greatest figures in American history.

Because the name of the man stone bear is John Adams.

Yes, this John Adams was the first vice president of America and Lijian in history, and later became the second president. He was also the one in the five member committee that drafted the declaration of independence.

Well, it's worth mentioning that in the famous "Boston Massacre" in 1770, the lawyer who stood on the side of the British to defend the innocence of the British soldiers and officers who shot and killed people was also Mr. John Adams

Looking at this guy who is less than 1.7 meters tall and has a waist circumference of about 1.2 meters, Shi Xiong can't help but smile. No wonder the founding father of the United States of America has the nickname of "Mr. chubby". He's quite round and fat in his shape

You know, Mr. Adams is only 40 years old now, but his size... The stone bear can only say "tut tut".

"It's a great honor to meet you, the great son of God, your highness chief. Your bravery and fearlessness in the war of conquering other tribes, led by your fierce bear army, is really admirable..."

As soon as the meeting was over, the round and fat Mr. Adams began his eloquence, which was a brilliant compliment to the stone bear. The stone bear was a little embarrassed.

"This guy really deserves to be a lawyer. In the 21st century, he still has a great chance to run for president of the United States..." Shi Xiong thought to himself.

Obviously, as commander in chief of the U.S. Army, Mr. watsonton understood the ability of his important assistant, so he sent him as an emissary to try to use Mr. Adams's eloquence to impress the powerful tribal chief.

Unfortunately, still in that sentence, Shi Xiong is an out and out strider. He knows the details of the chubby gentleman in front of him and what he wants to do, so Shi Xiong can't be moved by his clever words