Chapter 579

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Even now there are many "scientists" in Shangjing who have been ransacked from Europe, as well as the stone bear, the biggest golden finger. But with the current technology, it is very difficult to develop a new rifle that surpasses the explosive bear rifle.

However, it's much easier to castrate the bear blaster rifle.

As a matter of fact, the rifles being produced by Shangjing military factory for sale to the British and Americans are not castrated versions of explosive bear rifles, but enhanced versions of Ferguson rifles.

After all, this rifle does not use a rotary back-pull gun, but uses the same rotary locking mechanism as Ferguson's rifle.

However, the rifling of the barrel has been increased to eight, and smokeless powder is used for the propellant, so the effective range of this gun can be increased to about 350 yards.

The enhanced version of the Ferguson rifle was eventually named "Mississippi rifle" by the stone bear, implying that the rifle was made in a military factory on the Mississippi River bank.

This rifle has not yet been sold to the outside world, but the stone bear is very clear that, in terms of the rifles used by European powers, once the Mississippi rifle is launched, it will inevitably lead to the looting of these powers.

"Chief, are you really going to sell the Mississippi rifles to the vassichuns? Will this affect our recovery of the thirteen colonies in the future? After all, the effective range of this rifle is about 350 yards, which will pose a great threat to our soldiers. " The bighorn sheep asked with some worry.

Stone Bear looked at the big horned sheep with a worried face, and said with a smile, "is Ferguson's rifle no threat to us?"

The bighorn sheep was asked, then nodded with a bitter smile and said, "well, I think too much."

Stone bear nodded with satisfaction and said: "the reason why I ordered the development of Mississippi rifles a few years ago is to prepare for the war on the one hand, and to transform our stormy bear soldiers on the other."

Stone bear stood up, went to the map, and said with his hand on the map: "although we have hit such a big place, don't forget who the enemy we faced before? They are all enemies with cold weapons. They can't pose any threat to the officers and soldiers of the fierce bear army, so our fierce bear army can be invincible. "

"But now and in the future, the enemies we are facing are vasichus who are also holding hot weapons..." the finger of the stone bear drew a circle on the thirteen colonies on the east coast, "and our soldiers of the fierce bear army will also fight those vasichus on this battlefield. Therefore, from now on, our officers and soldiers of the fierce bear army should start to change the mentality that firing guns can frighten the enemy to collapse. Our soldiers will face vasichu who can also kill people with one shot. We can't be as reckless as before. "

Bighorn sheep, fast horse, bone spear, including hard bone, all nodded silently.

"In fact, the effective range of Ferguson rifles is enough to threaten our soldiers, not to mention the fact that vasichu still has a grenade in his hand, so our soldiers will face a weakened version of the fierce bear army in the future. If we don't change our fighting methods and mentality, we will certainly suffer losses. "

"Chief, if that's the case, why should we sell them better Mississippi rifles? Isn't that making trouble for yourself? "

The stone Bear looked at Jorah krulu, and then at the high-level commanders of the stormy bear army, and said, "our stormy bear soldiers will face not only the vasichu who live in this continent, but also the great powers on the other side of the ocean. Therefore, we must start from now on to constantly train our stormy bear soldiers, so that they can adapt to face a stronger enemy as soon as possible. What I want is not a bear army that can only dominate the North American continent, but a bear army that can frighten those European powers. This process needs to pay the price of blood and life, but we can't shrink back and fear because of this heavy price. We must face this price bravely, so as to make our fierce bear army a real strong army

Stone bear's words let Kuaima tightly clench their fists, and they realized how high and long their boss's vision was.

"Well, let's not talk about that." Shi Xiong waved his hand and said, "after going back to Beijing, I will hold a special military meeting to explain this. You are ready now. Well, let's go on to the sale of arms. "

"Chief, besides the Mississippi rifle, is the grenade on the list of arms for sale?" Asked the Bighorn.

However, compared with the worry just now, the bighorn sheep has no worries at all. Even the barrel throwing can't make him worry any more.

"Yes, the catapult is on the list. After all, this kind of weapon has been circulating for a long time. Even if we don't sell it, the Americans and the British have a lot of grenades in their hands. Therefore, there is no need for us to keep this thing. " Stone bear recognized this problem of bighorn sheep.

One side of the horse said with a smile: "commander, what our boss wants to sell is ammunition, not a cartridge

The stone bear smiles and orders the horse.

Kuaima is right. Compared with weapons such as catapults, stone bears prefer to sell ammunition.

A rifle or a door can be used for a long time, but ammunition is a real consumable.

Whether it's a bullet or a grenade used by a catapult, even in a low intensity battle, it will consume a lot of ammunition. If there are several large-scale battles with high intensity, the ammunition consumed will be an astonishing number.

So ammunition is the big money maker.

And ammunition is harder to copy than rifles and grenades.

In terms of the current technology of European powers, it is not difficult to imitate explosive bear rifles or grenades, but they will be blinded by ammunition.

Let alone smokeless powder. Now the European powers have not come up with the perfect formula of black powder that has been used for hundreds of years, so Shi Xiong is not worried that the formula of smokeless powder will be imitated by the European powers.

Guns can be imitated, but the formula of gunpowder can't be imitated.

Whether it's xiaohuazha or smokeless powder, even the function of bitter but not sour is discovered by accident. Therefore, without those coincidences, these advanced powder can't be discovered.