Chapter 601

During his time in the Soviet Union, the case of Mathias rooster was finally adjudicated. The judgment aroused widespread concern in western countries, and the Soviet Union officials also attached great importance to it. It not only made the trial public, but also allowed foreign journalists to attend the trial. As a result, Mathias rooster was sentenced to one year's imprisonment, and he would be expelled from the Soviet Union after his sentence.

This result was expected by seryosa, but most of Germany accepted it. After all, it is a crime to cross the border in any country, and it is even more serious to fly a plane to a sensitive place like red square. The Soviets have done their utmost to endure the verdict of Matthias rooster.

Now that the bear child affair has finally come to an end, then seryosha can have a talk with the Federal Republic of Germany. On the issue of debt, Germany did not raise much objection. The Federal Republic of Germany itself is not rich in resources, and the Soviet Union's choice of using mineral resources to repay its foreign debt is just to the appetite of the Federal Republic of Germany. Therefore, the foreign debt negotiations in Gaidar's charge are very smooth. Except for some details, the two sides have basically reached an agreement.

However, the German investment in the Soviet Union is full of worries. This is not only the consideration of Volkswagen and the federal government itself, but also the attitude of the United States. Because Donia and Karim hold a large number of shares in Volkswagen, he is not worried about the board of directors of Volkswagen. On the contrary, the work of the federal government is much harder.

In order to gain the trust of the Kohl government, he contacted General Secretary Gorbachev, who had not been contacted for a long time, through Yakovlev's relationship. Gorbachev is also happy to see the cooperation with Volkswagen. He even personally talked to Prime Minister Kohl on the phone and specifically mentioned the matter on the phone.

"Your Excellency, please rest assured! It is not the first time that we have introduced foreign capital. Even in Stalin's time, Ford Motor Company and Fiat motor company had built a joint venture automobile city with the Soviet Union. Gorky automobile factory was the product of cooperation with Ford Motor Company at the beginning, while our domestic best-selling model LADA Vanni was the result of cooperation with Fiat motor company. Now, under the leadership of general secretary Gorbachev, we are carrying out economic reform. We hope to learn advanced technology and management experience from the West and build a new Soviet economy. This is a golden opportunity! " Xie liaosha said enthusiastically.

Premier Kohl didn't take what Xie liaosha said to heart. After all, everyone would say good things. When the public really went to invest in the Soviet Union, if the Soviets turned over, the money would really have to be thrown away. At that time, how can the Federal Republic of Germany recover its losses for its own enterprises and do justice.

"Mr. Minister, I don't know much about the capital management and investment environment of the Soviet Union..."

Before Prime Minister Kohl finished his refusal, Xie liaosha interrupted his speech. Although it is impolite, Xie liaosha just likes to cut the mess quickly. Hypocritical rhetoric among politicians is not what Xie liaosha likes. So he said straightforwardly: "a few years ago, we built a pan European natural gas pipeline with the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Britain and other countries. At that time, the environment was much worse than it is now. The Americans tried their best to block it, but we managed to do it. It can be seen that if we really want to cooperate, these objective reasons are not the problem. You don't worry about fund management. It doesn't matter. I can open a branch of the Soviet Union foreign trade bank in Bonn, specializing in fund management of automobile projects. The German side can check the accounts at any time. Premier Kohl, please don't turn down this opportunity easily. What you are facing is the vast market of more than ten countries and hundreds of millions of people across the iron curtain. Do you really want to give up this opportunity? "

For this reason, Cole has no worries in his heart. After all, there is a precedent of Pan European gas pipeline. And now the Soviet Union is no longer the aggressive Soviet Union of Brezhnev. Even the president of the United States invited Gorbachev to visit the United States this year, and the world situation has eased. As the Federal Republic of Germany, if it can take the lead in the further exchanges between the United States and the Soviet Union, and fully improve relations between the two countries, then the benefits to the Federal Republic of Germany are obvious.

"Well, our German government will no longer interfere in the investment of domestic enterprises in the Soviet Union, as long as they want to!" Prime Minister Kohl finally nodded in agreement.

With the permission of the German government, he contacted the staff of Gorky and Volga automobile factories and asked them to fly to Bonn to discuss cooperation with Volkswagen. In addition, he asked the Soviet bank to set up a branch in Bonn to deal with the debts of the Soviet Union and the investment of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Soviet Union.

VW's board of directors did not agree on the internal opinions of the investment in the Soviet Union, but with Mediterranean Shipping and the Bank of Columbia voting for approval, the opinions of the other shareholders of the company no longer matter. Just before he left Bonn and returned to Moscow, the agreement between Gorky automobile factory, Volga automobile factory and German Volkswagen Group Company to build a new automobile company in the Soviet Union was formally signed. In this agreement, Volkswagen shares 50% of the joint venture, while the remaining shares belong to the Soviet foreign trade bank, as well as the Gorky and Volga automobile factories. At cheriesha's personal request, the Federal Republic of Germany promised to visit Gorky next month to select a suitable place as the new factory site.

Gorbachev was very happy when the news came back to China. He thought it was a great achievement of his own economic reform. As a result, with Yakovlev's help, mainstream media such as news, labor, Communist Youth League Pravda, and Moscow TV all began to boom about the entry of Volkswagen into Moscow.

For most of the people, the only advantage is that there are enterprises to recruit workers on a large scale. Now in the Soviet Union, because the war in Afghanistan has fallen into a stalemate, the Soviet Union has gradually withdrawn most of its troops and only retained some of its elite troops to guard key cities in Afghanistan. The return of a large number of personnel and the removal of military posts have caused difficulties in employment. Coupled with the soaring prices, people's life has become more and more difficult. Volkswagen's investment in the Soviet Union means that more foreign enterprises may come to the Soviet Union in the future, which is absolutely a blessing for many young people who have no jobs.