Chapter 600

An election is a marathon, and you never know the outcome until the last minute. However, the 1987 South Dakota election seemed to have been out of suspense for a long time. Because of Griffith's strong fund-raising ability, he left his opponent far behind me. Whether it's the amount of campaign ads or the number of campaign activities, Griffith has to lead his opponent by a large margin.

Among the candidates for this term of South Dakota governor, Griffith's main competitor is the last term of South Dakota governor. Although he took office, he tried to develop tourism in South Dakota to replace the single agricultural economy. But in effect, it started to make a decline in agriculture in South Dakota. Before tourism became a pillar industry, most residents of South Dakota depended on agriculture for food.

Griffith has been fighting with farmers all his life. He knows what farmers like and what they need. So Griffith's campaign platform focused on agriculture. He promised to strengthen the interests of farmers after taking office and guarantee the lowest price of grain in the whole state. Even the state finance will be used to build water conservancy and agricultural infrastructure, and the state government will come forward to negotiate with agricultural related companies to fight for the interests of farmers. Under a series of campaign policies of Griffith, how could the people here not like him.

Griffith toured South Dakota, campaigning. At this time, Monsanto's laboratory finally made a breakthrough in transgenic maize seeds. A new type of corn seed resistant to glyphosate herbicide was successfully developed. The research on transgenic wheat, another important project in Monsanto molecular biology laboratory, is coming to an end. But Monsanto's ambitions are not limited to these. Now the molecular biology laboratory has expanded into a large experimental institution, where almost all the seeds of common agricultural products on the US market are conducting similar transgenic research. Xie liaosha hopes that Monsanto, like Yota communications, will leave its competitors far behind from the beginning and use technical barriers to prevent competitors from entering this new field.

As the campaign came to an end. Several polls in South Dakota have shown that Griffith is far more popular than his rivals. This made Karim's heart finally drop a little. At this time, it happened that seryosha was going to buy the shares of German Volkswagen, so Karim left the United States for Europe to deal with related matters. By the time things are settled in Europe, the mid-term election process in South Dakota has come to the end.

On the last day before the vote, Griffith's campaign packed the largest indoor stadium in Pyle, South Dakota, waiting for the final result. From early in the morning, the major media began to report the voting situation in Dakota. There are about 4 million registered voters in Dakota. Although Griffith can win the governor's throne as long as he gets more votes than his opponent, in order to smoothly implement his policies after taking office, Griffith had better get more than half of the votes.

After 6 p.m., the voting work is basically over, and the rest is the counting work of the election committee. At this moment, all the candidates have finished all their work, the only thing they can do is to wait for the final election results.

With the results of one polling station after another coming out, Griffith took the lead from the beginning without any suspense, which finally relaxed Griffith's nervous heart. He felt that the governor's election was much easier than the Democratic primary.

In order to liven up the atmosphere, Griffith's campaign team also invited bands and singers to cheer up. After half of the votes were counted, Griffith's campaign site has begun to celebrate in advance.

By about 9 o'clock in the evening, Griffith had won more than half of the votes, which basically confirmed that he had become the new governor of South Dakota. Under the mobilization of the host, there were round after round of cheers. In the cheers, Griffith and his family came to the platform and began to thank their supporters. From this moment on, a common man with no political experience became the head of a state. Griffith couldn't believe what he had been through was true. He was almost incoherent by the blow of joy.

Fortunately, Griffith's assistants had already prepared a victory speech, which made Griffith not at a loss. So Griffith delivered his first speech after winning the election. In this speech, Griffith expressed his gratitude to his supporters, the staff of the campaign team, his family, and his colleagues at Dakota pasta growers. He said he would never forget the promises he made during the election campaign. After the speech, Griffith's competitors called to congratulate him on his victory. Griffith also expressed his gratitude one by one.

After the election campaign, Griffith left everyone behind and went backstage to meet his gold owner, Karim. Karim first congratulated Griffith on his election. Then, Griffith took the initiative to ask Karim about the seed sales company.

"At present, we have identified only soybean varieties on the market, but corn has been submitted to the FDA for testing, and is expected to be officially on the market in the near future." Said Karim optimistically.

"What can I do for you?" Griffith asked enthusiastically, is the reason why he is so enthusiastic is that although his seed sales company has been sold to Karim, his relatives still have a lot of shares in their hands? Only after the seed sales company is on the right track can Griffith get a return on his investment.

"Don't worry. During the period before you take office, we hope to let the corn seeds pass the FDA certification first. The American farmers association will help us promote these two new types of seeds, and Glencore will give priority to South Dakota's agricultural products. I hope that with our help, your political career will be more smooth and you can enter the Congress as soon as possible. In this way, we will be more helpful! " Said Karim optimistically.

Griffith smiles and doesn't answer, but he remembers Karim's words in his heart. Since the governor's campaign is so simple, how difficult can it be for members of Congress?