Chapter 602

When he came back to Moscow with the project of public cooperation, his popularity in the officialdom for a while became a hot topic again. The cooperation agreement signed with Volkswagen this time not only gave Gorbachev face, but also made a lot of money for the Ministry of automobile industry, which has always had a good relationship with the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation. Most importantly, the Soviet foreign trade bank also extended its hand to the newly established joint venture.

Now in the officialdom of the Soviet Union, money is the boss. As the top leader of a department, if you can bring only the basic salary to your subordinates, you will be despised by your subordinates. Leaders like Xie liaosha, who eat meat and share some soup with his subordinates, are definitely the leaders who most want to be followed in Moscow officialdom. In recent years, the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation and the Communist Youth League system have always been Moscow's best treated departments. Many cadres from other departments want to come in. Because as long as you work in this department for one or two years, you will have almost all the houses and cars. Of course, these benefits are not directly given to the following people, but in the form of personal loans. However, the internal staff of these two departments all know that in addition to salary, there will be some subsidies and benefits every month. This money is just enough to repay these loans, so basically, as long as you enter these two departments, you can wait for retirement without worry.

Compared with the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation and the Communist Youth League system, some departments do not pay enough attention. For example, the Ministry of culture, the Ministry of justice and other institutions that most listen to ligachov's words have basically no income other than the basic salary. In this era of soaring prices, this money is really not abundant. Ligachov knew that the reason for this was that the lower departments had too much power. So big that even he has to rely on others. This made ligachev very angry, so after having a deep talk with Gorbachev, ligachev intends to inherit the unfinished business of secretary Andropov. So without warning, the Uzbek corruption case, which has been stopped for many years, has been restarted.

Ligachov wanted to take over the opportunity to rectify the official atmosphere of the Soviet Union, and at the same time to recover the excessive power of the ministries and commissions below. But if you go directly to meet with the ministries below, maybe something will happen. Therefore, to restart the past cases that have not been settled, one is to knock down the mountain and suppress the tiger, the other is to pull out the turnip and mud to clean up the cadre team.

Soon after he returned to Moscow, the KGB sent news to him that the judicial department under the control of ligachov had taken all the files of the major corruption cases in the Brezhnev period, such as the Uzbek case and the maritime case, from the KGB, and wanted to restart the investigation of the cases.

Xie liaosha did not expect that ligachov would do this. You know, many officials were involved in the Uzbek case in those years, and most of them have left their important jobs now. Gromico, the last one to stay in the Politburo in the Brezhnev era, just announced his resignation and went home to spend his old age. These people involved in the case are now either put on idle jobs to wait for pension, or have retired. They are really soft persimmons now. Only occasionally when there are some important activities, these people will show up as old comrades. What is ligachov trying to do with these people?

Although Xie liaosha was wary of ligachov's plan, he didn't have a good way for a while, so he had to go step by step. However, he contacted his old friend, chuerbanov, and asked him to restrain himself recently. Since leaving the position of the first deputy minister of the interior, chuerbanov's official career has ended. However, thanks to the money made by seliosha's investment, chuerbanov has a comfortable life. Now he has separated from elezhnev's daughter, Galina, and has a happy bachelor life. He lives in a resort like Sochi all the year round. Occasionally, I will go abroad to play, and I have a good life.

After receiving the call from Xie liaosha, although chuerbanov promised well, he didn't take it to heart. How many years have passed since the Uzbek case? Besides, chuerbanov didn't get any money in Uzbek at the beginning. All his money was earned by Xie liaosha for his investment. At most, he embezzled the funds of the Ministry of the interior, and then chuerbanov made up for it very quickly. Chuerbanov's vision has been high since he met seliosha. When he just married garina, he would happily accept a piece of high-end carpet given to him by others. Later, seliosha helped him earn millions of dollars in one day, so he knew what money means. Now chuerbanov's money view has changed a long time ago. He can afford anything he likes. Why should he be afraid to accept bribes?

Chuerbanov felt that if someone investigated him, nothing could be found. Except for the small gifts he had received in the early years, there was nothing shameful about it. Andropov's campaign to rectify the atmosphere of officialdom was so fierce in those years. He was not only demoted, but what else could he do.

Chuerbanov is still living his own way of life after ending the call with seliosha. In Sochi, chuerbanov lives a dream life every day, drinking a little wine and playing small cards. When he is really bored, he drives his yacht to go fishing, and occasionally goes skiing. What a pleasant life. Until one day, the prosecutor from Moscow suddenly came here to visit him.

"Comrade chuerbanov? We are sent by the Moscow procuratorial organ. We want to know something from you! " A group of uninvited guests knocked on the door of chuerbanov's villa. As soon as they entered, they first scanned the furnishings in the villa. Then they impolitely raised their camera and began to take photos.

"What are you doing? This is my home!" Chuerbanov, still dizzy from his hangover, asked angrily.

"Don't be nervous, comrade chuerbanov. We just want to find out about your investigation and handling of the Uzbek corruption case in those years." Said a 40 year old prosecutor, who headed the group.

Churbanov remembered seryosa's warning, and the wine woke up almost immediately. He looked at the prosecutors in the room taking pictures back and forth, and then said in an atmosphere, "what are you doing, investigating me?"

"Chuerbanov, is this villa your personal property?" The prosecutor asked suddenly.

"Of course Chuerbanov's answer was straightforward.

"But how can your pension afford such a luxurious villa?" The prosecutor asked again.

"You are not investigating the Uzbek case, but you asked me! Well, I'll tell you that in response to general secretary Gorbachev's call, I voluntarily quit my job and went into business. I earned all this money myself! Now get out of here! " Chuerbanov scolded rudely.