Chapter 77

On the apron of the 103 airborne division, five mi-8 multi-purpose helicopters have been fully loaded with personnel and ammunition. They have started their engines and are ready to start at any time. Pavil sergeyevich grachov, the head of 354 regiment, walked down from his jeep with a cigarette in his mouth, explaining to his deputy what he needed to do as he walked.

"Listen, I've informed division headquarters about this, but they don't want to take risks. They just agree to let Afghan government troops cooperate with us. Although they are rubbish, they are better than none. Tell them to follow us and follow me. " The engine noise of the mi-8 multi-purpose helicopter almost drowned the voice of commander Grachev. His deputy stretched his ears to listen to every word of commander Grachev, and kept recording the corresponding contents in the notebook.

Pavel sergeyevich grachov felt that he had said all he wanted to say, so he left his deputy and strode to the nearest mi-8 utility helicopter. Only a few steps into the cabin, he waved, five aircraft began to slowly leave the ground, flying to the blue sky.


After the gunshot, Xie liaosha, who was standing under the tree, was startled. Xie liaosha took out his parachute dagger and threw it into Boris' hand. After receiving the dagger, Boris immediately cut off the umbrella strap on his shoulder, and then the whole person immediately fell from the tree. Fortunately, Mikhail and Yakov, who were waiting under the tree, caught him and didn't get hurt.

Xie liaosha and they haven't had time to run. The gunfire is getting closer and closer. Now it's too late to run. Five people are hiding in the woods. As soon as they hid, they saw their comrades in arms running around the woods. They turned around and shot from time to time. However, this training was not for actual combat exercises at all, but for parachute assessment, so they didn't carry much ammunition, water and food. A soldier who turned around to shoot had just fired a few rounds when he was sifted by the enemy's powerful m2hb machine gun, and half of his head was blown away by the bullets.

Fortunately, the defeated Soviet soldiers did not run into the woods, but ran in the opposite direction. There was a valley and hilly area, which was easy to hide. Xie liaosha and the five of them watched nervously as the mujahideen passed by them. They were relieved. They stepped back carefully and slowly out of the woods. Then they ran to the front desperately. This forest has no value to defend and wait for help. The enemy is likely to find them, so it is wise to slip away quietly.

Xie liaosha's thought was quite reasonable, but unfortunately their action was soon discovered by hafizola Qasim waldak, the commander of these Sheng fighters. Now although hafizola Qasim waldak has blocked most of the Soviet troops in the valley, he doesn't intend to let go of those who missed the net, He said to his brother, "did Abdel see those who ran away over there?"

Abdel turned to look at the place where his brother's hand was pointing, and immediately saw the five guys, although they thought they were running forward with a bent body. But no matter how cunning the fox is, it can't avoid the eyes of a good hunter. He immediately nodded to his brother.

"Go and get them back, preferably alive." Hafizola kassim Wardak had just given the order, and the Toyota pickup truck carrying his brother Abdel immediately turned around and chased after them.

Hafizola kassim Wardak looked at his brother's figure and nodded with satisfaction. It was a big gift from Lord Zheng to the Pashtun people in pagman. As a loyal follower of the former Afghan leader hafizola Amin, hafizola Qasim Wardak changed his name to hafizola, who is the same as his idol. Like Amin, hafizola Qasim Wardak's hometown is in the pagman area on the outskirts of Kabul. None of the children there did not take Amin as their idol. Amin is a golden phoenix flying out of the mountain village of pagman, which is the pride of the rural people of kirzai, a Pashtun nationality. Pashtun students in local schools, especially those from the gilzai tribe, worship Amin, regard him as their idol and follow his example. Hafizola Qasim waldak is no exception. In order to follow his idol, hafizola Qasim waldak studied hard and entered the Kabul military academy with excellent results.

After graduating from the Kabul military academy, hafizola Qasim Wardak entered the Afghan army. With his outstanding ability and infinite worship for Amin, he finally entered the presidential palace guard of Amin and became the most trusted bodyguard of Amin.

On the night of December 27, 1979, hafizola kassim Wardak will never forget that day when Soviet special forces stormed into Amin's presidential palace. Hafizola kassim Wardak and his comrades fought to the death, but Amin's presidential guard was no match for the powerful Soviet special forces gruu. The presidential palace guards did their best and suffered heavy casualties, but they were still unable to stop their opponents from attacking. Amin, his four wives and 24 children were almost all killed. Hafizola kassim Wardak fought to defend one of Amin's daughters and escaped from the presidential palace. Fortunately, the two fled back to pagman, and hafizola kassim Wardak was seriously injured. It took him a whole month to recover. The blood debt should be paid with blood. Hafizola kassim waldak vowed to tear these Soviets to pieces.


Abdel ordered the driver not to drive too fast, just follow them not far or near. He wants to have a good play with these Soviets, just like a cat fooling a mouse.

Xie liaosha soon found the Toyota behind him. He turned around and found a bullet, but the ak-74 in his hand was no match for the m2hb heavy machine gun. The other side a row of bullets hit, Xie liaosha quickly forward dodge. Xie liaosha and they ran forward as hard as they could. The Toyota followed them, but they didn't shoot, just followed them.

Soon Xie liaosha understood what the other side wanted to do. As long as his escape speed slowed down a little, the other side immediately fired a row of bullets, forcing them to continue to run forward. Xie liaosha's heart is full of anger, but he can't help each other at all. In the nervous and anxious running, the physical strength of Xie liaosha and five of them quickly passes. Yakov and Mikhail have fallen to the ground more than once, but they are soon pulled up by Xie liaosha. Whenever Yakov and Mikhail fall to the ground, the bullets immediately follow.

Although it's a cold day, Xie liaosha feels the pain in his lungs like fire. His mouth smells of rust, and his steps are gradually disobeying him. Xie liaosha knows that he has run more than ten kilometers and is close to the limit. He was in deep despair, and he was dying.