Chapter 76

"Listen, Vassily! If you don't want us to meet in the military court, now jump off the plane and go down to find your soldiers, quick Growled commander Grachev.

"Yes, commander!" Commander Vassily hung up the phone. Now he has recovered from his panic. All the recruits who just jumped down are new recruits who have never seen blood. Do you want them to face those ferocious enemies? After they go down, they can at least be their mainstay, at least their own experience can help them.

Commander Vasili informed the pilot to adjust the course and lower the altitude. He put on all the equipment with the fastest speed. In order to avoid the influence of the wind to the greatest extent, commander Vassili chose the wing umbrella. Soon the parachute signal light came on again, the rear cabin door of the plane began to open slowly, and commander Vassili jumped out of the cabin without waiting for the cabin door to open completely. The parachute didn't open because battalion commander Vassili didn't hang the parachute opening rope on the steel rope. He chose to open the parachute manually by himself.

After flying out of the cabin, commander Vassily clamped his body and made a rapid dive to the ground. As an old paratrooper, commander Vassili had already got rid of the fear of flying to the ground. He calmly observed the situation on the ground, hoping to find the location of those guys. With the rapid drop of altitude, the objects on the ground become more and more clear. Commander Vassili seems to see several parachutes on the ground. No, the altitude is too low. If he doesn't open the parachute, he will crash into the ground. At the height close to the limit, commander Vassili finally opened the umbrella bag, and the falling speed immediately dropped. He adjusted his posture and direction, and slowly drifted to the place he just paid attention to.


Xie liaosha is getting closer and closer to the ground. He quickly bends his legs to cushion. For paratroopers, landing is a key step. If the posture is not right, they may break their legs and finally step on the solid ground. Xie liaosha bent his knees to reduce the buffer and trotted forward for a distance. The wind on the ground is still strong, and the flying parachute seriously hinders Xie liaosha's action. Xie liaosha uses his fastest speed to break free from the umbrella bag. He wants to put away the parachute as soon as possible. The excitement just in the sky has not completely passed. Xie liaosha is still savoring the taste just in the sky.

After putting away the parachute, shagliaosha began to look around. He wanted to find Yuri and them as soon as possible. He dragged his umbrella bag on the rough road and moved forward with one deep foot and one shallow foot, because Yuri probably landed in front of him. After walking about 50 meters, I finally met another paratrooper on the same plane. They said hello to each other happily. Then shagliaosha asked, "have you seen Yuri?"

The comrade in arms pointed to the front. After Xie liaosha left, he ran to the direction of his finger. Sure enough, I saw Yuri in that direction, but unfortunately, he fell directly into the pond, covered with mud all over his body, his head and face, as if only his eyes and teeth were white, and he was sorting out there. If Xie liaosha didn't recognize him, Jane couldn't see who he was.

"You are a good dancer! Did you jump here on purpose? " Xie liaosha asked happily.

Yuri directly throws the dirty water in his shoes at Xie liaosha. Xie liaosha dodges quickly. Yuri rushes towards Xie liaosha immediately, and they are just playing. After a while, Mikhail and Yakov come over happily.

As soon as he saw them, he said, "where's Boris? Didn't you see him? "

Xie liaosha didn't ask. He asked Mikhail that he couldn't hold on. He bent over and fell to the ground with laughter. He also pulled Yakov, who was also laughing. They were rolling on the ground laughing, out of breath.

Yuri made a helpless expression to seryosha, then complained and said to Mikhail and Yakov, "am I so funny?"

"No ~ ~ not you! It's Boris They were too happy to say a whole word.

"What's wrong with Boris, worse than Yuri?" Xie liaosha asked happily.

"You ~ ~ just go and have a look?" Yakov said, pointing in the direction behind him. Xieliaosha and Yuri quickly walked there, Mikhail and Yakov also quickly got up from the ground, even ran a few steps to follow.

Ahead is a forest, because it is winter, the ground is covered with fallen leaves. Before he saw Boris, Xie liaosha heard his voice: "Mikhail, Yakov, you two bastards dare to leave me here and see how I can deal with you."

Following the source of his voice, Xie liaosha finally finds Boris. When they see him, Xie liaosha and Yuri can't help laughing. They see Boris hanging on a tree, hanging his feet in the air and looking helplessly at him.

"Boris, how did you hang yourself up?" Xie liaosha joked happily.

"Don't talk nonsense, put me down quickly?" Boris was up there pleading, with an embarrassed look on his face.

"No, we will take a group photo with you in turn when we gather later. Congratulations on becoming a qualified Red Army Airborne soldier." Mikhail kept making fun of him.

"You wait. I'll never let you go, you bastards." As soon as Boris saw that they would not put themselves down, he changed his tone.

"All right! ok But you have to come down first, don't you? " Boris's brother Yakov did not show mercy to him, and there was no obstacle to make fun of him.

In this way, Boris begged and threatened, but no one was willing to let him down. Instead, he made all kinds of jokes on him. He was asked to imitate Lenin's actions and lines in the film, Khrushchev's tablemaking at the UN General Assembly, and Brezhnev's expression when kissing other leaders.

"When are you going to play? I'll tell you that I'll never let you go down. " Boris lost face to his grandmother's house today.

"The last one, we'll let you down after imitating Hitler's salute!" Yuri said happily.

At this moment, Boris suddenly saw a motorcade coming in the distance. He quickly put his hand on his forehead and observed carefully. He saw a few old pickup trucks driving towards them. There were some people sitting or standing on the car. Boris had a good look in his eyes. He could see that the costumes of those people were definitely not red army.

"Hey! Boris! What are you doing? Play a little longer and I'll let you down. " Mikhail saw Boris ignore them, thought he was really angry, and quickly comforted him.

"No, Sheng fighters, there are Sheng fighters coming this way!" Boris said anxiously.

"Don't lie to us, it's training, it's not exercise, how can..."

"Bang! Bang! Bang! ~ ~ " A series of gunshots completely let Yakov swallow this sentence back to his stomach.