Chapter 78

Xie liaosha felt that he couldn't run any more, but the sound of the car's tires rolling on the ground didn't stop. Now Xie liaosha can't be said to be running. His will to survive supports him to the present, while another voice in his mind has been persuading him to give up. Now Xie liaosha's mind is blank, no anger, no hatred, but deep despair.

"Plop!" Xie liaosha fell to the ground again. Although he wanted to stand up, he had more than enough. The gunfire in the back rang quickly, and Xie liaosha could not take care to avoid these deadly bullets. Now he only has the strength to breathe, suddenly he was choked by his own saliva and coughed violently. Xie liaosha felt that his mouth was full of the smell of rusty iron nails. He spat out a mouthful of foam, red. I'm afraid his lungs have been damaged.

Yuri, who is next to him, wants to lift Xie liaosha up, but instead drags himself to the ground. After falling down, Yuri has no strength to stand up again. Boris, Yakov and Mikhail fell to the ground one by one. One breath after another.

From time to time the gunfire behind rang out, and the enemy was still urging them to get up and run. Xie liaosha and his family have already ignored this. He doesn't even think about his future fate. Is he killed or captured?

"Throw the gun away!" Abdel shouts to them in stiff Russian, and they lie on the ground and don't respond. Abdel winked at one of his men in the same car. He nodded to show his understanding. He immediately jumped out of the car, pointed a gun at the five of them lying on the ground, and approached them carefully.

Xie liaosha and they fell to the ground. Although the gun was still in their hands, they knew that as long as they fired, the m2hb heavy machine gun on the opposite car would immediately fire. Now that they have completely lost the meaning of resistance, they might as well save their lives to see what chance they have to run.

Abdel's men approached shariosha, kicking his gun aside with his feet, then picking it up and carrying it on his back, followed by Yuri's, Mikhail's, Boris's and Yakov's. That guy, with these guns on his back, turned and walked back. Seeing that the danger had been relieved, Abdel walked slowly to shailyusha. He took the AK-47 off his shoulder and held it in his hand. The muzzle of the gun was pointed at the five guys who fell to the ground.

Xie liaosha looks at the slowly approaching Abdel. He climbs back two steps and instinctively struggles to sit up, but is kicked in the head by Abdel who comes to him. The blood soon blindfolded Xie liaosha's eyes, and Abdel didn't mean to stop. He kicked Xie liaosha's abdomen with his feet. Yuri, who is next to Xie liaosha, wants to stand up and fight with this guy. He is soon knocked to the ground by a shot from Abdel.

As soon as he saw the leader, his men ran out of the car and punched and kicked Xie liaosha. Xie liaosha tries his best to protect himself. These people are not gangsters on the streets of Gorky. They are Sheng fighters and guerrillas in Afghanistan. Killing people here will not be punished by law. Ironically, just over a year ago, this country was still a close ally of the Soviet Union. The AK-47 and RPG in the hands of these guerrillas were all aided by the Soviet Union. Many people in the Afghan army could speak Russian. The world is so wonderful.

One of his men took out his camera and happily instructed everyone to pose. These guys stepped on the bodies of Xie liaosha and five of them. Abdel specially posed as a conqueror to take a group photo with these prisoners of war.

Seeing that the five Soviets had been badly repaired, Abdel waved to his men not to fight. Abdel always felt that it was not enough to physically destroy these Soviets. He wanted these people to understand who was the master of the country.

Abdel has been following these people all the time, and he has already seen that shailyusha is the leader among these people. To humiliate these people, start with their leaders. So Abdel went up to shailyusha again, looked at his boots, and then said to shailyusha in his lame, stiff Russian, "lick my shoes!"

Although the Russian of the other party was very bad, everyone in the Soviet Union understood this sentence. Sherius, Yuri, Boris, Mikhail and Yakov, all of them were staring at Abdel angrily.

Abdel looked at seryosha, but he didn't move. He just touched his head. Xie liaosha struggled to get up, spitting blood directly on Abdel's face. Abdel was angry. He wanted to kill the Soviet. Xie liaosha was soon knocked down by Abdel and his men. Abdel stepped on Xie liaosha and pulled the bolt. Yuri and they struggle desperately to save Xie liaosha, but they are quickly knocked down to the ground.

Xie liaosha was trampled on the ground, his head turned to one side, his eyes fixed on the front, his cheek next to the rough sand, this is a shady land, the ground is not illuminated by the sun, the cold feeling makes Xie liaosha particularly calm. Is going to die, will it return to the original world?

There is a desolate scenery in the distance. The wind blows weeds, and there is something slowly approaching. What is it, the fox catching the hare? Snow leopard? Just when Xie liaosha was still guessing, the thing did not move. A flash surprised Xie liaosha. Before he came and considered what it was, the gun rang and Xie liaosha instinctively closed his eyes.

"Am I dead?" Xie liaosha asked himself in his heart“ Bang There was a shot. Xie liaosha opened his eyes and fell down beside him. His face is right at Xie liaosha. When Xie liaosha looks at it, isn't this the guy who wanted to kill himself just now? At the moment, this guy's temple was opened a big hole, the whole person has been dead. Yes, it was Abdel who died.

Xie liaosha was overjoyed. He grabbed the AK-47 in Abdel's hand and shot at the guys who ran to the truck. Soon one of them fell down. Xie liaosha forces himself to calm down and can't let these guys run to the machine gun, otherwise everyone will be finished.

Xie liaosha stands up and uses all his strength to chase these guys and shoot them. One guy is only one step away from the truck, but he is killed by Xie liaosha. There is another guy, who has been standing in the truck, and the gunshot in the distance rings. This guy is directly shot in the head.

The gunfight soon ended. Ten bodies were left at the scene, all of them belonged to the enemy. Xie liaosha extended his thumb to the sniper, and the sniper slowly stood up from the ground. He put the gun on his shoulder and walked to Xie liaosha step by step.

Xie liaosha's face showed a smile of reunion. Look who it is! My dear battalion commander Vassili is here!