Chapter 2

The night in the prison is quiet. The moonlight spills into the cell from the small bed of the prison. A day's work in the factory consumes all of Xie liaosha's energy. Xie liaosha lies on the bed and sees the same sleepless father Petrov. Through a few days of contact, Xie liaosha feels that his father is a good man

"How can I get out of here? I don't want to be locked up for life. " Seryosa told father Petrov about my troubles“ Will I die here, will they let me go? "

"You can never leave here. You should be glad they didn't send you to the Arctic circle. Listen boy, if you want to make trouble, I won't stop you or help you. Once you are found out, you will be tortured and regret that your parents gave you birth. "Father Petrov warned seryosha.

"Thank you, Dad. I'll be honest." Xie liaosha replied.

"Why are you locked up?" Xie liaosha then asked.

"Because I got rid of a senior official of the regiment who led my wife, kid." Said Petrov.

"I was going to liangzan on a business trip that day. When I came home from work in the factory, I opened the door and heard the sound of men and women fooling around. I ran upstairs, pushed open the bedroom door and saw the bastard. I dragged him down from the bed and pressed him on the ground. I rode on him and punched him one by one... At last, the bastard was not angry. "Although father Petrov's tone was steady, he could hear his anger. It took a long time for his tone to calm down.

"Have you ever thought of leaving here?" Xie liaosha asked.

"Yes, but I know it's impossible. People who are locked up here will not be released." Father Petrov turned over to ignore him. Xie liaosha couldn't sleep at all. He thought about the words of father Petrov and everything he saw during the day“ There are high concrete walls on all sides. There is a power grid on the wall. To the north of the wall is a fire station, to the East is a hospital, to the west is a prison factory, and to the south is a road leading to Moscow... "He kept recalling all the details of the prison he saw these days“ There is a big loudspeaker in the square, which plays the radio occasionally. The factory mainly produces toys or something, so there are a lot of raw materials piled up there. These toys will be exported to western countries, and money will go into these KGB pockets.

"Wait, toys, raw materials, Moscow Olympics." Xie liaosha's brain is constantly thinking, and a plan emerges in his mind. He could hardly calm his excitement.


After a month's deliberation, seryosa decided to give my plan to father Petrov. Not only because my father treated him well, but also because this plan can't be achieved by one person.

"This is crazy! I can't believe it After hearing about seryosha's plan. Father Petrov was completely frightened by the crazy idea of seryosa, but there was something called hope in his eyes.

"We can get all these things in the prison factory, but we have to find a way to go to the cell. Don't you want to go to the outer world? We can go to Siberia, where no one knows us In order to strengthen the persuasion, Xie liaosha tries to explain in a low voice. Father Petrov's eyes were red, and his lips trembled slightly. He seemed to want to refute him, but he couldn't say anything. Finally, he nodded silently.

"You really deserve to be a student of Moscow Central University. Can you really do that? You are a madman, Xie liaosha." Father Petrov looked at seryosa and said.

"You've been here for such a long time. You must know the actions and rules of the guards here. We need to find the right time to get out of here. I need something. I wonder if you can get it for me? " Seliosha left the problem to father Petrov. He needs father Petrov to help him share some of the work, not only because father Petrov has been here longer than him, but also because only when father Petrov participates in his actions can he ensure that father Petrov will not report him.

"There are a few things in it that are more deadly and difficult to handle. I have to think of a way. But I have a message that I want to help you. Next week, the factory will process some things from the Moscow Olympic Games, which may be helpful to us, or we may have the opportunity to contact these things in the factory. "


In the next few days, they were sent to the factory. Xie liaosha was responsible for the production of small silver stars hanging on the Christmas tree. He secretly hid some silver powder. Petrov's father brought some surprises to seryosa.

"I've found what you said, selessa." Father Petrov couldn't contain his excitement.

"Really, where?" Xie liaosha also has some unexpected, unexpectedly so smooth.

"In the rest room of the prison guards, they have some fitness equipment and barbells. I told them that I was old and had some discomfort recently, so they arranged for me to clean the rest room, sweep the floor and wipe the barbells." Explained Father Petrov.

"I need a chance for you to work in the warehouse with me. If we go alone, can you help me get it, dad?"

"No problem. I just need to talk to old Andre who is in charge of the warehouse." Replied father Petrov.

"By the way, Dad, what time does the broadcast on the playground start?" Xie liaosha asked.


Two days later, in the warehouse at Lubyanka prison. The loudspeakers on the playground broadcast the music programs of radio Moscow. Seryosa and father Petrov are sweating in the warehouse.

"Andre, how much more do these wires need?" Asked father Petrov.

"Let's wrap another 20 circles." Xie liaosha adjusts the position of the contact made of iron nails.



A spark came out of the place where the wire was disconnected. Sherius made a winning gesture to Petrov's father, and then hid it behind the paint bucket with him. After a while, the broadcast was over. He sprinkled some powder made by his father at the place where the sparks were just made.

"What did you call it? It doesn't work, does it? " Asked father Petrov uneasily

"Tesla coil, don't worry, God will protect us," he replied.

They put on some camouflage around them to make sure that no one else would find out. Tomorrow is the most critical moment. Success and failure depend on tomorrow. Both seliosha and Petrov know it.

At night, none of them fell asleep. Father Petrov has been praying in bed. Xie liaosha also silently prayed for God's blessing in his heart. He felt that he had done nothing wrong in his life and should not be treated like this. As the night grew deeper and deeper, he recalled his plan over and over again, and did not find out anything better and worth improving. Although he didn't come in for a long time, he was fed up with everything here. He prayed to the God for freedom again and again in his heart.