Chapter 3

Xie liaosha is sitting on the cold concrete floor with his back on the colder steel prison door. It is still so cold in the outskirts of Moscow in early spring. The cold wind blows into the small window and hits Xie liaosha from time to time. Xie liaosha doesn't feel any discomfort. Only in this way can Xie liaosha calm down.

There was another step of guard outside the door. There was only one guard named Alexander in the cell, mainly because the prisoners were not often held here. Alexandrians are not bad. In the words of the prisoners in Lubyanka prison, they are not so fucked. On weekdays, the cell was empty, and Alexander had almost nothing to do every day. He could drink a little wine, read the newspaper, and pass the time without chatting. In fact, that's what he did.

Because of the rush of the restaurant in the morning, the guard room of today's ruyanka prison is very busy. Several assassins, including Chechens, ingushes, Slavs, Caucasians and so on, are locked in at once. It fully represents the multi-ethnic nature of the union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

After settling these people in the morning, Alexander announced the rules here: "as long as you don't screw, I can try my best to meet your little demands, or even give you a drink, but if you don't settle down, don't blame me for being rude." The word not so fuckin 'is so popular in ruyanka prison that even the guards here use it.

Alexander is a smoker. Every half an hour, he comes to the end of the corridor of the cell and smokes here. So every time there were footsteps in the corridor, Xie liaosha knew that another half an hour had passed. Just after one morning, some prisoners could not bear the taste of the confinement room and began to howl. The sound was infectious. Alexander would knock on the prison door of these prisoners, open the small window on the door and warn them to be honest. If the prisoners had some small demands, such as smoking a cigarette, Alexander would give them one.

At noon, the small window on the cell door was opened, and Alexander put the meal on the small window and brought it in. Xie liaosha didn't eat much in the morning. Coupled with the cold here, Xie liaosha was so hungry that he almost had a stomachache. Father Petrov is right. Compared with the canteen, the food here is really good. The staple food is potato stew, bread and even boxed milk. The food was quickly swept away by Xie liaosha. With food in her stomach, she felt less cold.

After lunch, the plate was taken back, and Xie liaosha continued to sit on the ground to spend a long time without chatting. The plan in his mind was repeated“ This is the best effect that can be achieved under the existing conditions. " Xie liaosha comforted himself.

The afterglow of the setting sun spills in through the small window of the confinement room. Xie liaosha's mood becomes more and more nervous. He constantly thinks about what to do if he fails. No one can guarantee that the device will work 100 percent. If it doesn't work, seryosha will lose his father Petrov's trust, and the possibility of escaping from prison again is almost zero. He will be locked up here all his life. Maybe not for a lifetime. Maybe he will leave here after the collapse of the Soviet Union. But it will be 11 years later. How many 11 years will he have in his life, At that time, the people of Russia could not afford food. What's more, he was a person who had been locked up in Gulag (Gulag in Russian refers to Lao * Gai camp, and there was no Gulag Islands). What could he do if he let it out.

These thoughts make Xie liaosha's mood more irritable. He paced back and forth in the narrow cell. In the anxious waiting, it's time for dinner. Seryosa prayed that this would be the last meal in ruyanka prison. Although the irritable mood makes Xie liaosha have no appetite, he still forces himself to eat up the dinner.

At seven o'clock, the prison radio rang as promised, which made seryosha even more nervous. He believed that father Petrov was just as nervous as him.

"Sir Alexander, give me a cigarette." Cried the prisoner in the unknown cell.

"Wait till I get back, you stupid pig." Alexander replied. Then came the sound of closing the door.

"He'll probably go to the guard's lounge for a cup of coffee. There's no one to look after here for a while. This is our chance. We should have a fight." Xie liaosha secretly made up his mind.

When it's time for action, Xie liaosha quickly opens the Holy Scripture. The Holy Scripture has been hollowed out by Xie liaosha, which contains two packages of metal powder. One package contains the mixture of silver paint and rust that Xie liaosha got from the prison factory, which is the kind used to brush silver on toys. Silver paint is used when it is modulated into liquid, usually in the form of powder, its main component is aluminum. The rust is made by Xie liaosha in the waste accumulation area of the factory. There is also a bag of powder, which is magnesium powder obtained by Petrov's father. These magnesium powder are put in the guards' lounge, where there are barbells and so on. The magnesium powder can be rubbed on the body to prevent slipping. These two bags are the key to the door of the cell.

Another mixture of silver paint and rust is called thermite. They should be mixed in a certain proportion. Xie liaosha doesn't have the conditions to strictly mix in proportion, but the approximate proportion is correct. This kind of thing needs magnesium powder to ignite, which can produce a high temperature of about 3000 degrees, enough to melt the prison door made of steel.

Xie liaosha put the bag on the door lock, took out the matches hidden in his shoes, hit the matches, and stretched them out to the magnesium powder. It's a pity that they didn't light them. Xie liaosha took a deep breath and took out another match. The color of the flame suddenly changed from orange to dazzling white. Xie liaosha quickly turned his head. The light was not good for his eyes, although the reaction was very violent, However, there was no loud noise, which would not attract other people's attention. After a few minutes, it was obvious that a big hole was burned through the lock, and the prison door was easily opened with a slight push, and even some molten iron fell down.

When seryosha goes out, the iron door beside him is melting. Father Petrov has obviously come out. When he sees seryosha, he smiles at him. Shagliaosha gestured to him and told him to keep his voice down. Then he pointed to Alexander's desk and made a unlocking action.

"Xie liaosha, what are you going to do?" Asked father Petrov.

"Let them all out. The more chaotic tonight, the better. Where did you hide it Xie liaosha asked.

"Here." Father Petrov pointed to his shoes. No wonder he doesn't look right when he walks.

Xieliaosha quickly put on a set of guard's clothes from Alexander's cabinet, while dad took the key to open the door. The doors of the cell were opened one by one, and every prisoner released showed an expression of ecstasy. Even the Chechens were very grateful to him. One of them even said to seryosa, "if we can get out of here alive, we will repay you."

Not long after the music on the radio started.



?? A few loud noises almost knocked everyone down.