Chapter 1

Xie Wenlong struggled to open his eyes, a bucket of cold water splashed on him, which made his wounds feel pain, he gasped. Even though he couldn't see what was happening. But he felt that he was hanging, and there were several people standing beside him who were wearing the clothes, as if they were interrogating him. He didn't know what was going on.

"Sergey? Ivanovic? Comrade ulyanov, I hate prisoners, but who dare you to beat the nephew of grishenshuji? " A voice came from opposite Xie Wenlong.

Xie Wenlong's head suddenly began to ache. He remembers that Mingming and his friends were in a barbecue stall, rolling kebabs and drinking beer. Suddenly, a BMW came from the road and ran straight into them. Then some information came out of Xie Wenlong's mind? Ivanovic? Ulyanov's Soviet youth, who was an orphan since childhood, was finally admitted to Moscow State University through his own efforts. When he went out again, he saw a rogue bullying a beautiful girl. He rushed up and taught the guy a lesson. Who knew that guy was seriously injured, and he was actually the nephew of Viktor vasiliyevich grishen, a senior official of Moscow city. So poor seliosha (Sergey's nickname) was arrested by the vicious KGB.

Xie Wenlong sighed deeply in his heart. He actually crossed into the hands of such a unlucky guy. He didn't know if he was alive in the hands of the KGB. Xie Wenlong was originally a military and police officer stationed on the border between China and Russia, and the most frequent contact on weekdays was the Russian lorry driver on the border. Well, let me survive as sherius here, the fallen red giant( Here we use Xie liaosha as the leading character.)

Fortunately, the KGB just tormented him and didn't intend to kill him. As soon as he saw it, one of the officers waved his hand and asked his men to take him back.

"Let's do this today, and lock him up with the Caucasians. If you offend the city's senior officials, you will never want to go out in your life. " Said one of the officers. Through the dark corridor, through the iron doors on both sides of the corridor, a pair of eyes staring at him, Xie liaosha was taken to a double cell. There are two beds on each side of the cell, and a toilet in the middle. The walls around the cell are peeling off, there are mildew spots on the walls, and there is a bad smell in the room.

An old man was lying on the bed. As soon as he saw someone coming in, he got up from the bed and stood as straight as he could by the window. The guard threw seryosare into the room, locked the cell door and left.

The night was quiet. The old man didn't pay any attention to Xie liaosha. Xie liaosha checked his body. Although he was in pain all over, fortunately, he had skin injuries. Moscow State University should not be able to go back. It has provoked such a strong figure. It is certain that it will be expelled. He has no father or mother, and no relatives in Moscow. Even if he has good classmates, he is not willing to help himself at the risk of offending the KGB.

"This year is 1980. The war in Afghanistan is still going on in this year, and the Moscow Olympic Games will be well prepared. No one thought that the red giant would fall so easily 11 years later. This is also an era of change, and the fate of countless Soviets will be completely changed. Knowing the direction of historical development, I will seize the opportunity and live in vain. And what I have suffered today must be given back to them a thousand times a hundred times, "Xie liaosha swore secretly in his heart.

A burst of noise wakes Xie liaosha, who finally fell asleep. When breakfast time comes, Xie liaosha gets up from the bed, and his body still aches. Fortunately, his body is young and strong enough. After the door of the cell is opened, the prisoners first call their names, then line up to eat in the restaurant. After the old man in the same room, the old man still ignores him, and the prisoners line up to get food. Breakfast is a piece of bread, some beans, drink a glass of water. Xie liaosha casually finds a seat. Just as he is about to sit down, he suddenly feels caught.

"Are you MSL?" As soon as Xie liaosha looked back, he saw that it was the old man who lived with him. He seemed to understand something. He looked back and saw the others on the table staring at him.

"Come with me, son, stay away from these Chechen people," the old man said.

Thank you Xie liaosha said with thanks. He was taken to another table by the old man.

"If you're not careful here, you'll get killed. Just now it was Chechen's place. Not far from your right, it was Kazakh's, behind them were Georgians, and in front of them were Azerbaijanis. Only here is our Slavic territory. " The old man continued, and Xie Liao nodded his head.

"You can call me Petrov. What's your name, my child?" Asked the old man.

"My name is Sergey? Ivanovic? Ulyanov, you can call me seliosha. " Xie liaosha replied.

"Xie liaosha, why are you locked in?" Petrov continued.

"I taught a rogue a lesson on the way, but he is the nephew of a senior official in Moscow." Xie liaosha continued.

"It seems that you are brave enough to fight the market. I wish you had vodka. I really want to have a drink with you." Petrov took a sip of the water from his glass and spat on the ground“ It's not a taste. " Petrov grabs the bread and eats it. He doesn't talk to Xie liaosha. Xie liaosha also eats his breakfast silently and doesn't talk.

After breakfast, there was about half an hour's airing time. Petrov's father took seryosha for a walk on the playground. From time to time, someone said hello to Petrov. Petrov just nodded to them as he spoke to seryosa“ This prison is called ruyanka prison, which has existed since the Czarist era. To the north of the wall is a fire station, to the East is a hospital, to the west is the prison factory, and to the south is the road leading to Moscow... "Father Petrov introduced the surrounding situation. Xie liaosha looked around, about three meters high concrete wall, four corners of the wall there are light towers, there are guards on the wall patrol back and forth, the guards are with gun.

"What's that row of houses over there?" He pointed to a row of gray houses and asked father Petrov.

"It's a cell. No one can stay there for two days. It's better not to go there, otherwise..." father Petrov warned me“ Listen, boy, this is not a good place. You'd better not make trouble, or you'll die. " Xie liaosha nodded and looked at the row of houses again“ But the only advantage there is that the food is good. " Added father Petrov.