Chapter 208 - Pang Xi And Ye Wu- You Feel So Alive

When morning came, Ye Wu stood outside of Pang Xi's home. He could hear a woman speaking and he wondered if it was Pang Xi's mother. His red eyes watched as the green haired boy bowed to the person inside and closed the door. Golden eyes looked up and caught his red ones. They stared at one another for a moment, before Ye Wu jumped down from the tree branch.

"Is something wrong, Ye Wu?"

"Just curious," the demon narrowed his eyes slowly, "What do you get out of this?"

"What do you mean?"

Tilting his head to the side, he touched the green hair and found his eyes blinking it in.

'Soft…' he hummed as he eyed curiously with his fingers trailing along glowing white skin, 'Smooth and warm…'

"Ye Wu?"

"Hm?" He questioned as his fingers continued to trail over the face before him, sliding down the bridge of the nose to the feel of lips.

"Why are you touching me like this?"

"Curious," Ye Wu mumbled and his hands ran along arms and chest, felt the pumping of Pang Xi golden core pumping with his blood. He moved his hands lower, but the boy jumped back flushing slightly.

"You should not touch someone in such ways, Ye Wu."

"You… feel so alive," he whispered and he tilted his head to the other side, blinking in the rise and fall of chest and the tinge of pink underneath white skin.

"The villagers are alive as well."

"Yeah, but they shouldn't be," his red eyes glared for a short moment, "Also, they never… cared."

Pang Xi offered a soft smile and nodded.

"Are you hungry? Did you swipe any food today?"

"Eh? How you know if I did or not?"


"You pretty stalker! What do you want with me, huh?" Ye Wu rubbed his chin.

"I meant what I said, Ye Wu. I will do my best to protect you."

"That is a high task for a child."

"You are a child as well."

"I am centuries older."

"Prove it."

"Eh? How will I do that?"

Ye Wu questioned as they walked alongside one another to the stalls. The villager they headed to had her eyes widened and her mouth opened and closed a few times. Ye Wu narrowed his eyes and Pang Xi ignored the blatant staring as he ordered two bowls of noodles. Going to sit at the table, he ushered the demon to join him, but Ye Wu stayed put and watched as the female cooked.

Waking over to Ye Wu, Pang Xi looked at the female and back at the boy.

"What is wrong?"

"Just making sure it isn't poisoned."

"She wouldn't do that."

"Have you been poisoned before, golden one?" Ye Wu asked and the green haired boy shook his head, "I have. It hurts. I don't want you to feel it."

Pang Xi dipped his brows as he spoke and stared at the female who was slightly trembling.

"Ye Wu, let us sit down. She will not wish us harm. She is a kind woman. Besides, you can just taste mine then to see if it is poisoned."

He watched the frown graced the demon's face before Ye Wu threatened that the lady to better not poison them or he'd hurt her. Which ended up with Pang Xi reprimanding the red eyed boy.

"I won't do anything to her if she doesn't try to kill us. It's simple, don't you think everyone would know that by now?"

Pang Xi sighed and shook his head.

"So, tell me, Ah Xi, since you've been spying on me, what do you do besides that?"

The meal was placed before them and Ye Wu narrowed his eyes at the female who bowed and returned to hide behind the counter. Quickly reaching for the green-haired boy's bowl, he scooped the juice and tasted. Licking his lips, he hummed and stared at the golden eyes watching him.


Ye Wu's lips stretched into a smile as he continued to eat from the bowl. Green brow quirked up and Pang Xi reached for the unneatened bowl of noodles, but Ye Wu held it away. Golden eyes widened and looked behind Ye Wu, causing the demon to quickly turn. When red eyes returned to his, Pang Xi was already eating, slurping the noodles down his throat.

The demon laughed loudly and his heart was churning.

'You, Pang Xi, will be mine.'


(Present time)

"Mine," the raven haired man mumbled snuggling closer and nuzzling the body in his arms.

He felt fingers ran down his scalp and he purred, rubbing his chin with a pleased smile. Fingers ran down the back of his head to the exposed back. There was pressure, pressed into his skin in its wake, and Ye Wu moaned sucking on the collar of the robe his lover wore.

"Ah Wu," his lover's voice was soft over him, like a blanket of safety, "You have a visitor."

"Mm bsy…" he murmured and laid laxed against his lover's arms.

A pinch to his ass and he gasped, before groaning and moving up his lover's seated position to straddle him. His red eyes, half lidded, could not help but to take in his lovely treasure. He licked his lips, leaning down for a kiss, but the green haired man covered his lips.

"Finish your duty, then we will play."

"Pway neow," He said through the palm with furrowed brows and a frown.

"After," Pang Xi leaned in to move to his ear, "And I will punish you the way you like."

He moaned as his body ignited in so much want, he shook with excitement. His cock was already stirring to hardness and he growled lightly. Not bothering to turn around, he called out to whoever interrupted him.

"What is it?!"

"My king, my lord," the demon spoke up, "A letter."

Ye Wu's ears perked and he turned to look over his shoulder and recognized this was one of the many who escaped. Why was this mid-level demon, one who looked human, standing before him? Why did Mo Chou not just kill it!

"From who?"

"The Ghost King's Loyalist, my Lord."

Ye Wu slipped off from his lover and stood, walking to the demon naked and undeterred. Grabbing the letter, he waved it and stared at the demon.

"Did he put you up to this?"

"He offered my life if I return this to you. I may be a demon, but I am to my words."

"Hmm," Ye Wu sounded with narrowed eyes before he sighed and waved the demon away, "Go to the level 3. If you do well, we will consider letting you in the village."

"Thank you, my lord, Sir."

The demon bowed to the two and left.

Ye Wu returned to his lover sitting on the throne. He took a moment to soak in the relaxed look, the slight curl on those lips, and the hand reaching out to him. His heart jumped and shook, trembling with bountiful of lifetimes of love for the green haired boy.

Grabbing the hand, he sat on his lover's lap sideways, and opened the letter for both to read.

"Ye Wu and Pang Xi, I am to be wedded. Please send us your blessings and gifts. Be sure they are useful or I would throw it away. Also, you better not send any demons to the surface unless you want them dead!

Oh, Xu Lan says "Uncle Li spoke of you both. May the Heavens bless you."

I told him not to, but he did anyways. Be happy he forgave you, you demon sloth."

"See!" Ye Wu shook the letter, "That damn stupid child! Ah Li never got to see that brat behave this way! Always so kind and proper when he is around and now that he is gone, that dumb dog thinks he can just call me a sloth!"

Pang Xi sighed and pulled the letter away before his lover ripped it apart. Tucking it in his coat, he stood, picking the demon in his arms, and leaned down to whisper.

"Time for your punishment, baby sloth."

"I'm not a sloth," Ye Wu whined sticking his bottom lip out.

"You are lazy and wants sex all day."