Chapter 209 - Pang Xi And Ye Wu- Forever

**This smut might be too much for you if you do not like punishment play (is that what it is lol) read at your own discretion~**


"Am I wrong?"

"I am only like this because you are here," Ye Wu wrapped his arms around the green haired man's neck, "You make me insatiable."

"I thought no one can make you do anything," Pang Xi laughed as they entered their chamber.

Ye Wu grinned and placed kisses under his jaw and neck, before being dropped onto the bed. His red eyes dilated with arousal as he watched his lover stripped before him. In just his bottoms, Pang Xi took the sash and tied Ye Wu's wrists together, before tying the end to the headboard. He ran his palms down the demon's chest, thumbed the hardened nipple, and down the opened thighs. All while Ye Wu moaned licking his lips.

Pang Xi sat beside the demon and ran his fingernails up and down the inside of a thigh, causing a jerk of the narrowed hips. His lover whined and struggled to press to him, hiking hips toward him so the leaking hardness could be touched. The green haired man chuckled and continued his ministration on his lover's inner thigh.

"Ah Xi," Ye Wu panted out, "Please."

His nails dug harder as he scraped, earning a hitched of breath and a louder whine.

"You did it again," Pang Xi stated and smacked the pale thigh, "Dreaming of another man."

Another slap and Ye Wu whimpered biting his lips. Pang Xi stared at the quickened redness on his lover's skin, skin that was so easy to mark. He pressed against the mark, leaving his palm hot and heavy there, like a warning if the demon lied.

"Did I?" Ye Wu questioned furrowing his brows before another smack against his other thigh sounded.

"The same boy, the same man," Pang Xi smacked again before squeezing the mark.

Ye Wu winced, but his cock hardened, red and throbbing. Panting out, he looked at his lover to see a flat face, one Pang Xi rarely wore, even during their play. He tried to reach out, but forgot his wrists were tied. The green haired lover flipped him so his chest was to the bed and his ass was in the air.

A hard smack, and another, and another that made even the demon in him choked on his own spit. Nails ran down his back, scraping hard, digging to break skin, as it grazed down to his ass and thigh. Scrunching his face, he fisted his hands as another round of smacks to his reddened butt was felt. Pang Xi… He was never this ruthless.

What was it that made his master feel this way?

"Ah! AH!"

He screamed and his body shook. Even feeling this degrading and confused, he still came with what minimal love Pang XI gave him. Fingers wrapped around his limp slicked cock and he whimpered. Even with the sensitivity and climaxing, his cock began to fill up with every stroke his master gave him.

"M… Master," Ye Wu panted out feeling so hot.

He barely got those words out, when three fingers pushed into his pucker. It dug in and moved fast, making his body trembled and shivered. Moaning loudly, he moved against the digits in him, but they pulled away. Whining, he shook his ass, hoping to entice his lover.

A thrust in and his lover was fully sheathed, leaving him opened mouth with heart in his eyes.

Oh, he loves his Pang Xi and his fat cock.

"Ooooh, Ah Xi," he panted wanting more, "Ah, so, so, so fucking good. I love it master, please. More!"

Hands wrapped around his throat and he felt the squeeze. Mouth opened to breath, he wheezed when the pounding quickened and it was starting to get hard to breath. Tongue hanging out, he rolled his hips against the pounding and keened loudly through gasps. Cum covered his walls and the hand removed itself from his throat. His head hung as he caught his breath, feeling his cock neglected and pulsing. He just needed one touch and he would be in ecstasy once more.

"Wait, please, not yet," he cried softly biting his lips as he felt his lover pull out.

A slap to his ass was the reply and he arched his back needing more, but Pang Xi got off the bed and stared at him. Pale golden eyes watched him closely and Ye Wu furrowed his brows in worry.

'Was something happening to Pang Xi?' He wondered before his thoughts screamed at him, 'Those bastards better not be taking him away from me!'

"Ah Wu," Pang Xi sighed and touched his face, caressing it gently, "You've been dreaming of the past again."

The sash was removed and kisses were placed on his bruised wrists. His hard cock forgotten at the moment as he watched something similar to pain cross his lover's face. Red eyes searched the beauty before him, before cupping his master's face.

"Does it bother you?"


"But… they are of you, Ah Xi."

"No," green hair shook, "They are not."


"The one you love is another man, Ye Wu. My name is Pang Xi and I was a farmer, weak, left by my family, starving until I met you. The man you dream of is not me. I am his ghost."

Ye Wu's eyes widened and he quickly smashed his lips against his lover. Pulling away, he kissed him again and again, until his lover kissed back. Growling, he leaned back and tugged his lover's hair hard.

"You Pang Xi, is the one that ever showed me kindness when I was young. You, Pang Xi, cared for a nobody like me. You, Pang XI, showed me pity, love, kisses that took my damn breath away and made me think of you when I touch myself, the ONLY one I ever want inside me!"

He banged his forehead against his lover's.

"You make me crazy even in death. Do you not understand," he laughed softly, "Even you with no memories of our past still showed me kindness, still gave me love, still takes my fucking breath away. All of you, Ah Xi, belongs to me. You will forever be mine."

He finished quietly with his eyes prickling with tears. He was getting too sappy and he blamed Wang Li. After meeting that damn boy, he became too mushy and spoiled him to the tee. Now here he was vomiting flowery words and confessions that he would had just stabbed the person instead. No… He could never stab Pang Xi even when they did battle.

"Good baby sloth," Pang Xi whispered and he laughed kissing the green haired master once more.

He felt a hand wrapped around his cock and it came back to life, erected and ready to burst. Panting against his lover's shoulder, he curved his back as the fist moved quicker, bring him over the edge. Moaning loudly, he tongued into his farmer's mouth and sighed happily.

"Don't sleep yet. We have to give Mo Chou and Xu Lan their wedding gift."

"But mm tired…" Ye Wu mumbled leaning against his hold.

"Then I'm going to give them what our king left for you."

"What?! No way I'm give that stinky brat my gift!"

Pang Xi pulled his lover's face off his shoulder and stared at beautiful red rubies. He saw the dipped brows relaxed and the softening of a smile. He smiled back before tossing his lover off him and heading to the untouched box.

"Ah Xi! Don't you dare!"

Pang Xi chuckled quietly when in the end, Ye Wu ended up making the children a wedding veil with a letter full of anger. Yet, Pang Xi knew better and so did Mo Chou. Within all the rough writing and angry words strewn together, there were proudness and joy.

Pale golden eyes watched the raven carried the gift and letter, flapping black ghostly wings.

"Ah Xi," Ye Wu spoke up with fists at his hips, "We should get married too."


"I mean everyone else is. I'm feeling left out," the ruby eyed demon pouted and leaned against him.

"But are we not married already…"


"When you marked me…"

"Wait… you thought… you thought that meant…"

Ye Wu found his face flushing and he laughed kissing his lover breathlessly.






"Of course."

Ye Wu grinned and melted into his lover's arm.

'Now I know what true happiness is, Ah Li. I pray you are happy as well, wherever you are.'