Chapter 206 - Your Uncles Would Be Proud

Zhang Xu Lan had rarely ever seen his father crying. Actually, he'd never witnessed any. However, to see his strong father shedding tears because of him? His eyes widened and he stepped toward the redhead, worried he said something wrong, but his father cupped his face before pulling him in for a hug.

"You are no longer a child. I am proud of you, my son. Your uncles would be proud."

He laughed and hugged his father. He felt a pat to his head and he looked over to see his brunette uncle also crying with a smile.

"I am an uncle and I am very proud of you Lan-er."

When they were ready, they picked up the bucket of lotus, the box of Ying Yue's items, and a boat big enough for two. Han Mo went to gather the students to say goodbye, as the other's set up. Both Wang Li and Ying Yue's bodies were positioned with their hand on top of the other. They looked as if they died peacefully.

Then, items from Ying Yue's box was placed around them and over them, giving a picture of their lives.

Each student said their goodbyes quietly, placing a lotus when they were finished. Then Li Yun and Nuying went, each layering roses over their bodies. Feng Zhi kneeled and prayed for a while before bowing lowly to each chosen. Next was Xu Ling and Han Mo. Then it was Mo Chou and Xu Lan.

Holding one another's hand, they spoke their peace, their love, their gratitude for the elders.

"We will love as deeply as you both did," Mo Chou said softly and Xu Lan squeezed his hand.

"And we will hold our promises to you," the new Heaven's Chosen stated.

"And I will make sure Lan-er is always taken care of."

"Uh, I will make sure to be kind to Ah Chou."

"I will be sure to please him fully every day."

"Mo Chou," Xu Lan flushed, "Why must you say that to… to my uncles?!"

"So they make sure I follow through," Mo Chou grinned and kissed his lips gently.

"The kids are watching," Xu Lan's ears reddened and he cleared his throat. Looking back at his uncles, even in death, they looked beautiful.

"I will do my best to protect this world," he whispered, "May you both be at peace and find one another again."

The pink haired master finished with his eyes shedding tears and his nose itchy. Mo Chou held him in his arms for a moment, before tugging him further up the shore. Xu Ling pushed the boat into the lake and Han Mo fanned the wind to move the boat further down the stream. Xu Lan pulled the lit arrow and aimed it at his uncles' bodies.

The sound of the flute and the pipa floated in the air, singing his uncles' song for one another. It was fitting, wasn't it?

Closing his eyes, he felt his heart aching.

["Lan-er," Ying Yue rubbed his cheek, "There will come a time when you have to make a choice alone. When that time comes, do not regret it."

"Why would I regret my choice? Besides, you are all always with me, I don't have to decide alone."

Xu Lan tilted his head with a frown. Washing his dirtied robe, he didn't understand what his uncle was talking about. He would always have his father and his uncles and his… Nuying and Mo- Did he mentioned his father?

"Even if we are around, Ah Lan, some decisions you must make alone. Even if we try to sway you, you are stubborn like your father."

Ying Yue sighed into his teacup, only to have his eyes widened when his nephew blurted it.

"Uncle Yue! I am telling father!"

The pink haired boy stood quickly and Ying Yue barely put the cup in his hand down before his nephew already took off.

"Eh? W… wait Lan-er!"

His uncle caught him and they fell. Laughing, Xu Lan tried to crawl away, but his uncle lied on top of him like a bear.

"Uncle Yue!" He laughed, "Get off."


"Uncle," he whined only to hear his uncle laughing and pinching his cheeks.

"Ah! Uncle Yue!" Xu Lan screeched and Ying Yue got off him grinning.]

Xu Lan's heart stuttered and he opened his eyes, trying to focus on his task. Fat tears rolled down his eyes and his snot were dripping down. Wiping against his shoulder, he blinked and blinked with his body shaking.

["What is wrong, Lan-er?" Wang Li questioned combing his curly hair.

They had just returned from another practice in honing his powers, but he was unable to let go.

"I'm… I'm scared."

His uncle stopped and turned him so silver eyes can search his face. Xu Lan, in turn, looked his uncle over to see healing scars on his face from his bout earlier. He looked down, picking at the seam on his pink tunic.

"Of your powers?"

Wang Li held him and he leaned against his uncle's chest. He knew his Uncle Li was the Ghost King and he hated what his uncle did, but… Wang Li did not sound like what the books said. His uncle was kind and let him beat him up without fighting back.

Fingers ran through his combed curls and he closed his eyes. He could feel it in him, swirling and fighting for dominance. Ever since his demonic power awakened, he feared for the worse.

"Will I be evil?" He whispered and he heard his uncle chuckle, "I am serious," he muttered.

"My apologies," Wang Li hummed, "You, my nephew, is too pure to be evil."

"I'm not that pure…" he pouted and heard the laugh vibrate against his ear.

"You didn't want Li Chu to kill the bug inside her room."

"A bug has a life too."

"You chastised the kids when you found out they were fooling around."

"They should focus on their studies."

"You made sure Chou-er is well-fed."

"Even that no gooder should eat."

Wang Li laughed and rubbed the child's back.

"You wield your Heaven's gift easily, but it wasn't easy the first time, right? Once you get used to it, you would control both forms easily. But if your fear is if you will be evil, a true demon, once you give in… you should have no fear."

"How are you certain?"

"Do you think I am evil?"

He didn't respond.

"Do you think Mo Chou is evil?"

"Mo Chou is-" he huffed pressing closer to his uncle, "Ugh! He is annoying."

"But not evil."

"Annoyingly evil," he mumbled and felt a pinch to his side, making him squirm.

"You have the choice, Lan-er, on which side you wish to take. A choice neither my wife nor I had. I know you will become far better than we are."

"Really?" He pulled back with his face brighten and wide open for his uncle to see.

"That is once you control both sides evenly."

"I will!"

"Don't fail, Ah Lan."

'I promise, I won't!" He grinned to have his uncle cupped his cheeks before pinching them.

"Uncle LI!" He whined pushing the fingers off him to earn a laugh from the Ghost King.]

'I will miss you both dearly. I love you.'

With his eyes closed, he let the arrow fly. It arched in the sky before landing in the boat. Flames spread over the straw hat, paintings, books, scrolls, and the life that both Wang Li and Ying Yue shared. The flames licked up robes and caught strands. Ashes floated into the air as the moon watched from above.

So many centuries the moon witnessed the lovers' happiness, their pain, their sadness. Illuminating the flames into a glow, the moon felt peace upon the once sad lonely king who created a family. The moon felt harmony for the guilt ridden no named boy who was loved. Their love had gone through many seasons, yet not once did they forget the other.

When the flames died, nothing but the leftover ashes floated in the sky before it too dispersed.

Saying goodbyes to the students and returning to the school, Xu Lan sat on the bench and stared at the moon.

'Just looking at her reminds me of Uncle Li's eyes and Uncle Yue's name.'

Mo Chou sat beside him and he looked over to see brown eyes watching him. He offered a smile and Mo Chou returned it with their fingers interlocking. He heard footsteps neared and turned to the direction. His father was holding Uncle Yue's guqin and Uncle Mo was holding Uncle Li's.

"A parting gift," Xu Ling said quietly and handed his brother's instrument to his son.

"Same for you, Mo Chou," Han Mo handed his king's guqin to the navy haired boy.

Both stared at it, then at one another, then at their gift once more. Mo Chou started laughing cupping the back of Xu Lan's head. The pinkette's lips curled into a smile, a grin, to laughing alongside his lover.

Neither one knew how to play, but they would do their best not to break it. No guarantees though.

As the night ended and everyone was in bed wrapped in warmth, peace settled upon this world.

Somewhere in a village, the cry of a child sounded.

A second later, another followed.