Chapter 199 - I Am Proud Of You

["Thank you!"

Wang Li let out a smile and touched the boy's chest to give more of his power to him. They ate quietly and retired to their rooms, but many nights Mo Chou would knock on his door with eyes red rimmed and sniffling nose. Other times the boy wouldn't even knock. He would hear soft footsteps near his bed before the child snuggled close to him, crying gently against his body.

Every time, Wang Li would hold the boy tightly as if it was not him who caused the boy pain.

It was not him that caused these nightmares.]

"My king," Mo Chou whispered through his gasping cries.

"Yes, Chou-er?"

The arms around him tightened and he did the same.

"Why won't you let me stay, stay until a few days before you visit? Why can't I stay?"

The tanned boy's body shook as another cry erupted out of his lips. Why did his king always, always choose to send him away to do duties, missions, and anything else. All he wanted was to have his king's time like they did back then. A warm palm pressed the back of his head and he cried harder against safe arms that protected him from nightmares.

"You will always be in my heart, Ah Chou, my child."

Wang Li kissed the boy's crown and pulled back the weeping face to kiss tanned forehead. He wiped the droplets of tears and felt his lips quirked seeing the snot. Only his dear Mo Chou looked ridiculously cute with snot on his face.

"It is not that I don't want you here, Chou-er. You are very special to me. I asked much of you, I apologize. I know you still do so for me and that is something I can never repay you."

"B… but?" Mo Chou sniffed and attempted to wipe his snot with his sleeves, but Wang Li already placed the red cloth to his face.

Gently the silky cloth felt against his face and Mo Chou was reminded of all the times his king would care for him. This only brought another onslaught of tears and he gasped crying. Another kiss was pressed on his forehead and he did his best to capture his king's face through blurry vision.

"It is time you create a new family, Ah Chou. You are not a child anymore and I do not need to take care of you any longer. I am proud of you, very proud."

Wang Li's hold on his face shook lightly and Mo Chou felt his tears dried up. Why was his king's hand trembling and-

Forehead pressed against his.

"I know you will be happy with Xu Lan."


"Protect them for me, Ah Chou and… convince your brother to join you."

Mo Chou's eyes widened slightly confused, but the soft laugh sounded against his face.

"Ah Zhi has returned and is at that palace the two of you built for me. I will have gifts for you to bring for everyone."

"Ah Yue… would expect more…"

"Do not worry, Ah Chou. I will handle it. Now, let us sleep. You may snore, Chou-er."

"I don't snore," he mumbled and tucked himself as close to his king as possible.

"Of course," Wang Li smiled and closed his silver eyes, holding the child that gave him life again.

'Mo Chou. I pray for your happiness, your smiles to never leave, and your health.'


Mo Chou arrived at the school to receive surprised stares. The students looked at the pouch he carried and their eyes lit up happily. He gave the gifts like his king had assigned and handed the last of the gifts to the platinum blonde. Golden eyes looked at the large box, much bigger than he had received, before looking at Mo Chou.

Ying Yue had seen that look before: defeated, acceptance, and a pasted smile.

"Ah Chou," He said softly and the boy shook his head with a smile.

"Enjoy your gift, Ah Yue."

Ying Yue nodded and went into his room for privacy and Mo Chou was glad for that. He did not want to see Heaven's Chosen wrecked with tears. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he went to sit on the bench for a moment. Purple eyes staring up at the sky with his head tilted back, he rubbed the ring around his middle finger.

["Chou-er," Wang Li whispered softly as he continued to hold him tight before the portal.

"Just a little longer, my king. Please."

His king placed a kiss to his temple and pulled back. A silver blackened ring slipped through his finger and he blinked at it. He remembered finding it one day in his king's room and asked about it. His king stated it was to strengthen one's core, but the sacrifice was blood. He had seen Wang Li wore this when he first returned to see his king bloodied staring at the moon, but not after anymore.

"A gift, my child. I love you."]

Mo Chou's eyes watered, but he shut the tears back down. The sound of footsteps neared him and he glanced over to see the pink haired man. Black eyes looked away and a frown graced pink lips before the man sat beside him. Mo Chou looked away and sighed.

"Do you need something?"

"How… are you?"


"Uncle Li said for me to… to take care of you."

Mo Chou stared at the ring on his finger, as his hands landed on his laps.

"I will be fine Xu Lan. Do not worry about me."

The tanned man stood up and stretched, reaching high above him. He turned to leave, but fingers wrapped around his wrist and he turned to the holder.

"Where are you going?"

"Eh? What is this Xu Lan? Did my king made you a babysitter to me?"

"What if I say yes?"

Mo Chou sighed and shook the fingers off him. Xu Lan's frowned deepened and he searched the tanned man's face. He knew something was wrong with the navy haired man. He wasn't acting all flirty like he normally did and he had not called him any stupid nicknames like before either.

"Then it is a baggage for you. I will be fine Xu Lan. I need to go. See you around."

Quickly standing up, he grabbed the man's wrist again to receive a tired glare.

"I'm coming too."


"Yes! Now, where are we going?"

Mo Chou frowned and remembered he needed to grab sweet buns for his king. Heading to the kitchen with the pinkette following close behind, his eyes brightened seeing the plate of sweets. Reaching for it, Xu Lan quickly held his arm.

"What are you doing? That is for the kids."

"An offering for my king, your uncle."

Xu Lan stared at him for a moment before calling out to his father when they left the cafeteria. The redheaded man stared at them with a frown and narrowed eyes, but Mo Chou ignored it. Letting out a sigh, he stepped onto his blade. He glanced at the hold and back at the pinkette, who followed his eyes. Quickly letting go, the master cleared his throat and stepped onto his own blade. Up they went to the temple for the Ghost King.

The air was nice and crisped, with a hint of chill from the autumn breeze.

He remembered when he first learned to ride his sword. His king held him and trained him, made sure he did not fall. He was doted on and everything his king did only carved a deeper hole for his love for him. Tightening his resolve, he will pray to his king while he could until…

They arrived and they entered the lit temple.

Mo Chou's purple eyes softened seeing that everything looked the way it had so many centuries ago. He placed the plate of sweet buns on the altar and stared up at his king's statue. He remembered arguing with his brother on how their king looked. He smiled and sighed, enjoying the sight before him.

"Uncle Li… he had a temple? Why didn't anyone tell me?" Xu Lan frowned.

"If you knew there was a temple for the Ghost King before you found out he was your uncle, would you had left it alone?"

The pink haired master looked at him and then looked up at the marbled statue.

"I probably would try to take it down… but, I am sure Uncle Yue would tie me up and lecture me."

Mo Chou let out a short laugh and looked at the pinkette who turned to stare at him.

A man entered a few moments behind them with a broom in hand. Blue eyes searched their faces and Mo Chou could not believe his brother… his brother was here.

"Ah Zhi…" He said softly and the blue haired man narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"How do you know my name and who are you?" The man with blue eyes questioned and Mo Chou couldn't help his heart softening.

His brother, a bright light in his life, was alive again.