Chapter 198 - The Scars Along His Soul Deepened

Wang Li smiled and kissed him again before entering his pulsing pucker. Groaning as his lover fill him, he rolled his hips as he went. His king groped his ass and the thrust told him his husband enjoyed being inside him as much as he enjoyed being filled. Biting his bottom lip, he began moving watching the way silver eyes dilated and closed. He twerked his hips and watched his husband's parted lips as panting escaped that hot mouth.

"Want to come again, my love," Wang Li breathed out thrusting faster into him.

"I… I don't need to," Ying Yue gasped and moaned, "I just… want you to feel good."

Wang Li stopped suddenly and he whimpered before lips kissed it away. He felt the world tilt, until he felt the bed against his side. Still connected, Wang Li just stared at him with an intensity like a fox to a hen. He blinked his golden eyes slowly at his husband and wondered why they stopped.

"Ah Li?"

Wang Li smiled and cupped his face. Fingers glided over his skin so gently and he smiled, living in his husband's warmth. He felt the throbbing cock inside him twitched and he gasped rolling his hips. Moaning, he closed his eyes and rocked his hips, but Wang Li pressed his ass still. He opened his golden eyes and panted softly before his king.



"I love you."

"I love you too, Ah Li."

Ying Yue kissed his lover and soon felt the thick cock spurt into his hole, touching his walls and filling him. He moaned and bit his lover's lip as he pulled away. The hand on his ass smoothed up his goose pimpled skin and back down.

"You… came."


Wang Li smiled and kissed him again.

"It isn't just your body that I enjoy, Ah Yue. You, my love, give me so much pleasure."

"Ah Li," he flushed and tucked his head away under his lover's jaw, "You still know how to talk."

Wang Li chuckled softly against him and he sighed happily with a smile.

"And you my love, still make me crazy."

Ying Yue dropped his smile and pulled his chest away from Wang Li to look into silver eyes.

"Is it my fault?"


"I apolo-"

"No. You are perfect and I cannot stop wanting you."

Ying Yue covered his cheeks and grinned looking away. He kissed Wang Li over and over until he had to part with him once more. Each time, it was like his husband took his heart with him. Each time he would feel empty. Each time he would cry in his room at night.

Each time he reminded himself that his husband would return.

However, for the Ghost King, it was different.

When Wang Li returned to the Netherworld, his body would crumple into the awaiting arms of Ye Wu. A wet cloth would be placed on his head by the green haired man and his tanned child would be sending his energy into him. Sweat dripped down his hair and down his nose as his body trembled with sickness.

His entire being exuded darkness, covering what light was in the palace, the world below. It did not last very long like the first time, but he still bled. Swallowing and finding his strength once more, he sat up and stared blankly at the wall before him for a moment. He could hear the scars along his soul crack deeper and his mind misted.

"My king," Pang Xi whispered softly and searched the man in red's face, "Could you continue this? You have gotten worse."

"Cause it's too soon," Ye Wu frowned and swiped sweaty bangs away from pale skin.

"Didn't the Jade Emperor say my king could see his wife once a year?" Mo Chou questioned with furrowed brows, still sending whatever energy he had to his king. It belonged to him after all.

Wang Li shut his silver eyes as his family fretted around him. He could hear words like a whisper in his ear from a voice he came to remember. He felt his lips curled and he opened them to shake his head.

"I will be fine."

"Of course, you will! Just like when you had that damn amulet? Like when you came up with that stupid plan? Like when I had to make you whole again? No! You are not fine. This curse will live on until you die for real. It clung to you tightly, Ah Li! You cannot escape it."

The demon huffed out and pulled his locks, making him turned to look into ruby eyes.

"Should you had just died… this is torture, Ah Li."

"Selfish," he whispered and smirked softly.

"Are we all not being tortured, my dearest?"

Wang Li's smirk fell and he closed his eyes leaning against his good friend, his mentor, his brother.

Agreeing to see Ying Yue every Autumn Festival was something he looked forward to always. Yet, his conversation with the Heavens prior already confirmed what he had thought. Sighing, he was healing in this realm, but it was too slow, too long that when he met with Ying Yue again, he barely healed anything.

He honestly did not know how long he could keep it up.

"I know you worry Ah Yue would be upset with you, my king. But he would choose you to heal above seeing you," Mo Chou said quietly.

"I know."

Pulling away, he turned to the tanned man and cupped his cheek.

"The temple you and your brother built for me, Ah Chou, go to it. I would like some sweet buns."

"Now? I just got back…"

"Bathe first. Then come to my bed. I want to hold you one more time."

Mo Chou flushed remembering when he was just a child sleeping beside the great powerful king. His small limbs wrapped around the elder and his snores echoing in the chamber. He would wake to see his king wiping his drools off his cheek and running fingers to tidy his navy strands.


"One more time?" Mo Chou questioned with furrowed brows and a slight frown.

"I want you to stay in the Human realm. Do not return here."

"What?" Both Mo Chou and Ye Wu said at the same time and blinked at one another.

"I mean, I thought you like the kid," Ye Wu explained with a frown and crossed his arms.

"I love Mo Chou."

"Then, then why are you kicking me out?" Purple eyes watered as petite nose crinkled.

"I need you to make sure they are ready."

"Ah Li," Ye Wu started and Pang Xi sat beside the demon.

"I am truly going to die this time. My next visit will be my death."

"No!" Ye Wu shouted and grabbed onto the stupid no good selfish king and shook him, "You will not die!"

Silver eyes softened and warm palms covered his fisted cold ones. That smile, that damn smile that always melted his heart for his king, was aimed at him. Shaking his head, he banged his forehead against Wang Li's shoulder as if to clear his jumbled mind.

"I thank you brother. You have always cared for me. I will never forget your love for me."

"Stop talking you idiot! I will find a way to bring you back again! Your wife will not hesitate to join me in this, you know it!"

Wang Li knew it was true. Closing his eyes, he pulled away and stood up, heading off to the bath. He called for Mo Chou to join him and though Ye Wu wanted to follow, Wang Li asked that Pang Xi accompany his brother to the far end of the Netherworld to check that end of the portal.

There was nothing wrong with it, but he needed Ye Wu to clear his head and gave him time with Mo Chou. One last time.

They undressed and he soaped up the blue hair to see shoulders shaking. He hummed a soft tune only to hear the sniffling from the tanned man. He held the child he raised in his bed to hear the soft sobs against his chest. His thoughts went to a time in the past where Mo Chou was still so young and cared for him so deeply.

["Done!" The young boy puffed his chest as he wiped his forehead with the back of his arm. The other hand held the broom and his purple eyes looked at his work he completed.

The grounds was now cleared of blood, bodies, and looked as good as a child could do. Wang Li was impressed as he sat on the roof drinking ginger tea. Big purple eyes looked up at him with a grin and he nodded his acknowledgement. He watched the boy entered the kitchen only to join him on the roof later with a plate of rice and vegetables.

It still surprised him to know a child could make meals.

"My king, when will you teach me how to like, jump onto the roof like you? It isn't easy climbing with a plate, you know."

The boy said this, but he was still smiling as if he weren't sitting before a killer, a murder, an uncontrollable evil. Wang Li still did not understand why he always attracted kind people like Mo Chou, Fu Shen, and… Ying Yue. He closed his eyes for a moment, before reaching out to cupped the child's face.
