Chapter 200 - If It Helps

"The Ghost King sent me and this is Zhang Xu Lan, nephew of Heaven's Chosen."

Feng Zhi's eyes widened and he bowed to them, but Mo Chou let out a quiet laugh holding the man up.

"He sent me to give you this," Mo Chou said as he reached into his sleeve to hand a phoenix talisman to his brother, "This will protect you or anywhere you place it. He asked that you join the cultivation school."

Feng Zhi ran his thumb across the etching and the golden bird. He held it in both hands and closed his eyes for a moment. He did not think his king was listening to him, but he was and that made him happy.

"Then I wish to place it here at his temple. Once I leave, no one will protect this temple."

Mo Chou nodded and they all prayed for their king before leaving the temple. Mo Chou helped Feng Zhi onto his blade and they rode back to the school where the platinum blonde stood waiting at the entrance. Feng Zhi was welcomed in with smiles and a meal, but Mo Chou could tell Ying Yue had been crying.

Their eyes met and the smile wavered before the blonde turned away.

"Who is he that Uncle Li thinks he should join us?" Xu Lan questioned quietly to him.

"He was my brother in our past life."



"Ah Chou," the pinkette searched his face for a moment, "You've changed and Uncle Li is worried. He shouldn't have to worry right? Aren't you the annoying flirty fool that can't stop grinning?"

Xu Lan grinned at him and he did not reply. The grin fell off the pinkette's pale face and a frown graced him, before a sigh. Mo Chou reached out to cup the face, earning wide surprised blinks.

"People change, Xu Lan."

"I know," the pinkette frowned feeling the thumb pad swiping back and forth over his cheek.

"Do you expect me to pretend then?"

"No, I rather you be honest."

"Then this is how I feel."

Black eyes searched his purple eyes and he pulled back his hand only to have it gripped in the pink haired master's. Blinking at the hold, he looked back up to see the man frowning.

"Then I will make you feel better."

"Eh? How?"

"What would help?"

"Having sex."




Mo Chou's brows went up to his hairline as his eyes widened and lips parted. Blinking quickly, was what Xu Lan just… did he just say he would have sex with him? Shaking his head, he attempted to step away, but the hold on him tightened.

"Ah Lan. It was a joke."



"Where do you want to, want to do it?"

"You are serious?"

"If it helps, then yes."

"Xu Lan," Mo Chou shook his head with a soft smile, "You do not have to do this. My king's worries will be no more. I can handle this. You don't have to offer your body to me."

"It's not-!" The pinkette frowned and groaned wiping his face, "We all are worried. Even the students notice your change in attitude."

"Ah…" Mo Chou sighed and nodded to himself, "Are you saying this offer is not to please my king, but your students."

"It's for everyone!"

"Even you?"

Xu Lan's face flushed and he looked down with his ears burning. He heard the light chuckle, one he had not heard from Mo Chou in a long time. He glanced up and found their faces so close, they were breathing on one another.

"Just a kiss is enough for me, Ah Lan. May I?"

Swallowing down the built up of saliva down his throat, he nodded and lips touched his. Blinking his eyes, he stared at the tanned man's closed eyes and he followed. Ah, closing his eyes made the kiss feel better and when Mo Chou held his head, tilting it to slot their lips, he felt as if his heart was willing to jump into the man's hands.

When Mo Chou pulled away, he leaned in to taste those lips again. He did not know how long he kissed Mo Chou or Mo Chou kissed him, but he enjoyed the fingers running through his curly pink locks. He enjoyed fingers pressed to his lower back, as they stepped closer so their chests were pressed together. His arms wrapped around Mo Chou and he heard the moan against his lips.

"Zhang Xu Lan!"

The pinkette quickly pulled away and was panting as he looked over to see his father's narrowed eyes. Flushing deeply, he bowed, covering his face in the process.

"Shameless like your uncle," Xu Ling groaned and glanced at the two, "Do so in your rooms, not out in the open. Save some face, son."

"Y… yes father. I apologize."

The redhead shook his head as a headache was starting up again.

Mo Chou heard the redheaded master walk away, but his eyes were on the pinkette now rubbing his head. Black eyes turned to him and his purple eyes moved down to the lips he had just tasted. A tickling of warmth entered his system and he found himself laughing. He laughed and laughed, causing the pinkette to grab him.

"This is no dream?" Mo Chou questioned quietly once he caught his breath from the laughs.

"Huh? Of course this isn't."

"Then may I kiss you once more with our tongue this time."

"What?" Xi Lan flushed licking his lips and looking off to the side, "That sounds disgusting."

Mo Chou laughed and moved in to run the tip of his nose down the man's temple, across soft cheek, to place the tip to the pinkette's.

"Thank you, Ah Lan."

He placed a kiss to the man's cheek before making a pleased sound as he puffed his chest. He saw his brother crowded by the kids and he smiled.

"Ah Chou."

Glancing behind him, he saw the redness on Xu Lan deepened. His eyes softened and he licked his lips, happy to be given a taste, but he was not going to take advantage of the poor child. The pinkette walked over to him and went to his side.

"We… we can try tonight, if you want."

"Try what?"

"Did, did you forget already?!" Xu Lan narrowed his eyes, but the tip of his ears was so red it could compete with a tomato.

"Are you certain? I may want to do more than that," Mo Chou admitted and the pinkette glanced at him before turning his face away from him.

"If it makes you happy," he heard the mumble and Mo Chou grinned.

"It would make me extremely happy, but Ah Lan. I will not take advantage of you. If you do not-"

"Stop talking or I would change my mind."

He watched the pinkette walk quickly away and his grin softened and his eyes trailed where the man went. Turning back to the blue eyed man, he joined in the circle to hear tales of his king from his brother's lips like centuries before.

'My king… so many things will change once they know.'


In Heaven's Chosen's room, the platinum blonde felt hollow.

Ying Yue stared at the wine on his table.

Face blanked and eyes hollowed, his fingers clenched and unclenched on his knees. The butterfly was black, unlike the soft white it once was. The insect against his ear, relayed words his husband did not wish to tell him of all the times they met. He clenched his teeth and shut his eyes, hearing soft words that were knives against his heart.

He was trying not to get too angry, too sad, too hurt because he did not want Wang Li to hurt, but… but he DOES want his lover to hurt. He told him. He told Wang Li to be honest with him, no more lies, no more hiding from one another again. His husband promised. He promised!

His body shook and heated tears fell down his cheeks. His hands landed on the table as he took a deep shaky breath. Shutting his eyes, he focused on the words whispered against his ear, reverberating through his chest to dip into his stomach. He parted his lips to exhale slowly.

"Please forgive me, my love. I am selfish. When I return to you… You may choose what you wish of me. I will do as you ask. I love you Ying Yue, my love, my beautiful wife."

That was the end of the long message from his husband. He had been listening to it over and over since Mo Chou handed the gift to him. His golden eyes slid to the box to see the wedding veil that he gave to Ye Wu to revive Wang Li lying on the lid. The items inside were paintings, books, scrolls, fans, and perfumes. Underneath all that was the gift he was currently wearing.

Red like blood and lining of golden plum blossoms and a golden phoenix brooch on the fold of the collar. His fingers ran over the robe, bigger than his size and it made him look thinner than he was. He didn't care. He would never part with it.

It smelt like Wang Li. It belongs to his lover. It was his husband's.

Now it was his.