Chapter 151 - I Am Your Dream

After sword practice, running laps around the mountain, and cleaning the grounds, the students were tired. Li Chu felt her head falling into her meal from how tired she felt. Her twin was no better as the brunette pressed to her side like a sticker. Her eyes stared at her silent brother to see him eating mechanically.

"Ah Shen."


"Ah Shen."


"Fu Shen!" The blue haired female raised her voice slightly and purple eyes blinked to her, "What is wrong with you? You are quieter today."

"I am tired, Ah Chu."

"Pssh, aren't we all? I can only imagine what studies will be like," she moaned and heard the soft snore at her side, "Eh? Ah Hien, are you sleeping? Wake up."

She pushed the brunette away from her, but arms wrapped tighter around her and she sighed. Patting her sister's head, she glanced over at the masters before looking at his brother. His eyes were on Master Mo.

'Why were they on Master Mo?'

"Fu Shen," Purple eyes turned to her as her voice quieted sternly, "What did he do."

Her brother did not reply or say a word, only stared at her. She deadpanned and frowned deeply from the lack of response. Her brother always was like this since her sister adopted him: quiet, respectful, yet filled with sorrow.

"Big sis," her twin mumbled, "No more congee."

She patted her sister's head and saw the grandmaster heading to them.

"Grandmaster Yue," She smiled and nodded to him from her seat.

"We worked you all very hard, please go rest."

"Okay. Thank you, Grandmaster Yue. See you tomorrow," Li Chu smiled and she watched golden eyes glanced at her brother for a moment, hesitantly, before walking away. Fu Shen was staring at his bowl and looked embarrassed, but of what?


Ying Yue sat on his bed at the school and listened to the stories his nephew told. For the last decade of the pink haired man's life, the blonde chose solitude. The guilt gnawed at him as he listened to how Xu Ling had listened to his son after ten failed attempts at making honey cake. His golden eyes just stared at once large black eyes became shaped like his father's. He observed the sparkle and the excitement in the boy and he wondered if his nephew remembered his mother. He wondered how he could be this happy if he did remember.

"Enough. Go to bed, Xu Lan. Let your uncle sleep."

"I am not a child anymore, father."





His black eyes looked innocently at his father, but the redhead only stared back with a stoic face and a frown. Feeling awkward, Zhang Xu Lan picked at his cheek and dropped his head.

"I'll go to bed," he mumbled, "Goodnight, Uncle Yue. Sleep well. Father," the pink-haired man hugged his father, "Goodnight."

His heart dropped when his father did not return the hug. Swallowing down his regret, he left and went to his room. Xu Ling watched his son and crossed his arms with a sigh.

"He is right, big brother."

"I know."

"Would you like to stay? I brought wine."

The redhead turned to the blonde sharply, before huffing out unapproved.

"You are drinking again."

"It helps me sleep."

Xu Ling pursed his lips. He did not want an argument again like before, or his brother would go into isolation once more, deriving his son of his uncle. Gritting his teeth and bidding the blonde good night, he closed the door with a glare. When will his brother stop living as if he had nothing left? How can he protect the blonde from his brother's own heart?

Ying Yue's smile dropped as the door closed and the footsteps receded. He stared at the door before taking a swing of the wine from the bottle. He swallowed it down wincing from the burn and did it again.

"Ah Li," he spoke softly as his eyes tired and his head lolled, "I hate you."

Tears reached his eyes and he wiped at them lazily. Crawling to his bed, he grabbed the wooden box in his bag and called forth a specific butterfly. Not bothering to remove his outer robe, he lied on the bed and placed the butterfly on his forehead. Blinking slowly as the view of the ceiling faded, the sound of his lover cleared.

["I hate you," he whispered, only to feel the pinch at his side from the grinning man in red.

"Lying is not a good look on you, Ah Yue."

"It's true."

Those silver eyes searched his face for a moment, and the grin fell. Wang Li looked away before bowing to him.

"My apologies. I should return home."

Ying Yue watched as the raven-haired male turned away from him. He watched as the man in red took a couple steps. He watched as his heart was being pulled further from his chest.

"Then why haven't you?"

He spoke up and Wang Li paused, glancing at him with a blank stare. His lover turned away and began walking again, but he called out once more.

"Why haven't you returned to me?"

Again, Wang Li paused.

"I hate that I have to wait so long. I hate it. I hate you for making me wait. I hate you for not being here. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!"

Ying Yue cried and covered his face as the pain in his heart spewed out of his mouth.

"I hate only seeing you when I sleep."

Wang Li stared at him and if this was his husband, his lover would had held him, comforted him. If this was his husband, there would had been whispering words of love. If Wang Li was not just a dream, his heart wouldn't be hurting so much.

"What you ask of me, I cannot give you, Ah Yue. I am your dream. I do as you wish."

Ying Yue inhaled deeply and walked over to hug his lover in his arms. He took in his husband's scent and exhaled with a trembling heart.

"Remind me how much you love me."

Wang Li smiled in that softness that he remembered and leaned down to kiss him.]