Chapter 150 - Even In This Life

"We… we don't know where to start… and… what part of the mountain," Li Hien said slowly and Han Mo laughed into his fan.

"Ah… Fu Shen, you will come with me to lay down a path. Lan-er, I'll let you know when we are finished."

Purple eyes from the white haired boy widened and blinked over at his sisters. With their eyes urgently telling him to follow, Fu Shen slowly joined Master Mo to gather ropes. Once that was done and they were carrying bundles of ropes, Fu Shen followed the brunette man's instructions. Tying an end to a tree, circling another, and around until he ran out of ropes.

"Here, Shen-er."

He felt his cheeks warmed and darted his eyes to the smiling man was warm golden eyes.

"You shouldn't call me that, Master Mo. Please call me Fu Shen."

"Do you not like it when I call you Shen-er? You are my favorite, Ah Shen. I shall treat you as such."

Shen just stared at the adult with an incredulous look, but the brunette had already returned to his side to continue a path. Ignoring the heat at the tip of his ear, he focused on his task. With the last ropes used up, they did not make it around the school, so Han Mo tied the roped together and made sure to have the students run here then return. He turned to the white haired boy, no older than 16 and stared at him.

Nothing had changed about Fu Shen. With burnt scars on pale skin and pale purple eyes, Han Mo still saw a beautiful man. He reached out and felt the softness of the boy's skin, only to have the youth step back. Han Mo can see the tension along the shoulders, the clenching of jaws, and the face staring at the ground in defiant, fear, confusion.

"Here," Han Mo produced a white handkerchief from his sleeve, "You got dirt on your hands and some on your face."

Fu Shen searched Master Mo's face for a moment before thanking the adult. He wiped his face and hands, but not before noticing the small crane at the corner of cloth. The stitching was nicely done and the cloth was silken white. However, it was now dirtied by him.

He startled at the fingers gliding across his cheeks and pulled his hair to the back of his neck. He blinked at the adult and clutched the handkerchief in his hands.

"You should tie your hair, Ah Shen. No need to cover a pretty face like yours."

Master Mo's voice was soft and gentle, but…

He pulled away and held the cloth out to the brunette with a blank stare.

"Thank you for lending me your handkerchief. I think we should return, Master Mo. I would not want to miss what Master Zhang is teaching."

Han Mo offered a smile and nodded. Taking back the cloth, he watched the boy turn and walked away from him. His smile dropped and he sighed with his eyes closed.

'Even in this life, I still can't have you, Ah Shen.'

He ran his thumb over the embroidered crane, before heading back to the school with a pasted smile.


Ying Yue swung his sword and twisted, dancing to the melody in his head. His hair pulled up high, moved with his momentum. He jumped and spun, before finishing with his sword aimed forward at the students. Pulling it back, he sent his sword away and smiled to the crowd. Eyes were wide with awe written all over his audience's face and Ying Yue grinned.

"Uncle Yue! Do it again!"

The pink haired master shouted clapping and the youths followed. Ying Yue laughed and shook his head at his nephew.

"Why don't you come show our students your move?"

"But you look so cool! Right everyone?"

The agreement from the young students were like a choir, singing in tuned.

"Master Xu is much better with his blade than I."

"Father!" Zhang Xu Lan stood up excited, "Please show!"

The redhead stared at his son and held his sword before his audience.

"Master Zhang, are you really a master or a student?"

A flush cross over the pale cheeks as the man grinned, earning a smile from his father.

"Come. Let us show the future cultivators what a battle may look like."

Black eyes twinkled and Xu Ling was reminded of the boy's mother. A beautiful demon who wished for reincarnation, forgiveness, and a new life.

'You would be proud of what he had become, Nuying.'

Zhang Xu Ling could hear the cheers from the young ones and he saw the calmness on his son's face. Letting out a breath, he rushed forward.

Ying Yue watched and saw the spar between father and son. He was envious and proud that his brother was happy. Zhang Xu Lan had grown up strong, excited, and filled with joy. However, they knew the pink-haired boy had the energy of the demon within. Would it cause his nephew any issue? Would the demon blood overwhelmed the pinkette?

He saw Fu Shen glanced at him before turning his face quickly. His golden eyes watched the white-haired boy sit quietly beside his sisters. He looked over to the side where the road up the mountain was and saw his brother's face revealed. Golden eyes looked at one another and Han Mo waved at him, but Ying Yue knew something had happened. The brunette walked over to him and stood beside him to watch the spar.

"Are you alright?" He questioned softly.

"No," Han Mo replied with a soft sigh.

Ying Yue glanced over at the purple eyed male to see a stoic face staring at the battle and he rubbed his rings.

"Should we move Fu Shen to Ah Ling's team?" He whispered and Han Mo was silent for a moment, before he saw brown hair swishing back and forth.

"Do not worry, Ah Yue. Just seeing him alive is enough for me."


Ying Yue whispered and earned a smile that did not reach his brother's eyes. The sound of clapping and shouts brought him back to the two men. They bowed to one another and Xu Lan began instructing each student to be a few feet apart. Each were given a wooden sword to practice with and followed the movement of the pinkette.

However, Ying Yue wondered if Wang Li was here now with no memories of their past... would he be happy just being able to see his husband? He closed his golden eyes and felt his heart aching. He already knew the answer to his own question.