Chapter 152 - Painful And Lonely

Ying Yue was listening to Han Mo reading a passage of stories he had written, to the chagrin of Xu Ling. Ying Yue enjoyed them. There were many that were based off their life and what they had witnessed.

"A female begged for your assistance and you agreed. When you arrived to the place the female stated had dark energy, you saw something floating in the distance and when you turned, the female disappeared. She asked for you help to walk her through the forest, but she was not there.

"So, students. Write down what you would have done in this situation."

Li Chu blinked and glanced at her sister who was writing down what she would do. She then glanced over at her brother who was doing the same. A small smack against her head had her eyes widened as she stared at the brunette master.

"Li Chu. Are you having trouble deciding what to do?"


"Li Chu will have an answer. She is my student. She will not disappoint," Xu Ling stated and the blue haired female sweat with nerves. A book was slowly inching to her and she inwardly thanked her twin for saving her-

"After all, cheating would be punished."

Li Chu cleared her throat and stood up trying to figure out what to say.

"I… I would search for the female, to make sure she was safe."

There was a silence and she glanced at the masters to see them staring at her.

'Oh crap, did I mess up?'

The sound of the waterfall not far away from the school sounded louder than it should due to the silence. Everyone's eyes were on hers and though she was fine with garnering attention, the silence was stretching far longer than she liked.

"Masters, may I add to what Li Chu said?"

Eyes glanced over at the white-haired boy who stood. A nod from Master Mo made Fu Shen hesitate, before speaking out.

"Because the reason you arrive at the forest is to help the female through it, finding her is important. I would clear the forest of darkness, so it is safe for everyone. The possibility of finding the female in the forest is a high percentage."

"And how would you clear the forest?" Han Mo questioned.

"By using my blade."

"And if your blade is missing because the female had swiped it off you?"


"In that time, the forest demon can smell heaven's touch on you and attack. What would you do?"


"You only have your hands and feet and wits to survive. How will you use it?"


"And if you are wrapped up and staring the demon straight in the eyes, do you show fear or courage?"

"Ah Mo."

The brunette turned to his younger brother to see worry in golden eyes. Blinking, he let out a laugh and returned to the front of the class, ignoring the concerned eyes of his brothers and nephew. Ying Yue glanced at Fu Shen to see the boy staring at the floor with fisted hands and he exhaled deeply.

"Master Mo asked great questions. One must be able to think on their feet, be courageous in the face of the enemy, and understand your client. Fu Shen and Li Chu, you may both sit. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. They are both correct. Finding the female is important and clearing the forest as well. I know these are hard to understand when you have not experienced it, but we will do everything we can to prepare you for cultivation life to protect your family and this world."

"Master Zhang, would you share what you did?" Master Xu questioned and the pinkette stood with a smile.

"My fath- Master Xu and I was in this situation. Master Xu decided to let me handle it and so I was at the forest with this female. The example Master Mo stated was true. I saw the dark energy in the forest and the female did vanished. My first thought was she was taken by a demon, but there were no tracks or whereabouts of where she would be. Like Fu Shen, I focused on clearing the forest, but the land was long and wide, so clearing it would take time. The scream of the female sounded in the forest and I ran, disregarding the fact that a demon was reaching for me. I lost my blade and did not restore my charms and talismans beforehand, so all I had was what Master Mo stated: hands, feet, and wits."

"What did you do, Master Zhang?" A student questioned worriedly.

"I used my flare."


"Every cultivator will be given a few beads that can break into a flare in the sky, signifying for assistant from fellow cultivators. The Masters before us had their own master who created this idea, but Master Mo was able to curated it into these small beads," the pinkette held up a blue bead, "My fath- Master Xu came to assist me and we were able to send the demon back."

"What about the lady?"

"I could not save her."

Ying Yue saw the crestfallen face on the students and even some had tears in their eyes.

"There will be time when you can not protect the innocent, so harden your hearts with that knowledge," the redhead stated, "It is important to know not every person you help will be good, helpful, alive, but know you did your best to complete your task and uphold Heaven's mission."

There was a quiet understanding that befall upon the students.

"That is enough for today, let us take the rest of the day off. If you were part of the cooking chore, you may assist Master Xu and Master Zhang if you would like, but you do not have to."

Dismissing the class, he then turned his attention to Han Mo who had been acting differently. It was just the two of them in the classroom filled with tables and books. The brunette frowned at him and shook his brown locks.

"I am fine, Ah Yue."

"You are not."

"I am."

"Ah Mo."

He heard the disbelieving laugh from his brother who covered his face and cupping his shoulder for leverage.

"This must be how your husband felt when you returned with no memories," Han Mo looked at him with lonely eyes, "It is painful and lonely."

Ying Yue felt empathy for his brother and hugged the brunette against him. He heard the light chuckle and felt the pat against his blonde head.

"Thank you. I will be alright. Will take some getting used to, but… I am still happy to see him."

Han Mo pulled back and stretched his limbs with a sigh.

"Let's go make them smile."

Ying Yue smiled, but his mind went back to what his brother had just told him.

'Painful and lonely…'