Chapter 149 - I Miss Your Touch

Ying Yue played the seven strings instrument lightly to the dance of his husband and their pet. Each swirl and hop coincided with each plucked string. His golden eyes curved into crescents as he watched joyfully at the entertaining pair. After a moment and the tune slowed down, so did the big cat and his king. He smiled as Snow ran up to him, licking his cheek in happiness. His husband sat beside him, reached for his face and kissed him.

He sighed into the kiss and felt warm hands moved down his neck and paused at his heart. It was racing with anticipation as the kiss deepened and tongue swirled. He pushed closer to his husband who held him closer, until Ying Yue was straddling Wang Li. Moaning into hot mouth, Ying Yue moved forward and back, rubbing their bulge together.

"Mm, my dearest wife," Wang Li whispered clutching his ass as they continued to move "Not so shy anymore."

Ying Yue reached down to remove his lover's robes and moved his hand down to dip into his king's bottoms. Wang Li moaned and Ying Yue felt nails dig into his ass. He just watched as he brought his lover to pleasure. The way his king's breath quickened, face reddening, and muscles flexing told Ying Yue his husband was going to come.

"Just watching you in pleasure, my husband, I could come with you."

He panted into his lover's mouth and Wang Li laughed pulling his lover's ass closer, bringing Ying Yue's hardness up against the pumping hand. He bit his lips as he rubbed and pumped, observing his husband. They moved and breathed and licked and kissed.

"Ah, Ah Yue," Wang Li thrusted up and pressed their lips together. Tongue dug and licked his upper pallet, making his body tremble. Twirling his hips and pumping faster, he swallowed his lover's groan.

Ying Yue pulled away so he can watch his husband climaxed.

'So beautiful,' Ying Yue thought as Wang Li came with breathless pants and he soon followed. Foreheads pressed together, their lips were barely touching as they breathed into one another's mouth.

"Naughty, my love."

A smack to his ass had him jump before his mouth was being sucked. He felt breathless and loved and so, so good.

"I miss you."

"Hm, I can tell."

Wang Li smirked rubbing his thumbs over his cheeks. He laughed and kissed his husband, who gladly kissed back.

"How much longer, Ah Li? It had been so long. I missed your touch."

"I am touching you."

Ying Yue shook his head and sighed.

"You know what I mean."

Wang Li kissed him gently and softly as his words began to fade. Each time, the same words were uttered and each time his heart stuttered.

"No amount of time will make me forget who I belong to, Ah Yue."

And every time he would wake up alone, put away the butterflies, and grab the plum wine from the crate and drank. It numbed him enough to just feel nothing, no pain, no loneliness, no reminder that Wang Li was not alive.


Xu Ling was the first to wake up and left his room. He glanced up to see his little brother sitting on the rooftop alone. The morning sun peeking over the mountains brought with it a light mist that casted over the school, over his lonely brother. Ever since the Great Death, Han Mo had coined it, Ying Yue had slowly become distant, preferring to be alone, to daydream, to stare at the moon.

He remembered all three of them on the roof, reminiscing of those they lost.

Shaking his red hair, he joined the platinum blonde on the roof.

"You brought a bag with you."

"I promised Lan-er I would spend the night this time. I have neglected him."

He could see the tiredness in Ying Yue's face and the constant rolling his the rings on his brother's fingers.

"How do you do it, Ah Ling? How do you…"

Cupping the thin shoulder, much thinner than before, golden eyes turned to his. The sounds of footsteps entered the grounds, signifying multiple people were now awake. He squeezed his brother shoulder before standing up.

"We must believe the Heaven's would follow through on their promises, Ying Yue. You offered a home for cultivating students, to better this world. You only asked for him to return to you."

"We also asked for Lady Nuying as well. Do you think… do you think they will show soon? Like Fu Shen and the ladies?" He looked to the redhead with hopeful eyes. So many centuries they had waited and though Fu Shen was young, he was here. His brother's heart may be filled once more.

'Maybe Wang Li will be young as well… or… of age…'

He found his face warming as he patted his cheeks from such shameless thoughts.

"Brother, you must understand the differences of deaths between Lady Nuying and your husband," Xu Ling stated making sure his young brother understood, "Lady Nuying was sent to reincarnation. The Ghost King-"

"Was sent to death."

Ying Yue said quietly shutting his eyes. Letting out a sigh, he stood up and nodded at his brother. He understood the differences. He understood why Wang Li's family was here before his husband. He understood that his lover's deed was worse that Lady Nuying's.

He also understood Wang Li will return to him.

He had to.

He must.

Turning away from the rising sun, he jumped off the roof with his bag and greeted the excited apprentices. He smiled, he laughed, he told them stories, but his mind was always elsewhere. A place where his heart wandered.

"Heaven's Chosen, is that true?! My ancestors are the best then!"

"What? Mine is!"

"They all worked together."

"But there were more of my people and they fought the hardest."

"What about my ancestors? If it weren't for them-"

A fan smacked the top of the arguing children's heads. Ying Yue found himself grinning like his contagious brunette brother. The children rubbed their heads and bowed to the adults in apologies.

"Listen, your ancestors were able to work together and helped in the fight against the Ghost King and his horde of demons and ghosts. You all must do the same. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master Mo."

"Good. Now go run 4 laps around the mountain."


"Why are you all still here?"