Chapter 148 - I Trust You

Han Mo grinned and skipped inside leaving the oldest and youngest brother. Xu Ling looked at the blonde who was smiling with a far away look. He had been this way since the war that the Ghost King created. His brother was rubbing the rings like a safety net to ease his mind, and there was nothing he or Han Mo could say to relieve their youngest brother of his sadness.

"Fu Shen is back. I should have him as my pupil."

"Then you would need to fight Ah Mo for him, brother."

"He is but a child! If Han Mo dare to even think about it, I will knock sense into him."

Ying Yue laughed and nodded as they both entered.


Ying Yue really should have thought of this better. Xu Ling and his son could cook, but for 30 children…

They were not prepared for how much their stomach can take.

"More please!"

"Another serving?"

"I'm still hungry."

"Food is so good! I want more."

The cafeteria was loud with their chatter and all Ying Yue could do was stare in wonder. He had never been a situation as this before. Even when he was living in the palace with Wang Li, in the bustling villages, and even fighting in the war was it ever this loud.

'I have gotten too used to the quiet!'

He looked over at Han Mo who seemed to be enjoying the chaos and glanced over at the sweating father and son in the kitchen. Clearing his throat, Ying Yue spoke up.

"Children, please quiet down."

No one heard except his brunette brother who looked at him with a grin.

"You have to shout it, Ah Yue."

"You know I don't like doing so. Can you?"

"Nope. This was your idea," his brother grinned and he frowned.

Letting out a deep sigh, he raised his voice.


All eyes widened and the sound of plates and bowls plonked onto the table. Every eye was on him, including his brothers and nephew.

"What was the rule about kindness?"

The room was deadly silent and Ying Yue waited with a frown. A hand shot up and the child stood. He felt the corner of his lips twitched.

"I will be kind to all, no matter the circumstances."

"Well done. Thank you."

Ying Yue watched the brunette female smiled, bowed, and sat back down.

"I do not know everyone's home circumstances, but here, we are family. You have all eaten your fill and yet still asked for more. Master Xu and Master Zhang had not even gotten the chance to eat because of your demands. I am disappointed."

He could hear some of the students crying, saw many with their heads down, and others frowning with a pout. Yes, he did not think thoroughly.

Shen left his seat and walked over to them. He knelled down to bow with his forehead on the floor.

"I apologize masters and Grandmaster. I will take responsibility for my action and accept any punishment you wish to give me."

Han Mo sighed and looked warmly at the boy. Nothing had changed since the past to now and it just made his heart danced thinking of his crush. He bent down and placed a hand on the boy's head.

"Why are you apologizing? You were quiet the whole time and only ate a small bowl."

Ying Yue saw Fu Chu sliding in her seat before she stood up sharply.

"I take responsibility, masters. I had taken advantage of Master Xu and Master Zhang's hard work. Ah Shen, you don't have to apologize for me. I will accept punishment."

The female went into the same pose as her brother.

Han Mo pulled his hand back to fist under his cheek as he turned to his youngest brother.

'They certainly haven't changed, have they Ah Yue.'

Standing back up, they waited to see if anyone else were to join. Some did and others didn't. The punishment was given and those who accepted punishment received cleaning duties. Those who tried to get out of it had to fetch water, clean clothing, and joined Master Xu to tell their parents. Now that the day had ended, Ying Yue was getting ready to head out when his nephew called out.

"Uncle Yue, are you leaving again?"


"Why must you always leave? I don't get to hang out with you anymore."

"Another time, nephew."

"You always say that," the pink haired young man mumbled before standing tall, "Today went well. I would like to suggest something, if that is alright?"

Ying Yue nodded.

"We should start them with running around the mountains to gain stamina, then meditate, and after practice with wooden swords."

"Like your father did with you."

The man flushed and rubbed the back of his neck with a grin. Ying Yue laughed and nodded.

"I trust my brother and I trust you nephew. I know I am not around long, it's just…"

The pink haired male sighed. It was always the same and he understood. He missed his mother every day, but his father always shared stories when he asked. When he would ask his uncle about his loss, the blonde always looked as if his entire life ended.

"I know. I know. You miss your husband, but don't forget we are here too, uncle."

Ying Yue felt guilty and he hugged the bubblegum haired master.

"Tomorrow. I will stay the night tomorrow, Lan-er."

The arms around him squeezed tighter before pulling away and waving him goodbye. Ying Yue stood on his sword and flew to the shack at the edge of the north sector. When he arrived, he felt relief washed over him as if he was now home. Entering the room, he smiled as he saw the book near the bamboo mat, held together by a thin red ribbon. He went to the crate and pulled out the small wooden box and brought it to the mat.

He made sure the windows were closed before he sat down and relaxed.

His fingers glide over the book of their paintings, before moving over to run over the wooden box. He laid down on his side and opened the box. The butterflies flew around him, leaving shimmering silver glitter along its wake. He closed his eyes and listened to the sound of his lover's voice touching his very soul. A small smile lifted his lips as he drifted to sleep, lulled by the voice that was no longer there.