Chapter 140 - Last Dance

"I… I don't want to, my husband. You are everything to me."

"Everything never lasts, my wife, even love."

"No, my love will forever grow for you."

Wang Li's lips curled into a soft smile as the red eyes flickered.

"Then you are an idiot."

"Then it is a good thing I have you, right Ah Li?"

Wang Li laughed like what he said was hilarious and incredibly stupid. Mouth wide in laughter and hand gripping the deadly sword, Ying Yue wondered how long his lover was acting. How good he was at hiding.

"You are a fool. The biggest fool," Wang Li laughed loudly, "All this time I had played you in a game that I easily won."

"What? S… Stop it. Ah Li! I know you are lying!"

The laughter died down and Wang Li looked at him with such pity in those blood colored eyes. It made everything in Ying Yue froze as his face became pale.

"Since the day I knew I was chosen, I made friendship with the strongest demon, Ye Wu. I seduced him into making me a part of his clan. Got into his heart so he could do no harm to me. I used him. Made him give me everything I wanted, even his dark heart. He killed anyone I ask him to. Those 40 nights I was gone, my wife, do you know what I did? I planned. I killed. I enjoyed it."

Ying Yue shook his head, disbelieving what he was hearing.

'No, no, no! This isn't true!'

"I always known there was another chosen when my mark moved. I brought you to me, Heaven's Chosen. I played your heart and mind. You were so easy, so innocent and naïve. You gave me your heart so quickly and your body so easily. I made you crave me, obsessed with me, made me your world. Even now, you are trying to find a way to forgive me, aren't you, Ying Yue."

Wang Li grinned when he did not reply.

"I played a doting lover, one warped with pain and a curse, only wishing for your love. You easily fell into my trap, gave me time to set up everything. Your death should have been all that I needed to bring this world into disarray, force the hands of the Heavens and it did for some time. No one could stop me even if they tried."

Ying Yue shook his head and tightened his hold on the hilt of his sword.

'This isn't true. Wang Li just wants me to be angry. He is lying.'

"My silly wife, you still don't believe me, do you?"

"You think I am not honest still? I placed my own power within you to stroke your love for me, to do no harm to me. Why would you care for me so much if not for that? You do not give the same treatment to your own family or the people who pray for your protection. You are Heaven's Chosen, the one to bring balance and treat all with equal fairness."

Ying Yue gritted his teeth as his nose flared from holding back the tears in his eyes. The stillness in the air only made the words his husband was spewing like knives against his skin.

"I had Ye Wu killed your master, even when the demon loved him. I made Sheng Shui hold my core even when I knew I was killing him. I knew Mo Chou would be loyal to me, do whatever I asked of him. Such stupid, stupid fools. Even now they still love me even when I am their death. Just. Like. You."

The grin on his lover's face made his heart drop and he swallowed hard.

"Don't be afraid, Ah Yue. I have never lied to you before."

'He… is right. I…'

"You told me you love me. I am your purpose. I am your path. You will always find me and that I hold your heart. Those were not lies then, is that correct, Ah Li?"

He saw the grin flattened into a thin line and Ying Yue squeezed his hands.

"I am not the most intelligent person, nor am I the most of anything, but I know this," he stared at his lover dead in the eyes conveying his confidence in his words, "You brought me back. You found a way to return me to you. You love me and I love you. Our hearts are intertwined and no matter what you do or say, I know you are good, Ah Li.

Even if this was all a lie to you, even if this was all created just to make me look like a fool, for me to resent you, hate you… I believe in what I know and it is this: our paths will always cross no matter where we are. We may be fated to complete the prophecy, but we are also destined to love. Even if you… even if you did use our friends, use me, I know you have purpose in doing so and that purpose is good.

It may be for a selfish cause, but I can feel it in my heart and soul that all these reasons are to save this world. Ah Li, my husband, you are just a big of a fool as I am, aren't you? Let us be fools together."

He finished with tears prickling the corner of his eyes as he grinned.

"You are a fool."

"Ah, the biggest, I know. You made me obsessed after all."

He said lightly back, as if they were back to those days where light jabs and playing games were entertaining. He let out a quiet laugh and saw the incredulous look on Wang Li's face.

He watched the chill of the night played with his husband's raven hair and the beautiful blue robe stained in blood. Ruby red eyes gone for moonlit silver. He wished to reach out, hold his husband once more, but the look in Wang Li's eyes told him everything.


Rain fell on them like the time before.

"It was not a lie, Ah Yue."

"I know."

"All of what I said."

"I know. You deserve to be loved, Ah Li. Please let us. Please let me."

"Ying Yue…"

Wang Li searched his face and he only smiled back. He saw silver eyes softened and a small shake of raven locks caused his golden eyes to follow the movement. The colors around him, the brightness of the trees, the palace and buildings, and even his lover's robe was fading.

"Let us dance one last time, my wife," Wang Li whispered, and he inhaled deeply. Ying Yue steadied his stuttering heart and nodded.

"Alright, Ah Li. As you wish, my love."

The rain slowly turned into snow as they danced with their blades like old lovers. Memories of the first time they crossed blades came to their minds.

["Ah Li!" He said excitedly at the front of the palace, "Feel!"

"You've gotten stronger," Wang Li nodded with a smile.

He pressed his own palm against the boy's chest and grinned when he felt the raven-haired boy was also stronger.

"I brought my blade if you want to spar," the blonde smiled happily.

"You are excited today, Ah Yue," the boy in red invited him in, "Okay. Let me grab my sword."

"Ready whenever you are!" He called out to see the smirk on Wang Li's lips.

"This would be the first of many, is that right, Ah Yue?" The boy in red readied his sword.

"Here in your palace?" He questioned with glittering eyes.

"As much as you'd like," the chosen one nodded and the blonde couldn't fight the excitement rushing in his blood.]

Snowflakes covered them as they twisted and twirled in a song of their own.