Chapter 139 - You Are A Fool

Ying Yue felt his eyes watered and he dropped to his knees. He bowed lowly, not caring that his husband could end him right there. All he wanted was his lover, even now in his selfishness, he just wanted more time together even if it was hurting them more. He cried softly and drowned in his sorrow.

Footsteps neared him and rough fingers lifted his head, curling under his chin.

"This love of yours, only causes you tears, pain, sorrow. You are a fool to love me. It is hopeless."

"No," he whispered, "Hopeful."

Silver eyes widened slightly and the grip on Ying Yue's chin tightened before he roughly pushed the blonde away, taking back the rest of his core. Wang Li turned away and walked back to stand where he was, breathing in the connection of his broken core, now whole once more.

More footsteps entered and Wang Li noted the others had arrived. An army of all sectors gathered before them, ready to fight as they should. He was the enemy, the evil entity living and ruining their lives. The demon who killed their brethren, children, family.

Silver eyes glanced back at the blonde who was still crying, hiccupping with tears.

'Hopeful and everlasting, my beloved. Do not forget that.'

So, closing his eyes, he accepted his role. His eyes turned red, the mark no longer hurting under his left eye. Wang Li felt calmed.

Playing his part, he looked over at Ye Wu who rushed forward, armed with nothing but sharp claws and excitement for blood. He glanced at the female beside him to see she was staring at the redhead.

"Xu Ling," He called out and the redhead turned to him with a glare, "Watch closely."

Ye Wu's tentacles wrapped around bodies to rip apart, but the one that caught the redhead's leg, kept the cultivator from running to the pink haired female.


"Please forgive me, Ah Ling," he heard her say before the Ghost King smacked a palm at her back, making her stumble forward. Xu Ling reached out, as if to catch his lover, only to receive nothing but air, as the dust slipped through his fingers.

"NO!!!" Xu Ling cried and turned to hack the tendrils around his legs.

Ying Yue turned from his battle against the horde of demons that entered the palace to hear the scream.

Lady Nuying was gone.

Heart dropping he finished slashing and stabbing the lowly demons to rush to his elder brother. The roar many meters away sounded and Ying Yue knew more demons were on their way. Stabbing the tendrils multiple times, it finally released the redhead, but then he heard screams when tendrils ripped warriors apart.

Xu Ling ran forward in anger, ignoring the limp from his captured leg, to attack the Ghost King. However, as his sword swung, the large cat caught it in his mouth with a growl. Jumping back, Snow let out a loud roar that echoed the palace.

"Snow! Stop!" He cried, but the snow leopard swiped its large paw, taking down multiple warriors.

More fell and he heard the scream from Han Mo, as the sharp claw caught his brother's arm. Another round of demons entered and Ying Yue placed a barrier over them to keep the new horde at bay. Yet, they were hungry, ready for battle and blood.

He glanced over with blood stained robe at his husband to see Wang Li just staring at him coldly.

'Is this truly how it will end, Ah Li?'

Ying Yue felt a pierce against his bicep and stabbed the demon away. Hissing from the pain, he saw Ye Wu happily ripping the warriors, Snow fighting with Xu Ling, and Han Mo warding off the demons.

He wished Mo Chou, Sect Leader Jing, and Sect Leader Zhi were fighting alongside them. They did not have enough warriors for this fight and so many will die. He could send his blade out and kill the demons coming, but he would not have a weapon against the ones now. They were cramped inside of the palace throne room like sitting ducks.

He finished his slash and paused.

'This was what he wanted.'

His hands trembled and his heart shook.

'He just keeps watching, waiting… for me. This won't end until…'

He looked over at his husband with big sad golden eyes. Voices of those he knew echoed in his mind, vibrating into his heart.

'Remember, Ah Yue, he loves you.'

'There will come a time you will have to make a choice. That decision is yours.'

'You know now. You know what you must do.'

'Since you returned, does that not mean you will finish your job?'

'Stop being selfish! How many more will die? Han Mo, me? Was master not enough?'

'You were chosen to bring balance, but you chose selfishness. With your return, you must do what you were chosen for, bring balance.'

'My nephew will fall. Do not make him struggle, Heaven's Chosen.'

'Do not worry, Madame Yue. My king will always come back to you.'

Clutching tightly to the hilt of his blade, those words from people around him blared like neon lights in his mind. Tears slipping down his face, and he rushed to his king, his lover, his husband, his best friend.

'You do not need to be cold, Ah Li. I cannot take it.'

Their blades clashed and static electricity shot through the room as his golden eyes stared into red ones.

'I do not like these eyes, Ah Li. They are not you. I want to see those eyes that I've dreamt about, those eyes of the moon, warm and calm. My husband, please.'

Wang Li looked sadly at him before his eyes glowed redder. Bleeding with skin torn and ripped, The Ghost King looked as though none of it bothered him. The Ghost King swung his blade and a burst of strong dark energy aimed toward him. Ying Yue blocked it quickly and his husband attacked again.

His face was cold like the weather and he stayed on the defense.

They fought around the palace, up on the roofs, and through the empty rooms. Dust and papers flew around them, like the closing of a chapter. Landing at their favorite place where the plum blossom trees bloomed, Wang Li narrowed his eyes.

"You are holding back."