Chapter 141 - The Petal Fell

[Ying Yue watched as Wang Li went behind him to place those large hands over his to grip the sword's hilt. Lifting it up, he moved along with the Ghost King and he found himself smiling.

The swing of the blade, the stretch of his arms, and the twists of his body seemed to spark something in Ying Yue. It felt almost like… it was natural for him, like this was what he was meant to do. When they finally stopped, he was breathing hard, but the smile did not leave his face. Sweat slid down his temples, but it did not deter the blooming of his happiness. He had not felt this alive in so long… he wasn't sure if he ever had before.

They moved in sync as if they were part of a whole, unified into existence. The warmth against his back and the beat of melody harmonized with their breathing. Turning so he could face his king, he smiled wider and opened his mouth to thank him, but the press of those thin lips touched his.

Lips that he would remember for all his life.]

They parted underneath the darkening sky and their eyes met, taking them into a deeper state of just the two of them.

["So, you are Ying Yue," Madam Yun looked suspiciously at him with narrowed eyes and a frown, "What do you want with my nephew."

"I don't want anything," he said looking over to Wang Li, who smiled over to him.

"That is a lie," the silver haired female stated, "Everyone wants something in life and from people. Let me ask you again. What do you want from my nephew?"

Ying Yue looked away and down at his lap for a moment. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before facing the older female.

"I apologize, Madame Yun," he bowed, "You are right. I do want something from Wang Li," he moved his green eyes to silver ones, "I want him to love me, I want him to care for me, but more than that… I want him to be happy."

He saw the raven-haired male smile and he returned it, but Yun was not finished with her questions.

"And if his happiness is not with you, what would you do then?"

"I would be heartbroken, but… I would love him from afar," he admitted looking away because if it were to come to that… he really felt that what he said was true. He loves Wang Li so much that sometimes it hurts knowing he was away from the man. He heard footsteps neared him and he looked up to see the king kneeled before him. Lips touched his and he closed his eyes as fingers cradled his face.

"I love you too, Ah Yue," the raven-haired beauty confessed, and the blonde felt himself tearing up.

"Ah Li," Ying Yue found himself laughing in happiness as he wrapped his arms around his lover, his best friend, his special person.]

Blades slid and clanged as fingers danced lightly against one another's body, as if not touching was too difficult to do. Golden eyes and silver ones continued to watch the other, taking in everything.

["I am not dating anyone, Ah Yue. No one else holds my heart but you," Wang Li watched him with a smile, "was it not obvious?"

"But... I saw…" he could feel his ears burning across his cheeks, "I saw you with that man and…"

"We are not lover."

"You and the man? The one with red eyes?" Ying Yue asked for clarification and saw the king nodded slightly amused, "Are there… anyone else besides-"

He stopped his words feeling the coolness of his lover's forehead against his. Closing his eyes, he leaned closer with a smile.

"I only love you this way," Wang Li said deeply and it touched his very soul, brightening it like the shimmering stars.

"In what way?" He bit his lips, but soon sighed when he felt his lover kissed him, slotting their lips perfectly in place. Ying Yue could kiss Wang Li all day and drown in the man's taste, swim in his warmth, and live in his caress.

"Don't move," his lover panted against his ear, pressing a kiss there.

Ying Yue was in the same condition, wanting more kissing and touching. He rolled his hips forward and Wang Li squeezed his hips, teeth holding his shoulder.

"Ying Yue," the man in red warned and he pressed his chest closer.

"Ah Li," he whined softly and he heard a moan from the king.

"If we continue, I won't be able to hold back."

The blonde paused for a moment and wondered what Wang Li meant, until he really thought about his position.

"Ah Li," Ying Yue bit his lips and looked into silver eyes from under his lashes.

"You are going to be the death of me," Wang Li groaned tapping his forehead against his.]

Plum blossoms surrounded them as it danced in the wind, fuzzed by the snow. They watched as the petal fell before them. Silver eyes trailed his lover's form and smiled softly.

["Ying Yue," the Ghost King smiled sweetly at him and he felt his heart constrict, "You hold my heart, my soul, my mind. You are everything to me and I will forever love you."

He watched the man in red grab an item inside the bell and rubbed the snow leopard's head. Silver eyes looked at him once again and he was captivated, always had been. He felt the warmth from his lover's palm against his cheek and his throat felt tight.

"I am yours, Ah Yue…"

Ying Yue saw the item held in between Wang Li's fingers. Two thin bands twisted against one another, one black and gold like yin and yang. They shined as much as the raining flowers around him. His eyes watered and his mouth opened.

"Ah Li…"

"Will you be mine, my love?"

Tears slipped down his golden eyes and he felt the rush of warmth spread throughout his entire body.

"I love you."

Wang Li pulled back and captured his lips like the embrace of comfort, of safety, of love.]

Tears continued to fall from golden eyes as the snow continued to cover them, burying their feet. Petals danced with them in a synchrony of melancholy.