Chapter 138 - Hello My Husband

The evil energy flared out and each demon around him growled as they became stronger. He pushed himself to stand and stared sadly at his friend. The man only sent back a scowl and shouted.

"I do not need your pity! Go! Kill him."

The demons howled and crowded him. He stabbed, slashed, avoided, missed, and fallen but he continued to fight.

Snow did his best to keep his master safe, but he also struggled with so many without his master's true power. Yet, he was not going to give up, just like his leader.

The sky brightened like lightening and flashed in colors.

'Ah Yue. You are coming,' his heart sighed.

Wang Li fought through the crowd with Snow to give them breathing room. He found himself smiling even when Ye Wu rushed to him. He kept smiling as a blade pierced his chest and blood painted his lips. He kept smiling when red eyes widened and shook, before struggling to pull the sword out. He held onto the blade and lifted his sword to pierce into his old friend.

"Ah Li…"

He pushed harder and broke the amulet, as the demon struggled.

"Thank you. You have done much for me, Ah Wu."

He could feel his core slipping back into him, beating, pulsing inside him. His darkness cried and screamed, before it swayed happily. They entered him, filling his body and limbs, and he breathed it in. The familiarity of it relieved much of the tension he was feeling.

Pulling the sword out of his friend, the demon groaned and rubbed his head.

"Ah Li?"

"Are you alright, Ye Wu?"

The demon shook his head, trying to clear his head, before blinked staring into silver eyes.

"You back?"


"Your power is itchy," the demon groaned and rolled his shoulders, "Did I hurt you?"

"It is healing. Do not worry," he glanced at the sky, "He is on his way."

"Are you certain this is what you want, Ah Li?"

Wang Li did not reply and walked into the hall with the monsters bowing to their rightful king. He sat down and waited for his wife to enter the halls, confront him, fight him. Closing his eyes, he felt the presence of his pet beside him. Reaching out, he ran his fingers through those spotted fur and heard another voice.

His wounds were closing up slowly and he didn't bother wiping the blood off his scars.

"My king."

He slid his silver eyes to the female holding the child's hand. Pink hair and black eyes stared at him, waiting for his words. He curled his lips slightly as he looked at the child.

"Child," he spoke up and big black eyes stared at him, "Go play with Snow."

The big cat got up and walked over to the boy with sparkly eyes and nuzzled against the pet. Once they were away, the female took steps closer and sat beside her king.

"What more do you wish of me?"

"Lady Nuying, you've done well. Your wish, I will grant it."

"I… I thank you."

"Ugh! Really?! Why?!" Ye Wu shouted with hands on his hips, "She should be stuck in a cage for her sins!"

"Ah Wu! How many more times must I apologize to you?! You have tortured me for many centuries. Is that not enough? Is capturing his heart not enough?"

"His heart was always mine."

Ye Wu growled and his red eyes blazed, but Wang Li sighed and held out his hand to stop the male demon. He felt tired, so very tired.

Wang Li looked at the entrance, waiting for his wife to enter. There was nothing more to do, but for his wife to finish his duty. There was no more time left, no more days for them to live, and yet he still wished for more.

'What change would occur? The Jade Emperor wishes for the prophecy to complete, and so it will.'

Wang Li turned to the female and he touched the female's forehead, releasing her of her chains to the Netherworld. The female took a deep breath, as if she was able to take in clean air once more. Tears welling, she bowed to the floor over and over thanking her king.

"You are ready to go reincarnate, Lady Nuying."

She kept her head lowered before lifting slowly, still staring at the floor.

"My child…"

"Will stay with the cultivators."

"I… Ah Ling…"

She shut her eyes and clenched her fingers into her clothed thigh. Tears welling up, she could feel her face warming up with the need to cry.


"I told you not to fall in love."

She looked away as her nose twitched, holding back the tears.

"My apologies."

"There is no need to apologize, Lady Nuying. My brother cares for you deeply."

They looked over to the man they were waiting for. The platinum blonde walked in with confident and his face determined. Golden eyes glanced at all present before staying at the head of it all. He tightened his hold on his handle and stared into silver eyes.

"Hello, my husband."

"Hello, my wife."

Ying Yue just stared at his king, his handsome lover sitting and staring coldly at him. His heart still beated happily for his husband, but he felt his face crestfallen. Taking a deep breath, he clenched his jaws.


"Why?" Wang Li grinned with his brows dipped, "Why not?"

"Because I love you, Ah Li. I love you. I will always love you, my husband."

He said softly and silver eyes continued to stare at him in that coldness as the room begun to freeze like icicles.

"I know you love me. I know you are doing this for me. Sheng Shui told me what you've done. I… in my ignorance, I did not see or care for all those foreshadowing. I only wished to be by your side and in doing so, I forced your hand. Made you create chaos. Please, forgive me."