Chapter 127 - I Will Kill You

Wang Li and company arrived at the mountains and there was a man with a curved sword, glinting under the setting sun. Wang Li narrowed his eyes behind the mask and tightened his hold around his weapon. The bald man stared and pointed at him, making a move for him to come forward.

"You know him, Sir Painter? He was the one who took your child," Mo Chou stated.

Wang Li took a few steps forward to stand before the warriors and thinned his lips.

"Where is he?"

"She is playing with him."

The creaking of wood in his hand sounded as he huffed out of his nose.


The man stretched his lips into a grin.

"When my brother told me you gave him your core, I thought he was speaking of a dream. Now I see it is true."

"You should have stayed."

He laughed and swung his sword easily before him, like waving his hand to rid a pesky fly.

"My brother no longer listens to you, child. You no longer control him!"

The man rushed to him and Wang Li fought back. Mo Chou had side stepped into the fight and forced the enemy back.

"Sir Painter! Go find your child. My warriors and I will hold him back."

"He is strong-"

"Don't worry, we can handle ourselves."

"I would never imagine humans protecting you, Ghost King. Knowing you are the one who killed their ancestors," the man grinned revealing sharp teeth, "Oh, they do not know. How disappointing."

Wang Li rushed forward and attacked the man who blocked him easily. He continued to fight and he could hear Mo Chou calling out for his warriors to attack.

"No. Ah Chou. He is too strong for-"

"Enough! We will fight."

Purple eyes glared at him and he shouted as he ran forward, followed by his warriors. Wang Li tightened his hold and took a step forward, but he started coughing.

'Dammit!' His body wreck and trembled as blood escaped his lips.

"Sir Painter!" One of the warrior called out and rushed to his side. He was being held up, but he quickly pushed the young fighter away as an arm shot toward them. He stumbled back with a groan, but his leg was caught and dragged. He reached for a fallen sword and twisted over in time to block the curved blade of his enemy.

The demon's human skin was gone and the form of glowing red eyes, lanky stature, and face cut by sharp teeth was replaced. Wang Li struggled with pushing the demon back and the man snarled at him.

"Why he would choose you is pathetic!"

The demon's other hand crushed the neck of a warriors before swiping to clear the space. Out of the five warriors, only Mo Chou survived.

Wang Li lifted his lips into a smirk.

"Are you jealous he chose me instead of his own blood? The pathetic one is you."

The man growled and lifted the sword to strike him harder, but he twisted and stabbed at the demon's skinny leg. It did not deter the monster from adjusting his strike and it caught his shoulder. Grunting out, Wang Li made sure to twist the sword and used his strength to cut through the leg.

The demon howled and caught himself on his sword, aiming a death glare at him.

"You! I will kill you!"

An arrow, two, five shot at the demon and Wang Li quickly moved back to give him distance. Breathing hard, he looked over at Mo Chou who was holding the bow and arrow pointed at the demon. He felt the tug against his skin and his eyes widened.


"How pathetic, the both of you, Ghost King."

The female voice sighed and he looked to where she was. Higher up on a ledge, she had her arm outstretched and dangling from her hand was-

"Ah Yue!"

The blonde was bleeding and unconscious. He boiled with rage and scowled deeply in hatred at the female. He tightened his hold on the sword in his hand.

"Do not worry, he is alive… for now. Your pet barely put up a fight. It was quite sad."

"What is it you want!"

"Hm? Oh, to kill people and to kill you, torture you, lock you in a cage. Oh, so many things," she said gleefully and her red eyes, once black, looked over to see the purple eyed man. She quirked her brow and the arrow flew at her. Her fingers loosened.

Ying Yue fell.

Wang Li's eyes widened as he rushed to his lover. Would he make it in time? He had to run faster dammit! Ying Yue cannot die! He would not-

He felt his face slammed into the ground.

'No!' He shouted as he was being dragged back and his silver eyes watched as his wife, still a child, got closer and closer to the ground. Summoning whatever strength he still had, he cried out for his loyal cat.

A shadow flashes, caught the child, and was gone.

He fisted his hands and coughed deeply as blood colored the dirt underneath him. Footsteps neared him and his head was yanked up. He felt his mask removed and he looked into purple eyes.

"Ah Chou," he whispered through scratchy throat, "Go back to Ah Zhi. They want me, please, go."

He tried pushing the man away, but in his weakness, he fell against him instead. He heard more footsteps and he covered the man as he looked over to see both demons staring at him.

"What to do?" The female tapped her chin and opened her mouth, but a blizzard suddenly blew by. He took advantage of the confusion and obstructive snow.

He grabbed Mo Chou with him and used the adrenaline to pushing them away from the mountain.

"Ghost King."

He ignored him and continued to pull at his wrist to continue, because the demons would come soon and they needed to leave!

"It is truly you…"

"Ah Chou. Go warn your brothers and other sectors. If they had escaped, more will join. We will need the cultivators. They are at the cabin on the hill in between sectors."

He was sweating and panting as he was having a hard time breathing. He felt fingers on his face and he turned to see those purple eyes looking at him sadly. His face was cupped and he furrowed his brows.

"I always envied you, my king. You told me once I was meant to do special things… I am sorry."

"What are you apologizing for?! Why are you wasting time! Ah Chou-"

"Forgive me."

The man whispered and pressed his lips to his. Wang Li tried pulling back, but the man was stronger than him currently. He felt a fire burning in him, swirling inside him as if he was a furnace. He blinked confused when lips parted and he was about say something, but the sound of annoyed voices from the demons made him shut it.

Grabbing the man with him into the water, he made sure they were hidden behind the foliage as the demons appeared.

"Where the hell did that blizzard come from?!"

"From our dear brother," the female hummed, "He will be lost to us soon."

"Good, that idiot had ruined everything for so long."

"Now, now, dear, we still need him around. Our other brothers had not been able to escape quite yet, but a bit more prodding will definitely unlock their chains."

"How are we going to do it?"

She waved the mask Wang Li wore and laugh cynically.

"Our brother adores him. If he knew something had happened to his heart, what do you think will happen?"

"Ah, sister. This is why you should have been the leader."

"Heh, do tell me more."

The voices faded and Wang Li was glaring holes at the dirt. This was his doing again. Quickly getting out of the water, he helped the purple eyed man out and stared at him.

"Your spiritual energy… I didn't recognize it before."

"It was hidden. A tale for another time, my king. Let us get to my brother. Do you have enough energy or did you… need more?" There was a flush on tanned skin and Wang Li shook his head.

"Do you know where your child went? The shadow-"

"He should be with your brother and… Thank you, for sharing your energy."

Mo Chou smiled and nodded. They headed back to his brother's sector, while his mind went back to lips that he just kissed.

'Would you believe me, my king, if it was for you? What I did… Would you believe me?'

When they arrived, they found Sect Leader Zhi screaming at people around him and the chancellor writing on the scroll frazzled with a frown. When frantic eyes saw them, the leader quickly went to them.

"Your child is recovering with the healers. We are preparing to send out messages to the other leaders. Our charms are gone, all of them."

"Go to him, Ghost King, I will inform my brother of what is needed."

"Ghost… Ghost King?"

"Where is he, Sect Leader Zhi?"

"Uh… um…" the man flustered and pointed out to a servant, "You, bring Sir Pai- our king to where the child is."

The servant bowed hesitantly and Wang Li followed.

When he arrived, the blood was wiped off and the scars were still seen on milky skin. Taking a deep breath, he walked in closer and reached for his lover's small hand. Warm, that was more than enough for his tension to release. The mark of heaven was bare and he glanced over at the healers who was watching him.

They shyly looked away and exited the room, but he spoke up.

"How is he?"

"He… he would need lots of rest. He was stabbed multiple times and he bled a lot. He… since he is chosen from the heavens, I am sure he will heal quickly, Sir."

He looked at the healer who answered him and bowed in thanks.

When they were alone, he ran his palm over the side of his wife's face. Reaching into the sleeve of the child's, he pulled out the medicinal healing liquid of Han Mo. He parted Ying Yue's lips to pour some liquid into the child's mouth. There were not much left in the bottle, so with the last drop falling into his wife's mouth, he placed the bottle into his sleeve.

He went to his knees and placed his head against the bed, still holding his wife's hand. His silver eyes glanced at the shadow that pulsed and moved slowly and he relaxed further.

"Snow, rest. When we wake, we will go see Ye Wu. It is time."