Chapter 128 - I Wanted More Time

Wang Li closed his silver eyes and saw a field of rice before him, swaying in the breeze. His hair blew with the wind and he hummed. Tilting his head off to the side, it confirmed his suspicions. Turning back, he watched the wind moved and danced with the wheat.

"Do not worry, I will do as I promised."

"Yet you took it upon yourself once more to do as you wish."

He fisted his hands for a moment before relaxing as he breathed slowly.

"I wanted more time."

"You want many things child… you had created your own river of blood. You must bear the consequences."


The presence stayed after another breeze, before he was left alone. Opening his eyes, he stared at the wall before him.

There was warmth against him and he felt the head resting underneath his chin. He sighed and ran a hand up and down his wife's back as his arm held him tighter. He could hear the beating of his lover's heart against him and he relaxed.

"How long have you been awake?" He whispered placing a kiss to the top of blonde's head.

"For a while."

Ying Yue replied quietly. He was wrapped in the bedsheet since the child's robe would look indecent on him. He was still in pain, but it was nothing compared to the knowledge of what transpired.

They wanted to kill Wang Li. They were going to kill him.

He felt cold hands cupped his face and tilted his head up so he could look into moonlit eyes. He felt cold lips kiss his bare forehead before they moved to kiss his temples, then cheeks, then nose, before lips. With eyes closed, Ying Yue placed his palm against his lover's curved neck, while his other hand was against the hollowed chest.

When he opened his eyes, Wang Li ran his thumbs underneath his eyes.

"I continue to hurt you, my love."

He offered a smile, but he couldn't hold it and he let out a deep sigh. He held onto his lover's wrists and made sure Wang Li was listening to him when he spoke. Made sure his husband would not look away.

"You do not do it purposefully, Ah Li."

"Yet it still happens."

"Yes… It does…"

He whispered and held his lover's wrist tighter as he let out a small laugh.

"Whatever happens, my husband, I will always be yours."

He saw the soft smile appear on his king's face and he melted into the kiss. Memories of smiles, laughs, touches, and tears filled his heart. He deepened the kiss and moved to straddle his lover. He felt a cool palm slide down his bare back and he shivered, pressing closer. The palm moved up to bring fingernails grazing over his nape and he tightened his thighs.

The sun was slowly growing over the hills as the lovers kissed and touched. Back to his age, he moved his hand down to palm the bulge growing in his husband's pant. He swallowed the moan in his mouth and gasped feeling fingers dig into his ass.

"I need you, my husband."

He whispered against his lover's lips and Wang Li lifted him over his hardened cock. Ying Yue slowly entered and let out a deep breath when he was fully seated. He slotted his lips with his husband once more as they moved against one another, feeling the tug and pull. Lips moved to nibble down his neck to his perked nipples.

A bite and pull made his breath hitch and hips twerked.

"My love," he panted out softly as his back arched, pushing his chest into those deadly lips.

"Mm… more, Ah… more."

Wang Li flattened his feet on the floor and thrusted up, causing him to bounce onto the hardness inside him. Ying Yue's thighs were trembling and he bit his bottom lip, feeling his hard penis leaking. Mouth took over his panting one, slotting them perfectly for Wang Li to devour him. Ying Yue clenched his hole tightly as the need for release built up. His husband groaned and thrust up harder and he cupped his lover's face.

"Come with me, Ah Li. Ah, come."

"My wife," Wang Li breathed out before the thrust and pull against his skin, the pressure against his prostate, and the mouth sucking love bites on his exposed throat made him climaxed mouth wide with a breathless scream.

His husband came shooting his cum into him, filling him further and he whimpered, rolling his hips. The throbbing cock in him twitched and spurted more cum, as both panted staring at one another.

"Ah Yue, do you feel better?"

"Mm, I always feel better after we lay together."

Wang Li laughed softly against his lips, recognizing his own words from the blonde's lips. They kissed slowly, like they had all the time in the world, but they both knew they didn't.

["Oh child, you truly do not know what he is capable of," Ye Wu's sister, the demon that kidnapped him tsked.

Ying Yue ignored the female demon as he rushed forward to attack once again. In a small body, he tried to adjust himself, but he was having a hard time keeping up with the demon. She was fast, strong, and sharp. A smack to his face, as if he was nothing but a fly, threw him against the wall with blood dripping from the scratch of the claws.

"Hm, he used your stupidity against you," She cackled, "What a true demon."

The blonde narrowed his eyes and he felt a heat against his forehead, as his eyes warmed up in gold. He slashed out his power through his blade, forced to use more of his qi so quickly. The female demon cried when his hit landed. Before he was able to get excited, the female demon growled and appeared quickly before him. 

Hands wrapped around his throat, and his blade thrown aside, the female bared her fangs.

"You will know soon, child. How truly evil he is."]

Ying Yue sighed, and his fingernails lightly ran up and down his lover's chest.

"What more aren't you telling me."

He whispered softly and searched in silver eyes. He felt fingers move up and down his thigh and back.

"Ah Yue," Wang Li began softly, "I-"

The clearing of throat was heard.

They pulled apart and he slid his golden eyes slowly over to see who had witnessed them. Eyes widening and flushing deeply, he quickly pulled the sheet tighter around him. His husband pulled him in closer and he tucked his head away from their audience, burning with embarrassment.

"It seems you are not as in bad health as the message stated."


"Ghost King, there is much that needs to be discussed."

"Yes. Your brother?"


Ying Yue sat up with furrowed brows.

"Unknown? What does that mean, big brother? Is he alright?"

"Get decent," the redhead frowned at him and shook his head, "Shameless. We will discuss with the leaders. Be quick."

Ying Yue's ears redden even more as his brother walked out closing the door behind him. He attempted to stand, but his lover kissed him deeply. He felt like a feast for his husband as he just clung to the blue robe. He mewled and felt his head dizzy as he was pressed closer to his husband. When Wang Li finally let him go, his lips were bruised and his legs were wobbly.

The cock in him twitched with interest. He laughed softly licking his lips, pulling off slowly.

His lover lifted him up easily and he stood in a daze as the sheet pooled at his feet. He felt fabric cover him and he slowly blinked at his husband, feeling the pull to kiss those lips more, longer, deeper. He could hear the sash slid around his waist and tightened. Cold hands smoothed up and down his robe before running into his blonde hair.

He watched Wang Li smiled at him lovingly and reached for the red ribbon. He was turned and felt Wang Li kissed the back of his head as fingers pulled long strands. When his lover was finished putting his hair into a ponytail, Wang Li tightened the hold with the red ribbon. Arms wrapped around him and lips touched his exposed neck. He smiled and leaned more to expose his neck.

"Ah Li… we should join them."

"I know," Wang Li sighed and tucked his head against his neck, "Just a little longer."

They stayed like that for a few breaths before the pressure against his back was relieved. Fingers interlocked with his and he walked out of the room with Wang Li following.

When they arrived at the hall, he saw the 4 sect leaders, Xu Ling, and Mo Chou.

"Heaven's Chosen, Ghost King," Sect Leader Jing bowed.

"Let us begin," his brother spoke up, "Level 3 demons are now free."

"The highest level?! Are you certain, cultivator?" Sect Leader Yang questioned with wide eyes and breath quickening with panic.

"I was ambushed in my home. My family was taken. My brother's treasured gift was tossed at me. The demon called for the Ghost King or my family would die."