Chapter 126 - I Will Find You

Quickly slipping out from under the child, he turned over to the side and coughed. Hand covering his mouth to muffle his noise, his body shook and convulsed as he tried to catch his breath. After a moment, he finally pulled his hand away and wiped the blood with the handkerchief. Lying still on his side, he breathed and blinked slowly. Small arms wrapped over him and warm small body pressed against his back. He could hear and feel the soft snore against his skin.

He closed his eyes and memorized the beating of his lover's heartbeat, memorized the feel of arms around him, memorized the sound of his wife's breathing. Slowly turning, he made sure to keep the small arms around him. Pressing a kiss to smooth forehead, he closed his eyes and waited until the sun rose, bringing them closer to the final chapter.


Ying Yue opened his eyes and yawned to see he was alone. He got off the bed, dressed, placed the koi mask on his face, and put on his straw hat on his head. When he opened the door, he saw Mo Chou speaking with a few men from afar.

He looked serious and his lips were curled into a frown.

Ying Yue saw purple eyes turned to him and the frown lifted into a smile. He smiled back and waved, but he sensed something wrong. Turning to his left, he was quickly thrown into a sack and was being carried away.

"Let me out! Ah Li! Ah Li! Someone help! Help!"

He shouted and was about to call for his sword, but he remembered Wang Li telling him to stay hidden. No one should know he was a child.

He continued to push against the sack and scream for his husband, but he was thrown into the wall and fell unconscious.

When he came to, he was still in the sack, but it wasn't moving any longer. He took a deep breath and tried to listen out. The sound of drips nearby, the coolness against him, the smell of fresh rain told him he was outside.

'But where?'

He reached up to the opening, but he was unable to open it on his own. He wondered if he should use his qi. Would he reveal himself if he did?

'Why am I taken… again?'

He sighed and wondered if Wang Li would be able to find him this time. He touched his face and resettled his mask. A thought came to him and he wondered if Snow would be able to hear him from where he was. Taking a deep breath, he whispered softly and sent it out into the air.

He heard footsteps nearing him and he held his breath.

'Mo Chou saw it happened. He will tell Ah Li and they will find me. They found me before, they can find me again,' he told himself as the sack opened and he was tossed out.

His hands and legs were quickly bounded, but he screamed and turned to try to bite skin. His hair was pulled and slammed onto the floor with his face forward, bloodying his nose. He let out a groan and the kidnapper left him on the floor.

Ying Yue looked around him to see where he was located. He was outside, but the area looked different.

'The mountains?' He wondered, 'We are far from the South Sector…'

He slowly turned to see a man with a purple beard and bald head. The man just stared at him as he cleaned his weapon. Ying Yue slowly sat up and looked around some more, but the man pointed his sword at him.

"Try to escape and you will die, child."

"Why did you kidnap me? I… I did nothing to you."

"It is not you, she wants."


The man just stared at him and cleaned his sword once more. Ying Yue continued to roam his eyes around the area and concluded they were outside a small cabin in the mountains. From the mountains he saw during his travel with his family, this mountain was in the East.

He looked at the sky to see it burning down at them, making his milky skin burn. His straw hat was gone and he hoped Wang Li or Snow or someone could find him.

'Who was this 'she'? Who does this person want, and why grab him?'

His eyes widened when the answer glared at him.

They wanted Wang Li.

He fisted his hands and pursed his lips. Why did someone want to get to his husband? What was the purpose of this? Ying Yue glanced at the man again to see his black eyes staring at him. He didn't look familiar to him from anywhere. He stayed quiet and slid hesitantly to lean against the wall of the cabin. He stared at the drip of water slipping off the shingles of the roof.

He counted each drop until someone came for him.

"So you caught him."

Ying Yue turned to the voice that appeared after the 314th drip. He could feel the hairs at the back of his neck stood up, watching the woman walk over in a suggestive manner. Eyes as dark as coals and hair as dark as the midnight sky, the female took a hold of his chin. The grin on her face looked pleasing to many, but to Ying Yue, it was the grin of capturing a prey.

"You've become a child, Heaven's Chosen, how touching."

The female grabbed his mask and removed it, leaving him feeling more naked. His golden eyes narrowed as the woman crushed the ceramic mask into dust with one hand. She tightened her hold and he felt a pierce against his chin, drawing a trickily of blood. He tightened his lips and pushed the female away.

"What do you want with him?"

"With the Ghost King? Well… the former one at least. I just want him to see how weak he is now. He deserves pain for putting us through lifetimes of humiliation and caged like a beast!" The female's nose flared as the human skin pumped with black veins.

"He will come for you, his dearest love, and I will kill you before him."

Ying Yue felt his throat dry and he bit the inside of his cheek. Swallowing, he glanced at the man once again to hear the laughter from the female.

"Oh, he is my warrior, aren't you my love?"

"Anything for you, my queen."

"Heh, see? So easy," the female grinned and turned to him once more, "It's okay to be afraid, blondie."

"Who are you?"

She laughed loudly and tsked as she stared at the harsh wind blowing with the bright sun above them. She crossed her arms and looked at him from under her nose. Ying Yue felt something clicked in his mind and he fisted his hands.

"You are… Ye Wu's sister."

"Smarter than I thought," the female smirked.


"But what?! My brother should keep me locked up like an animal?! That I should not leave the prison of the Netherworld? You do not understand what life was for us. It is our time now, child."

Ying Yue pushed himself up and frowned at her.

"Ye Wu promised. What have you-"

She laughed loudly, cackling and wiping a fake tear from her eye.

"I have done nothing. That stupid boy thought he was smart, thought he could control everything."

"We will stop you. You must return."

"How do you think to win? You are a child and your lover is weak. He will die soon and you will join him," She laughed and Ying Yue could not deny what she said, but he had to fight. So doing the only thing he could think of until someone came to assist him, he called for his blade.



Wang Li stared blankly, but the cold chill was emitting from him like vengeance of death.

When Mo Chou had rushed to his brother and himself to announce the kidnapping, he found his entire blood drop. He clutched to the straw hat tighter as he listened to who might have done it, what was seen, and where they could have been taken.

"I am sorry, Sir Painter. I could not stop it in time, but I will find him."

He turned to the man with purple eyes and he looked down to the map where lines were marked.

"He should be around this area, according to our warriors. They lost the man here."

"Brother, let me gather our troops to save the child."


"You are needed here, to protect the sector. I will gather our best to find him. It is my fault. I was not fast enough!"

Mo Chou fisted his hands and turned away in shame. Sect Leader Zhi cupped his shoulders and nodded.

"Bring him back to Sir Painter."

"I am going as well."

"But, Sir Painter. It will be dangerous-"

"Ah Zhi. I am going."

The man in blue nodded slowly and called for his chancellor. Wang Li had to wait for Mo Chou to gather his men, but the silver eyes man felt his skin crawl with need for his lover. Clenching his teeth, he tried not to scream for them to hurry. He fisted his hands to not shake them ready.

A familiar whistle sounded, one only he could hear.

'You are alright,' he sighed slightly relieved.

"Snow, go find him. Do what you must to protect him."

He whispered and watched as blue eyes peered from the shadows and left. He took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves. Mo Chou looked at him and nodded, stating they were ready. He was handed a spear and followed after them, hoping his wife was not hurt.

'Ah Yue. Stay alive. I will be there soon. I will find you.'