Chapter 102 - A Redhead, A Blonde, And A Brunette

'This… this was for Ah Li… this was for Ah Li,' he said like a mantra in his mind as they entered the village, to the where the sect leader was, and following the giggling man to a stage where the villagers all crowded to watch.

He reminded himself this was for his lover as his clothes pooled at his feet. Flushing with embarrassment, he fought to not cover himself or else he would be naked longer. Thankfully, his brothers dressed him just as quickly, earning disgruntlement from the crowd.

"That was too quick," Sect Leader Yang frowned.

"He agreed to bare himself, he never stated how long," the redhead stated and narrowed his eyes at the leader.

"I suppose…" the brown haired youth brightened instantly, "Ah! Good thing our painter is here. He has excellent memory. We will create the correct proportions on your statue now, Chosen One."

Ying Yue's face reddened as he nodded looking out into the crowd. His eyes caught the man with the demon mask and he smiled, waving to the crowd. He saw the man looked down and held up a paper that cause his entire body to flush deeply.

Biting his lips as he looked down, he shimmed to hide behind his brothers. Peeking from behind, his golden eyes still saw the word like it was the only thing he saw.



Ying Yue held the pouch before him and played with Snow. The cute little head peeking out as he gave kisses to the blonde. Laughing, he pat the leopard and smiled.

"Do you miss being big, Snow?"

The cat only meowed at him and he laughed nuzzling his head. Sighing, he pulled away and looked over to see they have arrived at the North sector. Walking through the villages to get to the sect leader, he heard a female calling out to them.

"Cultivators, Heaven's Chosen, please, will you not stay at my inn?"

The female smiled in her offer and he noted the bruise showing at the edge of her collar.

"Your sect leader offered his palace to stay in. I apologize miss."


The female looked defeated and he felt bad but—


"Shh," Ying Yue whispered and the female stared at him.

"You have a pet, Heaven's Chosen? Sect Leader Bo would not approve. He detests animals, but we accept all pets," the female stated pointing to her inn.

He turned to his brothers who looked at him and then at the small cat. Snow blinked at them innocently and he sighed. Nodding his head, the female brightened and lead them to the inn. It was an average looking place, but the female could not help beaming. He saw a young girl and an even younger boy turn the corner.

"These are my children," the lady introduced, "Go make sure the rooms are ready for our special guests."

They children bowed and smiled as they ran up the steps.

"We can watch your pet for you until you return, Heaven's Chosen," the female offered, "My children love animals. They will care for your pet well."

"Well, I'd like to see it for myself before I leave him here. Snow can be picky with who he likes."

"Of course! Let me show you to your rooms."

They followed the female and saw the children making the bed and dusting. He looked over at the children and smiled. Picking Snow out of his pouch, both the girl and boy rushed over to him to see the kitten. The smile on their faces and bright eyes did something to his heart.

The wonder of youth… he remembered those days.

"May we pet it?" The girl, older than the boy, asked politely.

"He would like that," Ying Yue smiled and watched as hesitant hands rubbed soft fur.

Snow sniffed their hands and seemed fine with them, so Ying Yue placed him down.

"Take good care of him for me, until I return, okay?"


"We will take good care of him!"

Ying Yue laughed and sent a nod to the mother. They headed out of the inn and made it to the large palace. He frowned noting how large the place looked. Wang Li's place did not look this large and extravagant.

They were led into the space and brought to the grand hall. The people there smiled and bowed to them as they entered, but the man on the throne with his wife did not.

Wrapped in purple, the man seemed to weigh his green eyes heavily at them.

"It is an honor to meet you, Sect Leader Bo and Madame."

"Madame Nima, you look beautiful as always," Han Mo greeted and the female gushed slightly with a giggle.

"Watch your tongue, cultivator," the leader stated with narrowed eyes.

"Ah, I need my tongue, Sect Leader Bo. They do quite a lot of good," Han Mo winked and Ying Yue reddened in embarrassment. He turned and made a shushing sound to his brother.

"Thank you for welcoming us to your sector. Heaven's Conduit is here before you. What do you wish of him?" The redhead spoke up and the room fell silent, waiting for their leader to speak up.

"Nothing. We do not need anything from him or either of you."

Ying Yue inwardly sighed and was happy with what was said. This meant one less sector to go through, so-

"You captured demons and are using them for your weapons."

His eyes widened and he turned to his brother. Was what the redhead said true? Was Sect Leader Bo doing such a thing?!

"And? Isn't that a good thing? No one will care."

"I do," Ying Yue spoke up stepping forward, "Please release them."

"What for?! They had destroyed homes and killed my people. They deserve this punishment!"

"They should be sent back to the Netherworld, Sect Leader Bo. I understand that-"

"No! You understand nothing!"

The leader stood sharply and walked down the steps loudly as he growled. Ying Yue could tell the man was not wanting to release the captured demons, but it was only right for them to return to where they belong. Holding himself firm as the leader stopped before him, he prepared himself for an argument.

"They killed children, mothers, and made my sector deplete of many resources. They do not deserve death, they deserve torture."

'This man is… I understand his anger, but to disgrace another kind like this. Is it not wrong?'

"I am sorry for not coming when it occurred. I mourn your losses, Sect Leader Bo," the blonde stood straight as he spoke, "You know what my purpose is and in order to bring balance, the demons must return."

The Sect Leader fisted his hands and clenched his jaw. Ying Yue inwardly sighed.

"A battle, Sect Leader Bo. If I win, the demons return."

"A battle?" The leader's lips curved and a laugh escaped his lips, "You wish to battle me for the freedoms of those monsters?"

"You or anyone you assign, Sect Leader Bo. Do you agree?"

"You sure are a stupid one, Heaven's Chosen," the man grinned and eyes narrowed, "I accept your offer. We shall duel in 2 moons time. You may stay here if you wish."

"Thank you for accepting, Sect Leader Bo. I must decline your offer to stay. My brothers and I have a place in the village."

"Very well."

They said their goodbyes and were walking back to the inn.

"Sect Leader Bo had been the best ranked warrior for years. Are you certain you are prepared for battle with him?"

"Ah Ling," he turned to the redhead as they continued to walk, "I had to do something. From what you told me on our journey here, being the sector of warriors, I assumed they would not turn down a challenge. I am happy I was right, but being prepared… I may need to spar with you to see."

"Very well. Well done, little brother."

Ying Yue grinned and brightened.

Xu Ling had not called him brother in a long time, and to hear the proud tone from the redhead made him warm inside. When they neared the inn, they could hear yelling and screaming inside.

"Give that cat to me or I will kill your mother!" A man yelled holding the owner's throat.

The children were holding Snow, but their eyes were wide with tears as they watched the scene before them. The kitten was growling and wiggled out of the boy's arms. Running toward the intruder with short legs, growling as intensely as a little kitten could, the man laughed and threw the female to the side.

"See! Even the cat wants to come with me," the man picked Snow up by the back of the neck, dangling the cat before him, "You are going to make me so much money."

The paw swiped at his face and claws he didn't see scratched him. Screaming out, he growled shaking the kitten.

"You little piece of shit!"

"Please do not call my pet that."

The man turned around angrily to see a redhead, a blonde, and a brunette.