Chapter 101 - Man With A Demon Mask

Slender fingers touched the child's face lovingly and a small smile was on the female's lips.

"What is your name, milady?" Ying Yue tried again and those coal eyes narrowed slightly at him.

"Why are you in the temple for the Ghost King, Cultivators?"

"We were asked to check the temples and-"

"Destroy it."

"No," Ying Yue shook his head with a smile, "I asked that it stays up."

She searched his face, but he had nothing to hide.

"Why are you not in the Netherworld, miss?"

Snow was pawing at her legs and she looked down with widen eyes. She glanced at the three men once more and tilted her head.

"Did the Ghost King send you?"

Ying Yue did not reply. He wondered if the female demon was in good standing with Wang Li or not. He looked down at Snow and let out a soft laugh.

"Snow, do not beg."


"When you return, give him my thanks," the female kissed her child's forehead, "We will not be here long, but it is nice to have a place to stay."

Ying Yue nodded and was about to bow to leave, but the child cried out, "Papa."

The silence in the small temple enveloped them and he watched as the female turned away with the child.

"Child, stop saying that."

"Papa?" Big black eye aimed at the redhead and Xu Ling thinned his lips. Glancing at the female who had her back to him, he swallowed deeply.

'Could this be her?'

"Lady Nuying," he whispered and the female tensed her shoulders, "I thought you had returned."

"How can I return, when I have the child of Heavens?"

Ying Yue found his eyes widened and he turned to Xu Ling. The redhead held a deep frown and yet his eyes were staring at the child, still trying to reach for him. The blonde found his heart pounding and a smile slowly spread across his lips.

"He knew… the Ghost King knew of what you carried. Having you here would give you a chance to live peacefully, am I right?"

"You truly are Heaven's Chosen. I am glad he warned me ahead of time," the female mumbled, "Or I would have tried to kill you."

"He… he knew?" Ying Yue questioned and his heart beat quicker. Did that mean Wang Li was-

"I am not a threat, cultivators. I have the blessings of the Ghost King. The others, I am not so sure."

"Thank you, Lady Nuying," the brunette smiled and went to pat the child's curly pink hair, "Next time I visit, I shall spoil you like an uncle should."

"You do not-"

"Come, big brother, go say your goodbyes for now. Ah Yue and I will be outside."

Ying Yue laughed as he followed his brother.

The redhead stared at the child and female. He fisted his hands and stepped forward slowly. She had told him she could not conceive. She told him she was leaving, returning to the realm below. She never told him she was carrying his child.

"Why did you not come find me? You know where I am."

"Heh, would you really wish for this?" She questioned turning to him, "For a child like this?"


"Exactly. I did not know I was pregnant until I met with the Ghost King. He was the one who knew and kept me in the palace. He dotted me, cared for me, and when my child came, he cleaned it for me. He knew who fathered my child, Zhang Xu Ling, he knew it was you."

"How could he know unless you told him?"

"He said your brothers loves men, not woman."


"He offered for me to stay longer, but I could not take more of his generosity. I refused to see you even when he insisted. This is a temporary home for us. You do not need to see us any longer."

"Stop," he wrapped his large palm on small shoulder, "I am sorry. I am not the best of men, but I am not a terrible one either."

He stared into those black eyes that captivated him so many years ago.

[He was on a mission alone because his brother stated he was helping the white haired boy. He completed his assignment and had just left his clients. Walking out of the compound, he saw a silhouette of a female. Mouth thinning, he continued on his way but he heard an "ouch" that caught his attention. Was the female in trouble?

He followed the sound and came to a clearing where the flowers did not shined, but the female seemed to glow. Finger on lips, he watched as the pink haired female sighed and turned. His breath caught in his throat when he saw the beauty before him. Black eyes looked at his golden ones and he clenched his jaws. He knew what she was. He could sense it, but…

His eyes travelled down her body where pale legs were seen. Quickly catching himself, he turned away and pretended to look around the area.

"Cultivator," her voice was soft and comforting, "Thank you for helping them."

"It is my duty," he stepped forward, "You should return."

"Are you going to send me back?" She looked sadly at him, "I have done nothing wrong. Only that I am a terrible seamstress."

She smiled and he took steps closer. Looking at the fabric, he couldn't help but frown deeper from the hand stitching the female was doing.

"You work for them?"

"Yes. I like the living world. There are beautiful people and the smell is not pungent of death."

He did not reply and he took the fabric and needle from the female. Making a few stitches, he handed it back to the pink-haired lady. Black eyes blinked in surprise before a smile, a smile he would remember forever, was aimed at him.

"Will you teach me?"

He hesitated, but a cool hand touched his wrist and he found himself nodding.

Under the moonlight, he taught the pale demon needlework. As the moon moved, he found himself holding the demon's hand as she pushed the needle in and out. He was pressed close to smell lavender and jasmine from the female. The needlework was finished, but he continued to hold her hand and she didn't pull away. Her head tilt toward him and they leaned toward one another.]

Now, in front of him was the female, the one with the smile he still remembered. The demon who had his child… their child.


Small pale arms reached for him.

He reached back.


Lady Nuying was right. The other demons that resided in the other temples were not supposed to be there. It took them three days to finally come to the last temple left on the map. The area was isolated off to the edge of the sector.

This temple was even worse than the others. Broken planks leaned against one another and a roof just thrown haphazardly on top.

There was no door to the temple and they stared in confusion. It looked more like a shack then a temple. There were no demons, so why was this spot circled. Footsteps were heard and they turned to see a man with a demon mask walking toward them with a wood in hand. The man was in a dirty red tunic and black hair pulled into a ponytail.

"Hello, are you living here?"

Ying Yue asked and the man did not reply, only tilted his head to the side.

"Did you build this for the Ghost King?" The blonde tried again, but the man only stared with his mask on.

"They probably thought he's a demon," Han Mo shook his head and he sighed, "Sorry to bother you, stranger. Carry on."

The man bowed and went to place the wood under the falling roof. Ying Yue stared at the man and watched him arranged the woods. Stepping up, he offered his help and held up a side wood. The man behind the mask stared at him for a moment and nodded. His brothers assisted the man as well and now, the temple looked sturdier.

"This looks better," Ying Yue smiled looking at the small shack.

He felt gloved fingers move along his shoulder and he stared wide eyes at the man. His shock quickly left him when he realized what the movement of fingers were doing.

"You cannot speak," he breathed out and the fingers moved.

'Thank you.'

"You are welcome, sir."

'Why. You. Brothers. Help. For. Ghost. King.'

"We helped because we wish to. This is for the Ghost King and I spoke with Sect Leader Yang. He will not destroy them."

The fingers hovered for a moment before it moved.


"The Ghost King should be worshipped to."

'Thank you.'

He smiled widely at the man and nodded.

"We will be on our way, please take care of yourself, sir."

The man nodded and bowed to them. Ying Yue sighed happily as they finished what was needed for the West Sector. Now onto the North-

"What are you so happy about, Ah Yue. Did you not forget what you promised?"

The blood on his face dropped and he flushed embarrassed.

He felt so…