Chapter 103 - Never Regret My Marriage

"It's not yours anymore. This kitty cat is mine now!"

"Drop the cat," the redhead glared at him, but he was not swayed by it.

"I will do what I wa-"

A bang against the back of his head, led to him unconscious. Ying Yue smiled apologetically, though the man could not even see it. Snow decided to climb over the man and growled, but he picked the kitten up. He glanced at the female owner who was breathing hard with a pan in her hand. The children ran to their mother and hugged her tightly.

"I apologize, miss," Ying Yue bowed, but the female shook her head watching the redhead throw the man out of the inn.

"No, it isn't your fault, Chosen One. This man constantly comes in here trying to take money we've earned."

His golden eyes searched her face and knew from the quiver of her lips that there were more that the man took. The children bowed to him apologizing for not caring to Snow as well as they should. Waving it away, he smiled at them.

"Do not worry. Snow was trying to protect you all. That meant he cares for you because he likes you."

Snow meowed in agreement and the mood lightened slightly.

"Why don't you all sit at the dining area, I will go cook for us. Are there any specific meals you would like?" The older female questioned and Ying Yue smiled.

"I'd like fatty beef with plum wined rice…" he murmured but quickly laughed, "Only if… only if you have it."

"Oh… well, I will see if we have any. Please accept my apologies if we do not."

"I am sure whatever you make, we will enjoy."

"Mama makes delicious food!"

"Mmhmm," the girl nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I shall return soon."

Ying Yue watched the female leave and they sat with the children staring at them with wide eyes, innocent and curious. Tea was brought to them and the blonde asked for ginger, which was provided. He smiled happily and drank his tea with ginger.

"Why do you drink ginger tea?" The boy asked.

"Is it your stomach?" The girl followed.

He chuckled and took a sip, but he choked on the drink when his brother spoke up.

"It's because his lover likes it."

Coughing into his sleeves, he flushed.

"Lover? You have a girlfriend?" The girl questioned.

"A husband," the brunette grinned and Ying Yue sent pleading eyes over to him, as if it would stop his big mouth.

"You are married? I thought you couldn't be because… because you need to be pure, one of Heaven," the young girl questioned with a brightness in her eyes.

"Yeah. Mama said it is an honor to be chosen by the Heavens," the boy added and Ying Yue rubbed his ring on his finger.

"Your mother… she is right. It is the highest of honor that comes with many sacrifices, but… I will never regret my marriage to him."

"Wow," the young girl sighed gushing, "He must be waiting for you at home. When I am older, I want to find someone like you. Willing to sacrifice your purpose for love."

"Yuck! Gross!" The boy sounded and his sister turned to him, "I would follow Heavens order and if it means to not be with anyone, then I won't. Besides, love is gross."

The boy stuck out his tongue in disgust and Snow licked the boy's face, earning a laugh. They drank quietly and answered a few questions. Ying Yue laughed and looked out of the window to see a man in red. His laughter ended shortly and his golden eyes widened.

'Ah Li?'

He excused himself quickly and went out of the inn, looking in the direction of where the man was. A fabric of red slipped behind a wall and he followed with his heart pumping against his chest. Turning the corner, the man was nowhere to be found. Looking around him and up on the roof, the man in red was gone and he was standing alone.

Exhaling deeply, he dropped his shoulders with a frown. Returning to the inn, he bumped against hard back.

"Ah, my apologies."

He glanced up and saw the man from before, wearing red with black hair pulled into a ponytail. The man turned and the demon mask was still covering his face. He felt a finger move against his upper arm and he relaxed.


"Yes, I am sorry. I thought I saw someone I recognized," he breathed out a smile, "Are you staying here too?"

The head tilted and he stared at the unresponsive mask. The finger moved and he frowned.


"Oh," Ying Yue nodded and he glanced over to the announcement that the meal was ready, "Why don't you stay for a meal? It is a long way from the West Sector to the North. We… We are having fatty beef."

'Fatty beef?'

"Yes!" He grinned, "It is quite delicious."

The female headed to them and smiled at the demon masked man.

"Sir, you have returned. Oh, thank you for bringing these!" The female held up the vegetables up to look at them pleased, "How many golds did these costs? Don't you dare tell me it is free. I cannot in good conscience have you do this freely for me again."

Finger moved on his skin.

"He… he asked that you pay him with your meal to have later."

"Oh! You could've just told me!" The female laughed into her hand and went to prepare a meal for the man in the demon mask.

"Sir, what is your name?" Ying Yue questioned, wondering about the man and why he was behind a mask. Was the man hiding from someone? Did he needed help?

'What is yours?'

"My name is Ying Yue."

Fingers paused on his arm before it moved, causing his cheeks to warm.


"What do you mean?"

'You. Bright. Beautiful.'

He flushed and he opened his mouth, but the owner returned and handed the demon masked man the meal he asked for. Bowing, he left and Ying Yue's golden eyes followed the figure out the door.

'Ah Li, I think you would like this mysterious guy. He is kind, like you.'

"It smells delicious, miss," he grinned at her and went to join his brothers and the children.

He woke up with a yawn and saw Snow rolling on the floor, playing with a lint. Smiling, he stood up and dressed. His brothers were already up and were waiting for him downstairs with the children. Joining them, they discussed how he could train.

"The only large area in the sector is at the palace… but, there is an area that is not too far from here toward south east," the owner mentioned, "It isn't as large, but I think it is opened enough for practice."

"Thank you miss, you've been quite helpful," the brunette grinned and they headed to the area with packed meals with them.

"I worry for them," Ying Yue admitted as they headed to the area.

"She defended herself today. She will have the courage to do so again," Xu Ling stated and looked over at the brunette who was speaking with a group of women. Shaking his head, he ignored his brother to focus on the youngest.

"I suppose you are right," the blonde nodded and paused for a moment, "Ah Ling… Lady Nuying and…"

"I will not discuss it."

"Alright," he nodded and smiled, "She seems nice. I am glad you found someone."

"She is a demon. Her place is not here."

Ying Yue's smile dropped hearing those words from his eldest brother. The redhead had a straight face, but there was a cloudy look in his brother's eyes, and it made him sad. He looked over to the brunette who caught up to them.

"Ah Mo," he frowned a little at his brother, "I thought you and Ah Shen…"

The grin on the brown-haired man's face fell and turned away from him to walk faster ahead.

'We brothers are miserable at love,' he sighed and looked up at the sky, 'It had been sometime, my husband. I miss you.'

When they reached the area, Ying Yue admitted the place was nice with the flat space and weeds growing. His eldest brother and he positioned themselves a few feet away, facing one another. Ying Yue called for his sword when his brother did and prepared himself.

A foot slid forward and they were off.

Swords swung and the clash of blades sounded in the air as the brunette watched taking notes. His golden eyes took in the form of his brothers, the rush of their movements, and the swings of their blades. Bro had to admit the blonde had gotten stronger and quicker in his stay with the Ghost King, but the elder had strength the Heaven's had gifted.

As the dust settled, both men stood face to face.

"You are still so strong, big brother," Ying Yue panted out dropping his arm.

"Hmm, you've gotten better."

"Thank you."

"Han Mo, what did you see?"

"Come here," the brunette waved over as he stayed seated on the grass. They sat with him and took out the meal.

"Ah Yue, I agree with big brother, you have gotten stronger," he smiled, "… but there are some things I noticed. When Ah Ling swung his sword from above, you jumped back avoiding his blade, but you should attack because he is vulnerable at that moment."

"Oh, I didn't realize I do that. When I spar with Ah Li, he doesn't swing from above. I guess I forgot you do that, big brother," Ying Yue tilted his head as he thought about it.

"You must be prepared for any move, even those that are not honorable."

"You mean…"

"Yup, cheating," the brunette nodded as he ate, "You must watch your footing as well, Ah Yue. You move fast, but your footings are not as stable."

"Ah, really?" Ying Yue frowned and nodded.

"Don't worry, we have time after we eat and all of tomorrow," bro smiled, "I will spar with you and help you with your footings and thinking on your feet, little brother."

"Thinking on my feet?"

His brown-haired brother laughed into his bowl and he found himself worried at what's to come. Out of the three of them, the brunette was the more creative one.