Although  he did not want to be apart from his future husband, he was giddy knowing the gift he wanted to share. It gave him time to practice his song for Wang Li, to perfect it completely.

He had not even had a glance of his king and he sighed on his bed. Curled up on his side, he looked at his ring and smiled. Pressing it against his heart, he closed his golden eyes.

Tomorrow, tomorrow he would see his lover, call him husband, and they would… He felt his face flushed and he pulled his covers over his nose, flustered by his own thoughts.

"My wife."

Golden eyes widened and he glanced at his window to not see anyone. The cool air calmed his flush and he looked to stare at the stars.

"Tomorrow you will officially be mine."

Ying Yue creased his brows and wondered if he was dreaming or imagining his lover's voice. The fluttering of wings softly moved against the back of his ear. He relaxed and let out a soft laugh.

"Are you ready?" The blonde nodded with a soft smile, looking down at his ring, "I have been for a long time, my love. I will see you tomorrow."

Ying Yue pulled the soft white butterfly and held it in his fingers. A breathless smile was placed over his lips and he whispered against the butterfly and let it fly back to its master.

"Tomorrow, my husband."

When tomorrow came, he was rushed to bathe where servants brushed him thoroughly. His hair was twisted and pinned, then let down to be redone. His face was painted with makeup, then washed off only to be repainted. The only thing that was not changed at all was the wedding robe he donned. Scarlett red with golden threads of plum blossoms, he knew it was Sheng Shui who created such an intricate wedding robe.

'Did he prepare this for himself?' Ying Yue wondered as he stared at himself being prodded and turned. He let out a smile and thanked his friend, who brightened to warm his entire inside. He could feel the excitement Sheng Shui felt as well and it made him giddy.

There was a knock on the door and he brightened at that. A break would be nice and he was willing to accept whoever it was.

"Sir Yue, your family wish to speak with you."

Blinking his golden eyes, he heard the unhappy sighs from the workers for the distraction, but he rushed to the door. Opening it, he saw his master's eyes widened and mouth hung open slightly. Ying Yue grinned happily and wrapped his arms around the green haired elder.

"Master! Welcome back! You've came just in time!"

"You really are to wed… the Ghost King?"

"Yes… do you… do you not approve?" Ying Yue looked worriedly at his master.

Pang Xi did not reply right away. What he learned at the mountains, he felt his entire blood dropped.

The Jade Emperor had mentioned changes that he felt Ying Yue would be prepared for, but to change it to this extreme… he worried for his student. Yet here he was, learning that the blonde had chosen to stay with the man in red, was in love with the other chosen, and was to marry the Ghost King. Letting out a sigh through his nose, he stepped back.

"Let us speak, Ying Yue."

The blonde nodded and walked out with them to the opposite end of where Wang Li was currently staying.

"You did not listen when I told you to stay away."

"I… I apologize, master, but I… I love him."

"Ying Yue, I have spoken with the Jade Emperor. He is not happy with your decision or his. Punishment had been taken."

"Punishment?" The blonde creased his forehead, "But we… we haven't gone against him. We are making sure we both are still following what the Heavens-"

"Child," he sighed and golden eyes blinked at him with watery eyes, "The choices you make will receive consequences. It will only lead to heartache, Ying Yue."

He watched the blonde shake his head and fisted his hands. He watched as Heaven's Chosen pursed his lips and turned away from him. Pang Xi knew Ying Yue was an adult now and could make his own decisions, but he felt worry in his heart and knew what the ending would be.

He hoped the Jade Emperor would change his ethereal mind and not cause both chosen harm.

"Come, let's go home."

"No… I want to stay with Wang Li. I want to marry him and be with him. I do not know what the consequences or punishment are, but… but I know we will be able to handle it. I also have you and Xu Ling and Han Mo to help me and… and... Madame Yun and everyone here. Please master, let me stay."

Pang Xi could still hear his conversation with the Heavens.

["If they wish to change their purpose, I must change the prophecy," the Jade Emperor had stated.

"I do not understand."

"There is only one way the child will bring balance, Pang Xi."

He did not dare speak because he was unsure what it was the Heavens wanted.

"The death of the Ghost King will come."

"Is there no other way, my emperor?"

"You worry because the child loves the Ghost King. He is to marry him as we speak."


"Even if they wed, balance will be made."

"Tell me, please, what is the change?"]

"Master…" Ying Yue stared at him with doe like eyes and he sighed.

"I know you love him, but-"

"Ah Yue?" The voice of the Ghost King spoke up and he saw silver eyes widened. A soft flush covered the king's cheeks.

"Ah… Ah Li! You shouldn't see me like this," the blonde flushed as well, but did not move to hide himself. Pang Xi watched as his student covered his face, but golden eyes peeked through fingers to trail down the man in red.

"I…" Wang Li cleared his throat and bowed, "My apologies. Thank you all for attending our wedding."

He heard the giggle from his young student and turned to see the redness at the child's ears. He heard shuffling from his other students, but his eyes were on the couple glancing at one another like shy children.

"We would not miss it, my king. Ah Yue really loves you, so do not hurt him or we will come and take him awa-" the brunette's mouth was covered with Ying Yue's hand, as the blonde flustered.

"You will never see him again," the redhead stated with narrowed eyes and the elder looked over at the Ghost King. Silver eyes glared back, before the man nodded and agreed.

"I understand."

"Ah Li, this… this is my master," Ying Yue introduced him and he breathed out a smile.

"A pleasure," he bowed and saw the raven-haired male bowed lower.

"I am honored to be in your presence, master. Whatever you wish, please let me know."

He opened his mouth and was about to speak up, but a female with white hair called out to the man. The Ghost King apologized and returned to his room. The female stared at him and he stared back. It had been years since he had seen her and she was still an elegant beauty.

"Pang Xi," she greeted.

"Li Yun."

"It is nice to see you here. Be sure not to cause too much trouble, hm?" She smirked at him and said her goodbyes, returning into the room the Ghost King had entered.

"I am so happy you all are here!" Ying Yue sighed happily before he remembered what he wanted to ask his master, "Master, I know this is sudden, but Ah Li had created a barrier to block off the demons from escaping. Ye Wu is upset and I was wondering if… if you could speak with him?"


"Well, he likes you and I think he would listen to you. Please, master, it would be great if you could and-"

"Sir Yue, please. We do not have much time to fix you up. I apologize, but we would need him to return," a female servant spoke up from the opened door.

"Sorry, please enjoy yourselves!" Ying Yue called out as he ran back inside to finish up whatever the servants wanted him to do.

Pang Xi rubbed his temples and thought about what to do.

"Are you not going to tell him?" The eldest student spoke up staring at the closed door where the blonde disappeared behind.

"Should I?"

"Yes. He would only cause more harm."

"Hm," he sounded and rubbed his face, "Is it true? Have there been little work lately."


"Much less and the demons and ghosts are not challenging at all. Before, there was this one demon that was pretty strong, but lucky for us, it was scared of water. Water of all thing!" The brunette laughed and suddenly stopped when a silver haired boy caught his eyes.


"Mmhmm, I am going to go help out. See you at the ceremony!" His student waved as the brunette ran off. He saw the brunette ran up to a silver haired boy with slightly burnt skin on parts of his skin. The happy smile on his student and the wary look on the other, he watched as they both turned and headed to a different area.

"Xu Ling," he turned to the redhead, "Have you found someone as well, while I was away?"


"Hm…" Pang Xi sounded and tilted his head, "Are you interested in males like your brothers?"

"No," his student gritted out through clenched teeth and he nodded with a laugh. Patting his student's shoulder, he sighed and looked up to the sky.