Chapter 84 - Shall We Go To Bed

The brunette was grinning like an idiot. He had not seen Shen in so long and he could not help beaming like a beacon, spotlighting the silver haired man. His eyes caught the small perfume bag hanging on the man's hip. Biting his lips to not die laughing, he felt warm knowing his gift was accepted.

"Sir, are you sure you are alright?" An elderly woman questioned staring at him with creased brows.

"Of course, no need to worry, miss."

He turned and made sure to stick close to Fu Shen, who was still ignoring him, but that was alright. He didn't mind, as long as the man did not push him away. He watched and followed what the quiet man was doing. He grabbed the dough, he kneaded it, he rolled it and shaped it. Handing it to the next person, he did it again and again, until the silver haired man touched his arm. Han Mo glanced at him and grinned when Shen said they would clean up.

"Thank you for helping," Shen bowed slightly and took out a white handkerchief. His golden eyes watched as the man placed it gently against his cheek and wiped away the flour. His grin softened and he leaned into the touch, but Shen had already pulled away his hand.

"Ah Shen," he held such small, scarred wrist, "May I keep it?"

Purple eyes searched his face before glancing to the white handkerchief. Shen tugged against him and he let the man go, but felt the item in his hand. Eyes brightening, he grinned happily.

"Thank you, Ah Shen. I shall look at it when I am missing you."

"You should not speak so openly in such ways, Ah Mo."

"Why shouldn't I? I know how my heart feels."

"You will regret it. Do not think of me as anything other than an acquaintance."

"Ah Shen, I will never regret it," he caught the man's wrist and smiled softly.

"Let me go," purple eyes narrowed at him.

"Eh, Ah Shen. Do you not need assistance in getting ready for the ceremony? Why don't I help you?"

"I do not need any help. I will go as is."

"What? No, no. You must clean up. You have flour on your robe and I am certain you sweated while you were working so hard. Come, come, let's get you bathe and dress in your finest tunic."

"Wha… What about you? Do you not need to get ready?"

He let out a laugh as he dragged the white-haired male out of the kitchen and to the room he remembered as the man's. He had walked the quiet man to his room that lovely night and he grinned remembering how flustered the pretty man was. He pulled the door opened and smiled as he went to look through the clothing.

"Ah, what! There is no need for you to look through this. I can do it on my own."

"Why don't you bathe, and I will put together something nice for you to wear," he offered before a sly smile spread across his face, "Or I can help scrub your back if you wish?"

Shen made a grumbling noise and left the room. He let out a chuckle and searched through what little clothing the man had. Placing them against his nose, he breathed in the man's scent. Sighing, he looking longingly at the clothing in a daze.

"Are you unworthy of love, Ah Shen, or am I unworthy of your love?"

Shaking his head with a defeated smile, he found a box tucked at the back of the closet. Tilting his head interested, Han Mo reached for the box lined with red and opened it. His golden eyes widened and his mouth parted in awe.

'This is it. This one is perfect.'

The door slid opened and he quickly went to hide the box behind him. Wet silver hair and sharp purple eyes looked at him. The brunette couldn't fight the softening of his golden eyes.

"Ah Shen, I found the perfect robe, but you must close your eyes."

"What? It is my clothing. There is no need for-"

"Come," he placed his hand over the young man's eyes and moved him to the small mirror, "Keep them close, Ah Shen."

A frown captured those thin lips, but the silver haired male kept his eyes closed. Dressing the man, his fingers trailed over bare skin. Some were scarred by burns and others were old wounds. All of them beautiful in the brunette's eyes.

Tucking, tying, and smoothing down the tunic, he stepped back and smiled.

'Beautiful,' he captured the look of the man in his mind to remember.

"All done," he said stepping back and watching as purple eyes opened.

Dressed in a pastel blue with the intricacy of the crane threaded in white, Shen looked more high class than he ought to be. When he was given this robe, he could not stop staring at it as if it was a dream. He had placed it away, put it out of his mind, but the brunette had to pull him back into that feeling of surrealness.

A knock at the door and he heard his king.

"Ah Shen," the Ghost King looked at him with such softness that his heart sighed happily, "I was hoping you wore this. You look lovely."

He felt his face warmed from the compliment and shook his head.

"Thank you, my king, but I do not look as such."

He felt a hand touched his head before it slid down to cup his cheek. His king smiled at him and leaned in to place a kiss to his forehead. Shen flushed and looked down embarrassed.

"Be more confident, Ah Shen. You are special. Also," Wang Li turned to the brunette, "I did not know you had company. Was I interrupting?"

"No!" Shen shouted quickly before he looked down with his face flushed deeply.

"Ah, my king, you are making Ah Shen red with embarrassment," the brunette grinned, "but I agree. There was no interruption. I only stopped by to ask if I was needed, that was all."

"I see."



"Okay! I shall see you both soon!" He waved them goodbye and closed the door behind him. His smile fell and he sighed.

'Have you already given your heart away, Ah Shen? Is there no place for me?'


It felt like he was moving with the motions. The red veil over his face made it hard for him to see his lover clearly, but he already knew how beautiful Wang Li was. The sound of cheers, laughter, and bells rang in the air. Hand in hand, bows being given, Ying Yue felt as though he was dreaming this entire day.

The only thing that woke him from the state of euphoria, was his veil being lifted and the face before him. Wang Li looked beautiful as he always had, but today he looked… magical. Dressed in red, gold necklace, gems adoring his hair, and silver eyes… so bright it matched the moon at night.

For Wang Li, Ying Yue was the most beautiful person he had ever seen, even so now. Platinum blonde hair curled and twisted, held by clips and pins. He stared at the red plump lips of his lover and he squeezed the blonde's hand in his. He loved Ying Yue and he found himself smiling knowing that his lover would be his. He wasn't paying much attention to what was being said, but he knew that he wanted to kiss the blonde.

Lips pressed against lips.

He sighed into the kiss and cupped his lover's face to pull him closer. He licked into Ying Yue's mouth and felt his lover moved with him. When he pulled away, both were panting and grinning, then laughing with their foreheads pressed to one another. The cheers were loud and fireworks were shooting in the sky, but Ying Yue only heard the sound of Wang Li's breath against his face.

"Nephew," Li Yun warned and Wang Li hesitantly pulled away, but intertwined their fingers.

Ying Yue followed where his lover, his husband, took him. Greeted everyone who had joined and blessed them. When he saw his family, he brightened up and smiled to them happily.

"Master, brothers!"

He enveloped them and couldn't stop smiling, as he held onto Wang Li's hand.

"May the two of you be blessed with happiness," the green-haired male smiled and glanced over to where Li Yun was.

"Thank you, master," they both bowed.

"Congratulations brother!" The brunette embraced him tightly and he sighed into the hug. The rest of the night consisted of dancing, watching shadow play of their romance, and eating- his eldest brother was fond of the desserts provided. Now that the day was coming to an end, he felt relief.

He was tired and his cheeks were hurting from all the smiling he was doing. Fingers slid down his cheek to wrap around his chin, his golden eyes smiled at silver ones. Closing his eyes, he embraced the lips kissing his, like a tease of what was to come.

"Shall we go to bed, my wife?"