Chapter 82 - I Am Yours

He heard laughter and the happy meows by Snow. Looking at the cat, he saw the leopard was covered in red and black flowers. Some of the petals were lined in silver and gold, glittering with the sun. He saw petals of the same kind fall around him and he looked up. It looked like the sky was raining roses and plum blossoms as they fell against his face. Holding out a hand, he caught a rose and tilted it to the sun to see the different colors within the petals.

Arms wrapped around him from behind and he felt the warmth against his back. Lips kissed his temple and he heard Snow stop before him. A red ribbon wrapped around the large cat's neck and there was something hanging off the front like a bell. Golden eyes blinked widely as Wang Li moved to his front beside Snow.

"Ying Yue," the Ghost King smiled sweetly at him and he felt his heart constrict, "You hold my heart, my soul, my mind. You are everything to me and I will forever love you."

He watched the man in red grab an item inside the bell and rubbed the snow leopard's head. Silver eyes looked at him once again and he was captivated, always had been. He felt the warmth from his lover's palm against his cheek and his throat felt tight.

"I am yours, Ah Yue…"

Ying Yue saw the item held in between Wang Li's fingers. Two thin bands twisted against one another, one black and gold like yin and yang. They shined as much as the raining flowers around him. His eyes watered and his mouth opened.

"Ah Li…"

"Will you be mine, my love?"

Tears slipped down his golden eyes and he felt the rush of warmth spread throughout his entire body. He nodded and was enveloped into an embrace in strong arms. His lips spread across his face into a smile as he found himself laughing. The villagers clapped, awed, and cheered for them. Snow was circling them happily, as the flowers bounced and fell softly around them.

"I love you."

Wang Li pulled back and captured his lips like the embrace of comfort, of safety, of love.

'Ah Li, my heart is yours. Always had been.'


"So… will you come?"


"I mean… I know it is soon and you may be needed elsewhere and master is still in the mountains and… and…"


He shut his lips and looked down nervously. Twiddling his thumbs, he heard the clinking of the teacup landing onto the table. He heard footsteps near him and his eyes widened in startlement when arms wrapped around him.

"Our little brother is getting married," the brunette patted his back and pulled back, "Shouldn't we be getting married before you?"

He just smiled and felt the pinch on his cheek. Pushing his brother away to soothe the pinch, he glanced at the redhead who had his arms crossed and eyes closed. Still seated, his eldest brother thinned his lips.

"Brother… please. I would like for you to be there and give your blessings."

"He is the Ghost King."

"I… know."

"You are Heaven's Chosen."


"I am not blind to see you both cares deeply for the other. I am not heartless," the redhead sighed, "You both changed your purpose. The Jade Emperor will not be please."

"We… we haven't, brother," Ying Yue went to sit before the eldest, "Our purpose is the same. He needed to create chaos and I am to bring balance. He is chaos and I am balance, so if we are together… We are still following what we were chosen for."

He saw the wish for approval on the blonde's face, the hope and belief that what he thought was correct. Since his youngest brother was just a child, he had always had wide eyes of the world. He thought the blonde would have grown up after the missions they had gone through, but it did not deter his brother from the hope the blonde felt.

"You are still naïve and an idiot," he saw the crestfallen face of the boy before him, "I will not give you my blessing, but I will come."

Golden doe eyes stared at him and a pout was place on the chosen's face. He felt his left eye twitched from the look his brother was giving him.

''Thank you, brother," Ying Yue bowed lowly and smiled at him.

"I will give you my blessing, Ah Yue. I like your Wang Li."

"You just want to get close to that kitchen worker," Xu Ling mumbled with dipped brows.

The brunette laughed aloud and winked at the redhead who rolled his eyes. Ying Yue stood up and thanked his kind brother. He told them he had to return and hugged them goodbye. Sighing, he headed back down to the village. His eldest brother would not give them his blessings… he wondered if his master would.

He looked at his finger where the ring was and felt himself bit his bottom lip. Giggling to himself, he will finally play the song he made for Wang Li. He was nervous, but he just wanted to give everything to his lover.

"Ah Yue."

He looked up and realized he was already in the palace. Smiling over at Wang Li, he ran into his waiting arms. Spinning around, he kissed his lover and leaned closer.

"My husband," he whispered.

"Not yet, my love," Wang Li grinned still holding him up. His legs dangled and looking down at his soon to be husband made everything in him mushy.

"Just wanted to practice saying it," he grinned and felt hands groped his behind. Face flushing, he tried to get down, but his body froze when his movement made Wang Li's hand slip between his butt cheeks.

"Shameless, my love," Wang Li laughed deeply and he shivered, "If this is what you want, all you had to do was asked."

"Ah… Ah Li. It was… ah!" Ying Yue felt the edge of Wang Li's hand pushed deeper and slid upwards putting pressure against his entrance. He pressed closer into his lover with his hips hiked up. He gasped when his king sat down with him straddling his lover. He felt hot and he looked around them in embarrassment.

"We… we are outside, Ah Li."

"Maybe I should make you cum right here where everyone can see and hear you," Wang Li whispered darkly against his ear and he trembled, "Have them know you are all mine, my beautiful Ying Yue, my beautiful wife."

Hand slid down to touch his manhood and he gasped. Pulling away, he pushed his lover's hand away and covered his hardening private. His face was red and his ears were hot, but he could not deny his arousal for his king. Swallowing and gulping down the built up of saliva, he looked to see sultry silver eyes watching him like a prey.

"Ah Li, let's… let us finish in our room."

Ears perked up and eyes sparkled mischievously. He saw the grin on the man in red, before his lips was devoured and sucked to be bruised. Moaning, he pulled back and went back in for more. Ying Yue tucked fingers into dark strands and pulled slightly, making Wang Li bit his bottom lip.


Both Ying Yue and Wang Li stilled and turned to see sharp narrowed eyes along with others staring at them. The blonde pulled away and bowed lowly as his ears burned with embarrassment. He felt a hand smooth the roundness of his ass and he held the wrist.

"Ah Li, stop," he whispered looking widely at his lover to see a sly smirk on those thin lips.

"Nephew! You shameful child! Have you no face," Yun gritted out, "To show such indecency!"

"But auntie, I just love to show how much I love Ah Yue and-"

"Speak anymore, I will cut your hair."


"I have no problem with your love, but to do this publicly! Have I not taught you better?"

"I… I apologize, auntie. I will not lose face again. I ask for your forgiveness."

"Punishment is to be given," Madame Yun spoke up and their audience tuned in, "You are to sleep apart until marriage. If either one of you were to behave in such behaviors before then, I will not give my blessings."

He felt his blood drop from his face. Letting go of Wang Li's wrist, he sidestepped a few steps away. It was important for him to have his lover's guardian's blessing.

"I accept this punishment, Madame Yun."


"Yes, auntie."

"Good. Now let us speak on what needs to be done."


He listened and followed every direction he was told. He did not dare to misstep because he did not want more punishment. Being away from Wang Li was hard enough, Ying Yue did not want more problems. He was herded this way and that, spoke to by this person and that, and all different types of jewelries held up to his skin. Sleeping alone was difficult because he just wanted to be wrapped in strong arms of his lover.

'I miss you Wang Li.'

He sighed and closed his eyes, counting down the days until he would be sleeping beside his lover, his king, his husband.