Chapter 81 - Spoil Me More

"Choosing both the Ghost King and your student was a mistake. They've caused much trouble for me. However, you have done well in training the one placed with you. He developed quickly and easily. He would do well against the other."

"I see… Ying Yue is to kill the Ghost King in the end."

"Yes. The cycle will-"

He felt his face twitched when something smacked against his forehead. Another and another and he fell out of his meditation and caught the next rock being thrown at him. Opening his golden eyes, he narrowed them dangerously at the attacker. The culprit grinned and waved at him as if they were friends.

"Pang Xi! Yoohoo! Hello," the raven-haired male waved happily.

He tried to ignore the red eyed demon and closed his eyes to return to his conversation, but the demon would not leave him alone. More rocks were thrown at him and he had it! Getting up, he growled and shoot out toward the demon. Ye Wu just laughed as he avoided the reaches and grabbed at his forearm. His green hair moved with his action and twisted the demon to press against the rock. He felt legs wrapped around his waist as he pressed down the red eyed man's wrists.

"Hm, was that all it took to get you in between my legs? I should've done it years ago."

He saw the sultry grin and eyes aimed at him. Thinning his lips, he tried to step back but thighs tightened around him, as ankles crossed behind him. He tugged backwards again, but it seemed to only make him aware of their hips moving. Glaring at the man below him, he fought the urge to wrap his hands around the man's neck.

"Now, now, Ah Xi. We wouldn't want you to join me in the Netherworld, would you?"

"What do you want?"

"To play. I am bored Ah Xi, won't you play with me?" Ye Wu pouted and pressed himself closer to the green haired master. Arching his back and revealing his long neck, he hummed as his nose moved up toward the jawline.

"You always smell so delicious," Ye Wu murmured with his teeth itchy to taste smooth skin.


"Ah, too bad then, guess your children will most likely die."


"You always miss so much when you meditate, my dear Ah Xi," Ye Wu tsked sadly, "They've been doing well in sending my people back to the Netherworld, but there will be stronger ones soon. I can help them," he licked his lips, "For a price."

Pang Xi felt the demon roll his hips upwards and he pressed his body closer so the raven-haired male was unable to move. This only led to the feel of the demon's arousal pressed against his pelvis. He searched the demon's face to see if he was lying, but Pang Xi never could tell with the red eyed demon.

Even after centuries, the demon was still a mystery.

"I trust they would do well."

"Hm, maybe."

"What aren't you telling me."

"Ah Xi, you should know how my family works. We love making you feel comfortable before we go in for the kill. I cant help them behind the scene. You know, give them some tips on how to defeat them."

Ye Wu watched the thinning of the green-haired man's lips and the slight furrowed of brows. Curling his lips, he licked his lips slowly and moved the back of his heels up and down the master's lower back.

"I'll make sure they don't die, Ah Xi."

"What do you want?"

"Like I said, Ah Xi," he leaned his head forward, "... to play."


Ying Yue yawned and scooted closer to the warmth near him. He heard a purr before a wet lick swiped up his cheek. Groaning, he sat up and wiped the saliva from his face. Blinking blearily, he smiled and patted the now teenage cat. Still confused as to how Snow grew so quickly when they only had him for seven moons, he couldn't help the smile on his face. Ying Yue rubbed the cat's head and looked around the room.

Wang Li was gone again.

He understood his lover needed to speak with Ye Wu and he understood completing a barrier around the portal, so demons were unable to just leave, but that didn't mean he wasn't worried about his king. The red eyed demon would not be happy to have his family contained even more and from what Wang Li told him, that conversation harmed their relationship.

"Are you… alright?" He rubbed his lover's cheek with his thumb.

"I don't know… I owe a lot to him, Ah Yue."

He nodded and curled closer into his king.

"It doesn't mean you would not stop letting some free."

"He said he is contained now too, that I betrayed him. In a way, I suppose I have."

Ying Yue saw the sadness on his lover's face and pressed a kiss on his forehead.

"Maybe… maybe when my master returns from the mountains, he could speak with him."

"Speak with Ye Wu?"

"Mmhmm, they know one another and… and Ye Wu could have killed my brothers and I, maybe my master too, but he didn't. He did say he liked my master, remember?"


"Maybe my master could help somehow."

He felt lips on his and he melted on top of his lover, as their legs caught the other. Fingers ran down the nape of his neck and he shivered with a gasp. Wang Li groped his ass and he moaned before he yelped from the smack.

He tried pulling his head away, but the hand at his nape held his neck in place. Another smack left a sting, and his panting was sucked down by his lover. His hips twitched from the burn and he soon felt something wet ran over his reddened skin.

"My love, you certainly spoil me."

"Mm, only cause I love you, my king."

"Is that so," his lover whispered darkly against his ear and the palm rubbing his ass cheek gripped the round meat, "Then spoil me more, baby."

He felt his entire body flushed and he groaned kissing his lover open mouthed. He really couldn't help it. He would spoil Wang Li forever if he could. The truth was, his king was spoiling him, but his lover didn't need to know that.


Walking around the village, he greeted many. The villagers were kind and they would tell him many things from other villages.

"Did you hear, Sir Yue? The Sect Leaders all met and are taking credit for getting rid of the demons?"

"Yes! When credit is for those two cultivators!"

"I agree. Who knew we'd actually need cultivators?"

"Obviously the Heavens. They already knew something like this was going to happen."

"Well, I think credit is to our king. He probably did something to get rid of the demons."

He listened to all the talks and found himself smiling. They were all probably right… well, he wasn't sure about the Sect Leaders, but he knew for certain both Wang Li and his brothers had a large part in it.

"What do you think, Sir Yue?"

"I am glad they are returned and the sectors are all safe," he smiled and the villagers laughed in agreement.

"Ah, where have our king been? I haven't seen him for awhile. My little girl had been so sad lately."

"Oh, why is that?" Ying Yue questioned.

"My little girl loves our king and looks forward to the pat on her head from him."

"I will remind him," he offered with a smile.

"Thank you, Sir Yue," the lady bowed before the villagers started laughing to themselves. He glanced around with a nervous smile.

"What is it?"

"Oh nothing, Sir Yue. Thank you for sharing your time with us. We are blessed and honored."

He thanked them back and walked away wondering what they were giggling about. Letting out a sigh, he stood under the shade of a roof and watched as the villagers chatted happily, children running freely, and the smell of delicious meals. However, his heart was saddened without his lover. Wang Li had been gone for awhile now and all he wanted was for his king to return.

Children ran up to him and he smiled kneeling down.

"Sir Yue, it is my birthday!" The young girl grinned with a missing front tooth.

"Oh is it? Then you deserve a gift," he smiled and moved a finger over his palm. Calling to his qi, he slowly created a lovely plum blossom shimmering in gold. He tucked the golden blossom into her brown hair, earning a glittering smile. The other children awed at the gift and asked for it as well. Letting out a laugh, he created one for each child.

"Thank you, Sir Yue!" "You are the best!"

The children bowed and bounded off with their innocence.

He felt his lips fell out of the smile and he wondered if being here, in this village, was as helpful as he wanted it to. From the time he was here, he was very happy and he felt so loved by Wang Li… but was he taking away his king's time from the villagers, from his family? Was being here making things harder for his brothers and master?

Was living here with Wang Li worth it?