In his palace, his warriors attacked him, but he dodged easily. Dislodging their blades and quickly knocking many back. He got them all to fall.

"Well done, nephew," Yun spoke up as she walked forward, "Come, let us have word."

Wang Li nodded and thanked his spar partners. Following his aunt, they went to sit where the large oak tree stood. Tea was brought to them and he looked to his elder to see the calmness of her face. This made him nervous.

"How is your promise to the demon going?"

"Many have been sent back."


"There are some that I have not released."

Madame Yun sipped her tea and stared at her nephew for a moment. She placed the tea down and looked at the large oak tree.

"I will go to the portal and speak with Ye Wu."

"No. You will not."


"Listen to me, child. Ye Wu is a demon and had made you care for him, caused you to be part of his family, and made you promise to release all of the Netherworld demons. He placed you in a position that you should never be placed in."

"I understand."

"You say you understand, but you still want to see him," Yun frowned at the raven-haired king, "I should've sent him away when I found out he was stalking you."

Wang Li placed his hand over his guardian and smiled. She had raised him as her own and let him do as he pleased. He owed much to his aunt and her patience.

"Do not worry, auntie. I thank you for what you've done and given me. I must take responsibilities for my decisions now."

"You've grown, nephew," she curled her lips upwards, "Should I thank that lover of yours?"

He felt his cheeks flush and he looked away sipping his tea. He heard the laughter from his aunt and he smiled. He had not heard her laugh in so long and if his embarrassment brought her joy, he would gladly accept it.


Ying Yue couldn't help grinning at his brothers. He missed them so much and just seeing them again was like a stroke of comfort against his heart.

"Then big brother took out his sword like this," the brunette modeled, "... and said, 'If you wish to act foolishly, then death will be your consequence.'"

He watched his brunette brother made movements with his arm, mock holding a sword, and he laughed. He could tell his eldest brother would say those words and act that way. He looked over to the redhead who hid his smirk behind the teacup.

"How many have you sent back?" The blonde asked, "Sounds like a lot."

"I'd say over fifty, wouldn't you agree?" The brunette looked over to the eldest.

"Since you're stay with the Ghost King, we have sent back 70 evil spirits and demons."

Ying Yue nodded pursing his lips. Wang Li told him he had been releasing them, but that his brothers would have no trouble defeating them. Glancing at both his brothers closer, he saw the darkness under their eyes from lack of sleep. Worry covered his heart like a veil, and he twiddled his thumbs.

"Brothers, had it been hard?"

"Don't worry your blonde head, Ah Yue. Ah Ling and I can handle it," Han Mo patted his back and he gave a weak smile.

"What have you learned about the demon?" The redhead questioned sitting tall.

"He… Wang Li promised to help him."

"What is the promise."


"Ah Yue," his kinder brother questioned softly.

"To release the demons into our world… Brother! Let me explain!" Ying Yue quickly said seeing Xu Ling scowling, "He is only choosing who he will be releasing and he said they would cause you no issue."

"And what of the stronger ones."

"I… I don't know."

He looked down and wondered that as well. Eventually every demon, ghosts, and those in the Netherworld would get their chance at freedom. What would happen then if his brothers and eventually his master would not be able to defeat it? What if Ye Wu decided to not wait and somehow release his clans onto the surface world?

'I have to trust Ah Li.'

"Ah Yue-"

The sound of fireworks sounded in the morning air. Rushing out of the door, they saw from where they were needed was located. His brothers glanced at him and said their quick goodbyes, before he watched his brothers split up into the two locations on their swords.

Ying Yue closed his eyes for a moment and prayed that the Heavens watched over his family.

"Master, your precautions are working," he let out a breath, "What is taking you so long?"

Leaving the cabin, he placed the straw hat on his head and headed back to the village. On his way, he noticed a bundle near a tree. Tilting his head, he wondered what it was, but his eyes widened when he heard a small meow. Pulling the small wrap away, he saw big blue eyes staring at him. Quickly bundling it into his arms, he grinned and rushed back to the palace.

When he entered, Ying Yue saw his lover sitting under the large oak tree alone. Ah, Wang Li always looked lovely and he gushed at how much love he had for his king. The sound from the bundle reminded him of what he was going to do, so letting out a laugh, he skipped over to the man in red.

"Wang Li! Ah Li!"

Silver eyes look toward him and a smile was curled on those thin lips. He felt his lover reach up for him and he leaned down to capture those beautiful lips. It had not been a full day and yet, it felt as though many years had gone by since he last felt the adoring touch of his king.

"I got you a gift," he smiled happily when they parted lips.

"A gift?"

The blonde removed the wrap to reveal big blue eyes staring up at him. A soft meow left the animal's lips and he blinked.

'A cat… his Ying Yue brought a cat into the palace?'

"Ah Yue," he started shaking his head, but big golden eyes glittered at him.

"He is my gift to you," his lover said softly as the blonde nuzzled the kitten, "Will you accept?"

"A gift? For what reason?" The raven-haired male felt the gifted leopard placed on his lap. He watched the kitten's head shake the rest of the cloth off him, before rubbing against his chest with a small head.

"For choosing me," the blonde smiled and kissed his lips, before sitting beside him, "He likes you."

"Who else would I choose?" His brows furrowed as he turned to the blonde to find a large smile on plush lips.

"What do you want to call him?" Ying Yue asked looking down at the blue-eyed kitten, enjoying the scratches behind his ears.

"What would you call him?" Wang Li asked.

"But he is your gift," the blonde reminded and the king smiled.

"Then my gift to you is naming him," he saw soft golden eyes looked at him with a smile.

"Snow," the blonde grinned when he looked at him with a quirked brow, "What? I am terrible at naming! You already know that."

He laughed wrapping an arm around his lover and kissed those soft cheek, "Then Snow it is."

Ying Yue sidled closer to Wang Li and wrapped his arms around him. He nuzzled against his lover's side, earning a laugh from the raven-haired male. He felt those long fingers massaged down his scalp and he curled his lips with a sigh.

"Are you a baby kitten as well, my love?"

He let out a laugh and looked up at Wang Li with big golden eyes.

"Meow," he sounded and grinned.

He saw silver eyes narrowed and his lover moving closer. He watched as those lovely lips neared his and he anticipated the kiss. Closing his eyes, he waited for Wang Li's mouth to be placed on his, but all he received was a lick to his face. He blinked widely in shock and saw blue eyes staring at him. Another lick from the cat and Ying Yue pulled back with a laugh.

"Ah Li!" He avoided another kiss from the kitten as he continued to laugh.

"Hm? Are you not a kitten?"

"Meoh-! St… stop! Wang Li!" Ying Yue laughed running away from the man in red holding out the kitten toward him.


The sound of the waterfall nearby lulled Pang Xi, the green haired master, into a deeper state of meditation. It took him awhile to calm his mind and qi to reach the Heavens. He needed to find out why he was not told, what did he need to do, and how to help his students. Currently speaking with the Jade Emperor, he found himself in frustration.

"I do not understand," he bowed, "The change in what my student's purpose was accidental?"