This man was Ezra Lancaster. The First Child, the one she wanted to make into her patron.

"Greetings to you, First Child. My name is Ariel Maine, a Saintess candidate who had just recently been brought into this land. I would like to get to know you." Xu Jiaqi made a lovely bow as she spoke confidently, as if she hadn't just broken into this super secretive personal Tower. Not to mention, the intricate spells that were placed around it.

Ezra's facial expression twitched. This was his first time encountering such an outrageous thing.

Not to mention, the culprit was a young lady who looked refined. If he just passed by her, he definitely wouldn't have thought that she was capable of doing such actions.

"Ariel.. Maine, you said?" Although he lived in seclusion, it wasn't like he was completely clueless about the outside world. Since the Maine name was well known to be a Duchy of high standing, he had heard of it before.

Not to mention, even though he refused to do his duties, he did still look at the Holy Land's affairs from time to time. Having a great memory and intelligence, he roughly knew who this girl was. There was a circulating news starting from a town that foretold the story of two Palla representatives being killed by assassins in their journey.

If Ezra had to name one thing that he absolutely despised, it would be that of dirty politics. He hated being involved in human affairs, and found himself more in tune communicating with the Goddess in his spare time.

Correct. Ezra Lancaster was hiding a tight secret. He was able to channel Goddess Eula's presence in his prayers and summon the deity to converse with him. No one had ever learned of this fact, not even after he was deemed the First Child. The reason for his seclusive living was not only because he hated coming in contact with others that he thought were below him and his Goddess' connection.

He was protecting this secret of his and regularly talked to the Goddess inside his deepest living quarters.

This 'deepest' part was also coincidentally where he was standing on right now. Where Xu Jiaqi was standing on.

It meant that this vile woman had just broken into his deepest secret, and that the room was tainted with the effects of the outer world. She was a noble daughter, right? What were her intentions? Was it to try to attract him to politics and spout bullshit left and right?

Anger slowly brewed inside him, but because of his excellent control over his emotions, he did not immediately lash out. Not even the Cardinal was able to enter his room, but this woman was able to.

Then, something clicked inside his head. There was something much more important than the girl's relationship to the noble house. His spells were supposed to be impenetrable. Due to his high affinity to Holy magic and strong connection with Goddess Eula, he possessed extremely strong magic. He even knew that he was stronger than the Cardinal himself, but was just not interested in the position. 

The spells were made out of his own volition, and it took him months to perfect the fortress in order for no one to be able to interrupt this place of his under any circumstances.

But this woman was saying that she, a Saintess candidate was able to break past all of those spells? In this time of the day where the sun shone bright?

Weren't infiltrations supposed to happen in night time? Even if you put that aside, how could you just pass through the barriers he placed??

The System coughed. The Host was indeed not to be judged by normal standards. The standards would collapse.

Even if he helped try to note down the magical circles, the one who had to do the analyzing and find a working solution was Xu Jiaqi. Within a short period of time, Xu Jiaqi was able to come out with her solution, which was a part of her brain that she used.

This Host was someone who had only traversed over two worlds apart form her own. This was her first fantasy world. Where did she learn such a high complexity of magic understanding?

As expected.. the Host's identity must be that. He kept his thoughts to himself as he hid from the abnormal Host.

"I protected this Tower with my own spells. Unorthodox spells that shouldn't be able to be broken using normal spells. I imbued it using my magic. And you are saying that you broke in despite all that?"

"Well- yeah, I guess? It took me some time to figure it out, though." Xu Jiaqi shrugged.

What some time?! It took him months to come up with the spells he thought were impenetrable! At this point, wasn't this woman just looking down at his competency?? He didn't buy her story!

"Don't lie. I might give you a chance to live if you confess clearly. What are your intentions, and how were you able to get here?"

"...Do you have a hearing problem? I broke the spells. You can check them by yourself. As for my intentions, it is very simple. I want to get along with you, make you my ally, and give you the Cardinal spot." Xu Jiaqi stated frankly.

A grand mission that made Ezra think that she was a lunatic who was looking for trouble. But that clearly wasn't the case. The woman had the skills to back her claims up, it was obvious just peering from the fact that she could dispel the locks he put up.

"You are crazy. Out of your mind. I am just here to serve my Goddess, I don't have time to bother with other people like he does."

"See? That's what I'm talking about. Bothering about other people. I think that... we shouldn't stoop so low as to 'help' others like that.." Xu Jiaqi said.