"The Holy Land's customs has been tainted, and they are bringing the Goddess' name down with them.. I want to make a move. Make a change happen. I don't want this to keep happening. A change is greatly needed, and the best way to do it is to put someone I trust in the highest position."

"I have confidence that I will eventually become the Saintess. Furthermore, if I am able to get your support, this fact will be further solidified. That's why, won't you lend your hand? I will entrust you with mine. I am not trying to say that we should be good to each other. I just want us to have a cooperation. Like work." Xu Jiaqi tilted her head as she smiled sweetly.

"You- what a devious scheme... Although I could care less about the world, it couldn't be ignored that there are a lot of places that gets maintained by those who does foul play. Eradicating the foul would mean affecting those who are brought up by these group of people. It could cause a genocide if we are not careful. Although it is unfair, it is a fact that the balance we have today is because of these people's tight control over the world."

"And that balance is brittle. These people are mindless, uncouth, and do not understand that there will be repercussions behind one's actions. For each and every one of their atrocities, many are hurt. Day by day, the victim count is rising. Isn't it just the same? We will just be changing grips of the Holy Land, moving the control over to you." Xu Jiaqi uttered.

"..That's not the same. Those people are dependent on that lifestyle of theirs. It's not just a matter of changing grips. They won't survive."

Unknowingly, Ezra was starting to talk more and more. He didn't even realize how much he was saying.

"Then it's their fault in the first place for converting to that side. If they were upright in the first place, they would've been unaffected. Or perhaps uplifted for the better. I am not trying to convict them, nor will I kill them. I will just let them be, whatever they do with their lives after the change is none of my business, to be honest. Is the great Ezra Lancaster aiming to be a savior who salvages as many lives as possible? That kind of thing.. Is just wishful thinking. You can't satisfy everyone and their mothers. What you can do, however, is try to make it as great as possible to live in, and that is what I am trying to achieve with my plan. A pseudo utopia experiment that would go on for many generations."

"You are trying to conduct an experiment that would concern humanity as a whole. Do you know just what you will cause if you made a wrong step?"

"Please stay assured. I will not make a wrong step. Besides, if you ally yourself with me, doesn't that mean that the Goddess Eula who is floating beside you right now will be on our side as well?"

Ezra's expression warped, looking left and right and spotting no spiritual being in the shape of his Goddess. He did have visions of the ethereal being, but it was only when he closed his eyes and prayed with all his might, imagining a meeting with the deity. Without the assistance of the powerful spells that he had placed on the altar he prayed on, there was no way for him to see the Goddess.

"You.. can see the Goddess?" Ezra's mouth gaped in shock.

"Yes. She's very pretty. It is very nice to finally be able to meet you in person, Goddess Eula." Xu Jiaqi smiled at the foreign figure that her eyes had landed on ever since she stepped into this room.

To think that the deity would be so free as to chit chat with a young man in the mortal world. Did she not have anything better to do?

More importantly, Xu Jiaqi wondered. She was an anomaly to this world. Someone who shouldn't exist. She wasn't Ariel Maine, she was a transmigrator by the name of Xu Jiaqi. The Goddess, being a proper divine being, would be able to notice this fact, right? What would she do about it?

<..Who are you? I have never seen you before, or have I?> The Goddess' smooth and sultry voice began to trickle into her ears. Ezra was still left confused, but because of his sensitivity towards the Goddess and high ability, he knew that there was indeed something beside him.

A conversation was being initiated right before his eyes, but he couldn't witness the Goddess' beauty or voice. How could this be? This random girl who had just popped out of nowhere had a higher connection level with the Goddess than him?

<You carry an interesting stench. It seems like you are not one of my children, but instead.. an outsider..?> The Goddess bore a mature image. She was draped by loose robes that if the opacity was lowered by just the slightest bit, would definitely be see-through. Her long hair stretched down to her waist, flowing in the air despite there being no wind coming in. A perfect face, one that was even more enthralling than Xu Jiaqi's.

"You are correct, my Goddess. But this matter should not be disclosed in the public, right? We can keep it just a secret for the two of us to know." Xu Jiaqi answered.

<That would be hard. I don't know what your intentions are. To infiltrate my world and come face me like this, are you not afraid of death? Perhaps, I would oppose you right this instant and eradicate your trace.>

"I am not afraid. If there was one thing that I am absolutely not afraid of, it would be death."

Goddess Eula contemplated for a few seconds before raising a brow while approaching Xu Jiaqi and pinching her chin, pulling it upwards gently.

<...Come to think of it, the stench is somewhat familiar. You can't possibly be.. a transmigrator, right?>

Xu Jiaqi's smile grew bigger as she listened to the Goddess' assumption.. She hit the mark.