Xu Jiaqi was impatient. She asked the System to work his magic and start to map out the confinement tower's innards. Every building had a loophole that she could exploit. To Xu Jiaqi, nothing was impenetrable.

At most, she would just have to deal with troublesome protective spells being put up all around the building, but that was it.

A permanent smirk was plastered on her face as she worked with the System to map out a pathway that she could follow to get inside the Tower. The peculiar thing about this place was that it was heavily guarded, but at the same time, it was not. Because the First Child was very confident in his own capabilities, he told the Cardinal that he would be renovating the entire Tower by himself using magic, including the security that he would use.

In the end, the Cardinal and the First Child settled on placing only one guard around the Tower. There were five guards that Ezra Lancaster selected by himself from the array of people who wanted the job, and these guards would routinely switch standing on guard.

One of them was the one Xu Jiaqi talked to just now.

Even though there was a guard, it had to be noted that Ezra did not care about whether or not the guard stood by. He knew that he himself was enough to take care of his safety and accommodations, he did not need someone else's help.

Xu Jiaqi was going to break that confidence right here and now.

The System was extremely smart. Not only could he gather information in detail, he was also capable of analyzing the structural integrities of the magic circles placed around the Tower. Since Xu Jiaqi couldn't inspect them all on her own directly, she ordered the System, who was invisible to take on the job.

While waiting, Xu Jiaqi studied the map she got from the System in great detail. It only took a few minutes for the System to finish processing what he had just learned and relay it all to Xu Jiaqi. Xu Jiaqi then learned the circles while humming a happy tune.

It was complicated, but Xu Jiaqi was able to understand it. Only, the slight problem would be Ezra's strong magical power. It was intense, and even while she was standing quite far away from the Tower's premises, she was still able to feel the energy surge out nonstop.

For a protective barrier to ooze out this kind of thing meant that the maker was a heavenly expert.

But Xu Jiaqi was not deterred. In fact, she felt challenged. It was still daytime, but this fact did not hinder her from infiltrating.

Xu Jiaqi snuck to the Tower's walls, hiding her presence. It was a great thing that there was only one person guarding the Tower all the time. Se was able to slip into one of the lower balconies with no effort at all. There was a spell that protected this area, but Xu Jiaqi quickly dispelled it before anybody could notice her existence.

She finished unlocking the first barrier, but the windows and doors were locked shut. After grimacing at her sad fate, Xu Jiaqi used magic to corrode one of the doors and finally enter the Tower.

She felt like a hidden spy sneaking around. But her intentions were good, she swore!

With silent steps, she travelled around the Tower's interior, breaking the barrier spells that were holding her back. She had felt an extremely powerful magical energy coming out from the highest floor, so that was her destination. That should be where Ezra is.

And sure enough, Ezra Lancaster was the source of that powerful energy. Aria reached the highest floor with no time after having prepared herself for the troubles that would come along with her trip. Upon entering the destination floor, she saw Ezra in the middle of kneeling to an altar.

He was turning his back against her, so Aria was not able to see his face. In the chamber, several statues were placed. The Tower was overall very neat. For this young man to take care of everything inside by himself, he must have some sort of obsession towards cleanliness to be so motivated.

Ezra did not respond to her arrival even when she began to step inside the room and even crouch beside him.

Then, Xu Jiaqi decided to snap her fingers, creating a loud sound. It was then that Ezra Lancaster woke up from his trance. His eyes were hooded, and if Xu Jiaqi did not know better, she would have thought that the man had been sleeping while kneeling.

However, she knew that the man was conscious and was just praying. To the Goddess, the figure that was erected in the altar.

Ezra was dazed, looking at Xu Jiaqi as if he was still completely in denial and that Xu Jiaqi was just a fragment of his imagination. After all, he was confident that no one could ever enter the Tower without his permission. Who was this woman?

Xu Jiaqi then snapped her fingers two more times. The third time, Ezra was finally able to recover his composure and stood up from his kneeling position abruptly, taking a few steps backwards. He pointed his index finger towards Xu Jiaqi, speechless at her arrival.

"Who... who.. on Earth are you? How are you able to come inside here?" Ezra's voice was crisp, and it had a clean magnetic tone. He turned out to be a beautiful, fragile looking young man who looked as if he could trip on air and hurt himself just by existing. A figure that was indescribable, looking like he did not belong to this world.

Ezra had teal blue hair, gleaming in an eye catching glint along with his golden eyes. The look in his eyes was rather icy, adding to his untouchable vibe.

Xu Jiaqi: So pretty. My hands are raring to go. Hehe.

System: Someone save this man. Zenith, where are you when we all need your help??