"This is the way how you should read it." Senja started her explanation. "Just read the word with the uppercase."

Xiao Tianyao followed the movements of Senja's finger. Ki language wasn't very hard to understand because they used the same alphabet as Azura's language.

Senja slowly read every word along with her pointing forefinger. "M. A. R. P. L. E. F. O. R. E. S. T. F. I. R. S. T. J. U. L. Y. A. T. D. U. S. K"

"Marple forest first july at dusk?" Xiao Tianyao repeated.

He already knew about the location, but the date was still a mystery, so when Senja solved it that way, he believed her.

"Will they do the transaction at dusk? First July is today right?" Senja tried to remember. That's right, the first July is today.

"Stop the carriage!" Xiao Tianyao bellowed.

When Yang Yu heard it, hastily he pulled the reign. The 3 horses which were pulling their carriage stop with their front legs in the air.

"Arrgh!" Senja almost fall backward and hit her head by the sudden movement if it wasn't for Xiao Tianyao who held her back.

"Get off." Xiao Tianyao didn't wait for Senja to say anything before he jumped from the carriage. He waited Senja and helped her to get off. She was having hard time with her complicated dress and Xiao Tianyao didn't have the patience to wait for her. So, he held Senja by her waist and settled her in a single motion.

Before Senja could process it, Xiao Tianyao held Senja's hand and walked towards 'thunder', his horse, and lifted her by her waist again to put her on before he sat behind Senja and trapped her between his strong arms to take the reign.

They wouldn't make it if they had to go by a carriage. The time before dusk was around 7 hours ahead while the distance from they were now to Marple Forest was around 8 hours. Xiao Tianyao also didn't have time to send Senja back to the Roccaleaf Tea House. Thus, he left with no other choice except to bring her along with him.

It didn't seem Senja would like to be left behind either. Actually, if Xiao Tianyao decided to leave her, she would tag along no matter what. She had another business to do.

It's been a while since she recall about her vision of the child in the Marple Forest. Now, she was pretty sure that she would be able to meet this child.

She had found Hu Feng and if she found this child, Senja could draw the similarities between the two, there must be something that connected them with Yun.

"You trust my words right away!?" Senja looked up at Xiao Tianyao as she shouted. The wind was too strong so it drowned her voice.

"I know you are capable to do it." Xiao Tianyao didn't shout like her, but senja was able to hear him.

"How if I am wrong?" It wasn't like that she had low self esteemed, but it quite uncomfortable if someone put their trust too much on her, she just afraid to disappoint him.

Xiao Tianyao held Senja's head down when they passed the low tree branches. Senja would certainly faint if she was hit by it if he didn't do so.

"You won't." Xiao Tianyao said it simply. He also didn't know why, but he simply felt that Senja wouldn't make a mistake with this.

Senja blushed by Xiao Tianyao's trust for her. She felt happy to hear that from him.

The sound of galloping dozens of Crescent Moon Members horses' feet was heard behind them, with Yang Yu following right next to Xiao Tianyao.