After signaled from Xiao Tianyao, the carriage move to the southern street, heading L City District 9.

"Try to solve the letter. I will take a nap for while." Xiao Tianyao said lazily as he occupied the space beside Senja.

He folded his long arms and leaned his head against the carriage wall while his cascading hair was drape on his shoulder. With his eyes fluttered to close, Xiao Tianyao's face looked less fierce and cold than usual.

He has a look and an aura of mature, extraordinary and overbearing royal family. When Senja looked at Xiao Tianyao's face, she found herself couldn't avert her eyes from his beauty.

Senja really tempted to touch his face, felt his skin under her finger and brushed away his unruly hair. She had seen many men before, but no one could match him in term of beauty and calmness, not even his strong aura.

Suddenly Xiao Tianyao's eyes flew opened as he stared right at Senja's dark brown eyes. "How can I sleep if you stare at me like you wanted to pounce at me?"

"Actually, I wanted to eat you." Senja replied offhandedly and retraced her gaze from Xiao Tianyao to watch scenery outside the window.

Oh, it's not good for my heart to look at him in long time. Senja sighed in defeat.

Xiao Tianyao who looked at her pouting, shut his eyes again as he spoke. "Do as you wish. You won't know who will be a prey."

Senja turned her neck abruptly and looked at Xiao Tianyao's calm face. Ck, this man really annoying, "Should I try? You wanna bet with me?" Senja smugly declared while leaning her back against the carriage wall, so her position was facing Xiao Tianyao now. But, the man before her eyes didn't give her any response again. He chose to ignore her.

"Huh! Pretend to sleep." Senja mumbled and took out the letter from her pocket and read it again carefully.

This was the third times she looked into the letter, but only now that she could check it attentively. The letter almost has Sana's scent because she slept with it that made Senja frowned. How disgusting…

Along the way Senja had been fiddling the letter, perusing the content.

She flipped the letter upside down and read it back and forth, but still couldn't find something strange about it.

She put the letter under the sunrays, probably there was a secret cue that would come up, but nothing happened.

Senja read it again sentences by sentences, trying to find the underlying meaning behind it. She traced her finger on the surface of the letter and connected each other, but still it couldn't be interpreted with another meaning.

Senja slumped on the seat and brooded as she thought of another way. There must be something with the letter.

And at that time, Senja caught a sight of something strange. She was squinted her eyes to connect the odd word and gradually her pupil dilated in disbelief.

"Xiao Tianyao, wake up! This is bad!" Senja screeched while shook Xiao Tianyao's shoulder.

Xiao Tianyao had woken up the moment Senja's screamed. So, he caught Senja's hand as he spoke. "What happened?" There was no trace of sleepiness on his face.

"This is bad." Senja exclaimed.

"What is it? You solved it?"

The girl nodded vigorously. "Yes, but it's bad." This replied made Xiao Tianyao's frowned deepen.

"Look!" Senja brought the letter into Xiao Tianyao's line of sight and traced her finger on the surface of the letter as she pointed out every odd word. Xiao Tianyao obediently leaned his body and paid more attention into it.