"Where to, Mr. Will?"

As Will was instantly transported to a world of sensual fantasy where he felt as if he were touching the softest and bounciest object in the whole wide world, the chauffeur interrupted, asking this question as he hadn't been instructed regarding where he was supposed to take them.

Yes, in his excitement to meet Liz, Will had just been focusing on getting here first.

Liz was already very, very satisfied at the reaction: many times, she used to complain in front of the mirror because of her D-cup breasts which occasionally hurt her back and neck.

However, right now, for once, she felt excited because of the reaction the CEO had just had after just touching one on the top, even though there were clothes blocking him.

So, as she had accomplished her mission of getting back at him, Liz used the opportunity when he was distracted by the chauffeur to quickly get off his lap and sit opposite him.

This made Will scowl, but he just said, "Take us to De Veiu, the restaurant off 76th street."

"Yes, sir."

As the car started driving away, Will moved to the other seat, as if hoping to get back to what they were doing.

However, Liz raised her hand and stopped him, saying, "Ah ah ah, you aren't getting anything until you tell me why I have the world's most irritating person as my secretary, Mister."

Scowling again in good humor, Will sat back down and spread his arms, saying, "Take a guess."

"Because you want to test me?"

"Why would I want to test you? I already knowyou deserve this job."

"Then…what? You wanted to find out how I looked when I'm irritated?"

As Will saw Liz say this while pursing her lips, he chuckled but decided to spill the beans, wisely judging that it was not good to push her, especially when she had been controlling her irritation all day.

"All right, all right, I'll tell you. He's the…de-facto head of the 'faction' that sprung up which vehemently resists your appointment as Director of Operations. There are others, too, but he's the one who's most outspoken."

Liz hadn't been expecting such a response, so she had to blink her eyes with confusion for a few seconds before replying.

"Huh? A faction? This is a corporation, right, not a mafia?"

Smiling at the corner of his mouth, Will replied, "Many times, there's only a thin line separating the two. There's certainly more politics involved, and factions are definitely a thing. This specific faction is even planning to resist your appointment by filing an official petition, and then going to the media to put even more pressure on the company. They'll say that I'm abusing my position to show favoritism, which will put the board in a verytough position."

Liz grit her teeth with anger as she heard about this thing which had popped up behind her back.

Telling herself not to lose her temper, Liz asked Will the queries she had in a voice that could chew steel.

"Why? Why are they so deadset on opposing me?"

Will sat up straight and replied in a serious voice, seeing how serious Liz was.

"Professional jealousy, of course. We have a hierarchy in the company. Low-level employees are handled by high-level ones, and this includes promotions, perks, etc. The de-facto 'leaders' of that faction were all next in line to take your post, and there was even a competition going on for it between them for months. Imagine how they must have felt when they saw you swoop in and take it. And of course, your background, both where you grew up and where you studied makes them look down on you. So, all in all, they want to get you. I can't fault them that much either."

As Will said the last sentence, if Liz were a typical woman, she would have gone on a rant about how her boyfriend should be supporting her.

Yet, Liz did no such thing, as she knew exactly why he said it.

It was because it was the truth.

Even Liz could sympathize with their motivation.

However, was she going to lie down and let them walk all over her?

No way in hell.

They could think whatever they wanted, but Liz was going to keep this post and excel at it, as she knew and believed that she deserved it.

"Good. I didn't misjudge you. In fact, if I wanted, I could solve this whole thing like…that."

As Will snapped his fingers at the end of his statement, Liz focused her gaze on him, as her eyes had become unfocused due to her determined decision before.

"I decided not to, as the best way to shut them all up is for you to show them your worth, yourself. They're all currently waiting like sharks for you to make even one mistake so that they can tear you to shreds. Will you be making one?"

As Liz heard this, her 'badass' side erupted out in full strength, making her feel…excited for this challenge.

Curling her lip, she said, "Of course not."

"That's my woman. Now then…"

"Sir, we've arrived."

Just as Will was going to leap forward to devour the ravishing woman in front of him, the chauffeur interrupted him again.

It seemed that his luck was really bad these days, as no matter where he went, there were just cockblockers after cockblockers.

Liz couldn't help but chuckle on seeing his expression, and she even felt a little pity, as she knew exactly how it must feel to WANT someone, but not finding an opportunity to have them.

Yes, she really wanted that moment on the terrace to continue, too, but it had to be special.

So, catching ahold of Will's collar in a sudden action that startled him, Liz pulled him close and whispered in his ear.

"You know, I'm disappointed. I thought that if you really wanted me, you would plan something…special. Exquisite. Something we will remember for the rest of our lives. Well, guess I expected too much."

As Will's expression froze into one of surprise, Liz calmly got off the car, leaving the CEO completely speechless and breathing heavily.