Chapter 131 - Emperor, you are mine - PART 1 (R.-.1.8)

The emperor was surprised and at the same time, suspected that the attitude taken by Emery was because of the drunken state, which could be quite true.

"You do not want me anymore?" Emery asked after a long moment of silence from Ade.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could I not want you anymore?" the emperor hurried to take Emery in his arms.

"So what's your answer?"

"Emery, you're drunk... That's not a decision to make in this state" Ade insisted, he didn't want the next day Emery to regret it and put the two of them in an awkward situation.

"I'm not too drunk to make such an important decision... I've considered it a lot, I don't want to see you with other omegas women or men... Ade, you can only be my partner... Since I've come to this conclusion if I don't rise as empress should I leave other people by your side?"

Emery said very seriously, he knew he was being selfish as he was a titan and would be occupying this mortal's life with his presence, but he couldn't make himself go away, invariably he would be thinking of the emperor even when he returned to be a titan altogether by discarding this avatar.

If he was to brood and crave then he might as well take what he felt at once and take the place that allowed him to be by Ade's side, he'd deal with the consequences that came his way later on.

"There won't be any other people on my side," Ade stated, but he didn't take the final step to confirm to Emery that he accepted the proposal.

"Yes, there won't be anyone else, but no one agrees with that, and if they do... They want you dead... Ade, don't be silly accept me as your empress and I can at least act to protect you"

Emery almost said what had happened in the hallway outside the office, obviously, someone believed Ade's words about taking Emery as his only companion, so they wanted to end his life as it was no longer interesting to keep this type of emperor.

"Even if that's true, it won't change that I can only have you," Ade said stroking Emery's face.

There was no genetic match that was perfect for him; he had never been attracted to anyone and he always blamed this fact on genetics, the perfect Zerg Diablo who will never exist again, but now in front of him was the only person who attracted him almost immediately and he still kept thinking that this person was a miracle in his life.

His lonely life had come to an end, but there were so many obstacles and dangers along the way that Ade feared this person would someday disappear.

"Then make me your empress! I too can take the consequences…" Emery insisted, grabbing the emperor's clothes, trying to put some reason into this stubborn mind.

"Let's talk about it when you're sober," Ade said adamantly only to earn an angry glare from his lover, which made his heart itch to tease the other party.

However, Ade held back and decided it was better to get out of the room, Emery's pheromones were driving him crazy and his big erection needed to be treated.

"You stubborn mortal!"

Ade heard this murmur but thought she'd heard it wrong, maybe it was "Bastard Stubborn" or something, which was pretty understandable since Emery was angry.

The bedroom door didn't open and the environment around seemed to have stopped, Ade's body ended up being lifted by a powerful force, which made Ade get alarmed and he was about to activate the mecha armor.

"Don't do anything silly, I just want to make my point clear" Emery said warning that he was the one doing this.

"And what do you want to do? Emery…" Ade said with dismay, he had forgotten that Emery was a dragon hybrid, his powers were not small and the other was mind-altering, he should have sedated the man so he wouldn't get out of his mind.

Emery just smiled at the simplicity of Ade's mind, who didn't imagine he had provoked the wrath of a Titan, which made the poor mortal adorable in the eyes of an entity as powerful as Kronos.

Ade was tied to the bed by an unseen power, his clothes turning to rags and falling like the flakes of coal falling from the sky after a violent fire, the emperor's large, hard erection exposed.

The emperor didn't try to struggle as it would be silly... Also, he was a little excited by Emery's proactiveness, who usually just wanted to be pampered by him.

Emery wasted little time and his clothes fell heavily to the floor as he disappeared into bed and looked at the helpless emperor on the bed. Greed rose in his mind at seeing such a vision, he wanted the mortal just for him and maybe hold him next to him for a long time, although this was impossible since a mortal didn't have that long to live.

He came back to himself and the current mission which was to mark the emperor as his own, his hands slowly descended the emperor's strong t.h.i.g.hs, leaving the other man tense and anxious, Emery's sweet pheromones seemed to want to drive him crazy and he didn't he couldn't even let go with his arms and legs tied.

His knees high and exposing his c.o.c.k to Emery's p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, the pale hand that slowly descended to his crotch, the midnight blue eyes that stared into his face; Ade had never been so completely overwhelmed as he was at that moment.

The kisses came soon after, kissing the entire length he had covered with his hands, they made the emperor agonize with the touch and the waiting, the anxiety rose in him like never before, this delicious tension ran through his entire body and the skin crawled on how close Emery's voluptuous mouth was to his hard erection.

Emery didn't know if it was his instinct as an omega or just he felt that part next to the emperor's erection that must be his gland, maybe it was the strong smell of pheromones that vaguely resembled the scent of orange trees, the beautiful flowers that he a day he loved when he was mortal, but they brought back memories a little sad.

So he flicked his tongue at that spot and watched the emperor shiver at the light touch of the wet, hot tongue, Emery knew at that moment that it was the right spot, knowing that, he took care of the emperor.

Ade didn't know if Emery was experienced in s.e.x, given Emery's almost childish ignorance of omega and alpha issues, of how until a while ago he hadn't known what estrus was or about his own pheromones.

However, Ade was surprised when his c.o.c.k was placed in Emery's mouth, the movement was slow and the midnight blue eyes looked at him in such a provocative way that it made Ade shake, wanting to break free and dominate that arrogant man himself.

The emperor couldn't deny that feeling his entire erection in Emery's mouth, feeling his delicate skin and nerves being compressed by lips and mouth, the s.u.c.k.i.n.g movements, the tongue teasing the head and down the erection, moving it to get in and out made him completely insane and he wanted Emery not to be so slow... The p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e built and he wanted to release it, but he also wanted it to last a little longer, this agony that made him shiver and become helpless was as addictive as a drug.

"Emery…" Ade called his name a few times, asking to be released and that the white dragon let him c.u.m, he wanted to reach the maximum p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e and smear Emery with his s.e.m.e.n.

However, Emery didn't let that happen by stopping the blowjob and stroking his erection with one hand just to make the emperor even more lost. His long pale fingers rose and fell fast and hard, just the way Ade wished Emery had blowjob him, but his hands alone weren't enough.

The emperor had not expected that in that helpless moment and when he closed his eyes for a moment, that he would have the gland bit which would trigger his o.r.g.a.s.m so suddenly, smearing his stomach and part of Emery's face with a few splashes.

Ade's breathing that was fast stopped suddenly feeling Emery's fingers with something wet and oily entering its secret cavity... He awakened from the dizziness of being marked felt all kinds of rise through his body, the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e of being one only with his omega since they were both marked, the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e that Emery's fingers gave him, mixed with the impotence of being trapped without being able to consummate this p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to the fullest.

Emery's fingers felt experienced and touched the right parts, making Ade think Emery would devour him and he wasn't against it, but it made him anxious somehow. This was a new feeling for him, after all, he was an Alpha extreme and an emperor, no one would treat him that way.

"Ade, I'll have you completely..."

Emery said putting a third finger to widen the entrance, he would make Ade completely his, just as he was made completely the emperor, so no one could take his place, as he would be the only one to have touched the emperor in this way.