Chapter 132 - Emperor, you are mine - PART 2 (R.-.1.8)

Ade struggled a bit to free himself from that awkward position for him to cling to Emery, but the Titan was only too happy to leave the Emperor helpless. After all, Emery has been helpless for a long time.

The finger movements were getting faster and Ade's inner walls quivered with each invasion and movement, his h.i.p.s moved to match the movements like following the waves of a tide, he sought the ultimate p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, but Emery was no good person and left Ade dissatisfied by removing his fingers from inside him.

Emery freed Ade from imprisonment by lifting his legs and thrusting deep inside, making the emperor's back arch with his hands gripping the pillow tightly, his m.o.a.n coming out half-strangled with surprise and pain.

This was the emperor's first time, of course, that he was unprepared for the sudden invasion of his inner hole, plus the strange feeling of filling. The pain wasn't severe, just bothersome after a few minutes, he felt completely full and looked up into midnight blue eyes that looked at him with concern.

Ade hugged Emery which signaled that the other should continue with the thrusts, luckily for the titan, Ade was quite open-minded and was happy to make him happy.

Not many Alphas would allow themselves to be the bottoms in the relationship either with omegas or betas, the alphas among themselves had issues related to that, especially if they were two male Alphas.

So many people so that great doubted the engagement of Duke Adowa and Major Lutalo, as they are both alphas and men, many nobles commented that the engagement would not last long because of the more volatile emotions among the alphas and the sense of dominance that was inherent in the male alphas.

"Emery..." Ade called his lover's name as the other moved inside him rubbing his inner walls with his hot d.i.c.k pulsing inside him, his p.e.n.i.s-head hitting his prostate making him shiver and increasing the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, even more, each time it happened.

Of course, in addition to that feeling Emery's heat against his body and breathing hard against his neck, feeling his heartbeat going as fast as his heartbeat, the sweat mingling, and the long red hair falling on his c.h.e.s.t, everything thrilled Ade.

"Ade, you can only be mine..." Emery said such an arrogant and domineering phrase at that moment, but Ade only felt a little twinge in his heart, because of the pressure his position exerted on his omega, which even at that moment was saying these things.

Finally, Emery takes Ade's lips in a long kiss, they hadn't even kissed for days, out of sheer stubbornness and Emery's inner conflict, now that he had decided to have the emperor for himself, he no longer hesitated.

The tongue entered Ade's mouth and entangled him in a long, hot kiss, Ade's fingers entwined in Emery's long red hair, the omega tightened the embrace between them until there was no space between them, the thrusts continued so powerfully as never.

"Just one round?" Ade asked kissing Emery's slightly wet red hair, he took the hair and arranged it leaving the back of his omega free. The lines of his back were beautiful and delicate, hiding the powerful and shadowy strength of the white dragon.

"I feel my lower part very wet and it's itchy… Ade… I need you to touch me there." Emery lifted his head and had a very wet look and his voice was very sweet.

As an omega it was impossible to contain this biological function, even though Emery boldly made the emperor the bottom, it didn't change the fact that he needed to be satisfied.

Emery's sweet scent was even stronger and it wasn't hard that Ade was already prepared for the second round even though he c.u.mmed twice.

Emery was placed on his stomach and grabbed the sheets and pillow, being kissed on the back slowly, emperor's tongue running along the lines of the bones and he received bites at the waist and at the hip, leaving red marks all over Emery's pale body.

Ade's fingers played with the two pink until they turned red and were hard and s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e, making Emery want to push those malicious hands away from his poor

However, Ade took Emery's hands and pinned them above his head, biting the gland in his neck, while with the other hand he held Emery's h.i.p.s up, so the emperor penetrated the hot, wet hole he was already hoping to be invaded by the emperor's d.i.c.k.

Emery also felt a little pain that they hadn't had s.e.x for a while and Ade hadn't prepared him properly, but he also enjoyed feeling that little pain with the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e that filled him completely, feeling Ade's weight in his back thrusting the d.i.c.k in his hole with such ferocity it made the bed shudder and his body feel worn out.

With each thrust the emperor took inside Emery, the omega felt the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e spreading through every part of his body, bending his feet and gripping the sheet tightly, he c.u.mmed, but the emperor showed no signs of stopping and looked even fiercer.

The emperor turned Emery to stare at his flushed face and midnight blue eyes clouded with recent p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e. The swollen lips were taken and the deep kiss muffled Emery's helpless m.o.a.ns as Ade continued his thrusts that made the omega's body tremble.

Ade was very persistent in his thrusts from the wet hole and now so tight it compressed the veins in his c.o.c.k that it drove him crazy to want to come at that moment, but he continued until Emery's bondy opened and he snapped his c.o.c.k head there and left all his s.e.m.e.n there. He looked insane enough with p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to want Emery to conceive his child right then and there.

The two were trapped in each other for a few minutes, Emery's tears flowing down from the pain and all the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, but he was s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e as the bondy had been invaded and was being filled, which made him more emotional. Ade comforted him by kissing the neck and side of the white dragon's pretty face.

"You overreacted…" Emery complained as he was being filled in by Ade.

"Yes, yes, I'm wrong..."

"Enough... You didn't even want to make me an empress... But now you're throwing it all inside me..." Emery didn't forgive and kept complaining, with crystalline tears sliding down his pretty face.

After finally Emery's bondy was filled with a large amount of Ade's milky liquid; the emperor lay on his side and watched the sullen Emery, who refused to look at him.

"Emery... can we do it again?" the emperor asked pulling the omega's weak body into his embrace.

"You are a monster?" Emery asked in surprise and struggled a bit in the emperor's embrace. He as a titan was horrified by the stamina of the Diablos zerg. However, he was weak from the fresh s.e.x and his fight was futile, it only made Ade laugh and he was kissed on the lips until he calmed down, finally realizing that Ade hadn't made any more intimate moves.

"It's not that, I'm talking about you well... earlier... you... Ah, it's hard to talk... I would like you to take me too and unite us as one" Ade finally spoke after fighting with the words for a moment.

"Oh, that…don't scare me! I thought you wanted to have more s.e.x now…I almost regretted marking you…" Emery grumbled still grumpy about the intense moments earlier.

Normally, opening an omega's bondy caused a certain amount of pain and made the omega very fragile, for a powerful being like Kronos, fragility was something frightening and one he didn't want to repeat many times. In fact, he never wanted to repeat it, but he knew it wouldn't be possible given all the biology of omegas and alphas.

This was one of the sacrifices he was willing to make to stay with Ade as long as possible the mortal world would allow him to exist.

"I thought you wouldn't want to repeat it…" Emery commented after calming down a bit. Ade had gotten up and taken Emery to clean up, the other looking too tired to move freely, so he helped him clean up and programmed the bed to self-clean.

"If it's you, I would be happy to join you in more than one way," Ade said kissing the top of Emery's head resuming their previous conversation, the two had already gone to clean up and were now sleepy and lazy in bed.

Ade waited for Emery's response, but the omega had already fallen asleep and was snoring peacefully in his c.h.e.s.t. He didn't know whether to laugh or lamented as Emery fell asleep amid their conversation and yet another declaration of love from him.

"I just hope you remember all the promises and the responsibilities you took on today," the emperor thought slightly worried that Emery would forget about everything that happened a short time ago because of the effects of the drunkenness.

Before bedtime, he programmed his schedule to wake up a little later and had his personal system, Annelina1, send the changes to Berta Juma and the imperial envoy so they could reorganize his schedule and notify the others.

Berta Juma: (...)

I am sleeping! Emperor, please go to sleep!

I'm going to sleep now... Hehehe

Berta Juma: (...)

What is hehehe?Hehehe?

Emperor Ade: (...)

Do you want to know why I'm still awake?

Berta Juma: (...)

No, I already got the message and now I'm going to sleep. Excuse me!

Emperor Ade: (...)

Ouch! So cold!