Chapter 130 - What happened to Emery? (Part 2)

The maid wanted to run away, but her body was paralyzed and she couldn't move, not even a single sound. Just then, she realized that there was no sound anywhere in the room.

"Space Prison is a very apt name for this power, don't you think?" Emery asked softly as if all previous rudeness was a lie.

The maid couldn't say anything, but her fearful expression amused Emery a little, so with a snap of his fingers a new silver cube formed, engulfing the zerg diablo woman completely.

"I'll need to interrogate her later, now let's see what kind of aphrodisiac or powerful poison we have here." Emery thought as he tucked the cube into his personal dimensional space.

Emery inspected the entire contents of the cart and identified only two things potentially dangerous to the emperor, the tea had a substance that mortals of any kind, unless it was a full dragon or like him, could consume without serious damage like the emperor's system body will have. And there was an aphrodisiac in the snack, which left them wondering what the real purpose of those behind the captured maid was.

"I just wanted to know where they got Ambrosia... That kind of thing is hard to get even for me" Emery thought in dismay.

Ambrosia was a food for the gods and goddesses of the ancient pantheon of gods that Kronos was a part of, some other dimensions had as well, but he hadn't yet seen such a delicacy in this galaxy, which made Emery wonder if there wasn't another god interfering in the mortal world.

If a mortal ate ambrosia it would have serious consequences, including death from an energy blast or even direct brain death.

Emery got rid of the aphrodisiac poison and disappeared with the cart too, he just kept the ambrosia tea, looking slightly at Emperor Ade's door, and left after a while pondering who was the damned culprit who wanted the emperor's life.

Luckily, he had a tasty drink to accompany his thoughts, snapping his fingers once more Emery disappeared and time went by again calmly and without any apparent change.

Of course, it was Emery's mistake to think his current body could handle taking even a little ambrosia without having any adverse effects.

So Emery got drunk for the first time and the new sensation made his emotions out of control even more accentuated, so he started wandering around the garden. He felt hot and irritated by his various mortal problems, at this point he found the n.a.k.e.d statue of Ade, alongside several n.a.k.e.d statues of other emperors.

Of course, Emery didn't pay attention to that, but he was disturbed to see such a perfect statue of Ade, he even checked the size of the statue's genitalia... They were the same.

"Exhibitionist bastard!" Emery thought with his emotions running high, not realizing how territorial and irrational he had become, which had worsened his emotional state of the past few days.

Emery was the last few days thinking about what to do, he aimed to get revenge on his father Uranus who had meddled in the last incarnation and ended his poor worldly happiness, which caused the death of his family and the people he had learned to love.

Although Emery had destroyed that world out of despair and fury, he wasn't satisfied, with Themis's help he was looking for that damned father.

However, out of his curiosity, he had put part of himself into an avatar to observe Mu Liang. It would only be for a brief moment, considering the state of the avatar that was rapidly deteriorating.

His lifespan in the mortal world originally wouldn't have been long, but Prince Mu's miraculous "remedy" launched a strange shift in Emery's fate, leaving him with a stronger avatar and what part of his powers and being could inhabit the avatar, this increases his time in the mortal world.

The second fact that was not in the Titan's plan was to become so closely with Mu Liang forming a friendship and entangled with Emperor Ade that he had only approached out of curiosity. In the end, the cause of Emery's emotional problems was precisely this last point, the connection he felt with the emperor.

To the lonely Kronos who was obsessed with two things in his long eternity, revenge against his father and bringing one of his loved ones back to life, he managed to bring back a large fragment of the soul that was supposed to have been destroyed in the last apocalypse.

The glow and warmth that Emperor Ade brought to his life, along with his recent friendship with Mu Liang made Emery conflicted, though he had no doubts about getting revenge on his father, at the same time he felt impelled to live these feelings and getting involved by these people.

However, there was the lingering fear about the fleeting happiness that took a mortal being, plus his father was a great threat to everyone around him. Which made him even more afraid to be close to Emperor Ade and not end up harming him because of the quarrel between him and his eternal father.

Emery wanted to destroy the n.a.k.e.d emperor statue but failed to do so in the end, after all, it was so vividly similar to the royal emperor that he felt a little sorry to destroy the statue.

Agitated, he left the garden and went to the "couple's" room, currently Emery's only, since by his indifferent attitude Ade didn't want to force his company in the bedroom, thus sleeping in the office's recovery capsule.

After a long time thinking without getting anywhere and his body was strange, he felt a lot of heat and the energy of the ambrosia ran through his meridians strengthening them and his power core also flowed unlimited cosmic energy as if with just one thought it could destroy a small planet.

In the end, he decided to unburden himself with someone and he called Mu Liang, he needed to talk to someone who understood him minimally, as Prince Mu is engaged to Gyasi who is Ade's younger brother, who knows he would understand him better.

However, instead of improving his mood, things only became even more chaotic, luckily Prince Mu gave him a little more concrete advice on which he could vent his anger.

The emperor left the office and went to the couple's bedroom, he was going to wait for the beloved to wake up and they could talk, he did not imagine that he would find an agitated Emery in the bedroom.

The fox eyes with midnight blue irises fixed on the door and stared into the red irises eyes like bright red pearls. Ade was surprised for a moment, but he reckoned Emery couldn't be sober, just because of his physical condition and the strong smell of the other's pheromone, which had already ripped off the choker blocking his gland.

Ade seeing his pink cheeks, his disheveled clothes, his sweet mulberry scent, although Ade didn't know what a mulberry tree was, but felt the sweet and fruity scent filling the whole bedroom, mixed with a faint, unfamiliar scent, but equally attractive.

"Oh, if you are not the exhibitionist emperor of this great nation!" Emery said acidly and looked up and down at the disrespectful emperor.

Ade was shocked by Emery's behavior, he didn't know whether to laugh or be angry, but what he felt most was confusion because of his omega's unusual behavior.

"I don't understand... Did I do something wrong?" the emperor got right to the point. He didn't dare guess what Emery was talking about at that moment. Ade closed the bedroom door and approached Emery.

Emery got up from the bed and stood in front of the emperor, he faced the tall black man, his eyes had a powerful d.e.s.i.r.e, which also surprised Ade for a brief moment, which made him even more confused.

"Will the emperor deny that there is a n.a.k.e.d statue of your excellency in the garden?"

"Emery, hadn't we agreed to call each other by name?" Ade said feeling a little embarrassed and a little distressed. For him, such a statue was no big deal, after all, it was something cultural of his empire and was not seen with malice by anyone.

"I don't talk to exhibitionists by name…" Emery wanted to keep fighting, but Ade couldn't help but start laughing, which left Emery speechless as he watched the man laugh at him.

And it was there that Emery realized how deep he had fallen into that deadly feeling of attachment not far from losing his heart to the Emperor.

Ade had to laugh at his omega's furious attitude towards such a silly thing, which made him think even more lovingly about Emery. He felt that the other was trying to get away from him, but seeing him act so silly over a n.a.k.e.d statue, he felt a great relief to see his silly jealousy.

"Emery, what am I going to do with you?" Ade asked after controlling his laughter. He had a warm gaze falling over the white dragon's body.

Emery paused for a moment as he stared into those warm eyes, he then spoke foolishly, unsure if it was from Ambrosia intoxication or if it was his greed and selfishness in keeping that mortal by his side:

"Make me your empress"