But above the heaven, the great sage and benevolent Jade Emperor, the high God, sat high in the LingXiao palace of Jinque cloud palace. He was calling to gather Qing's family to set the miscellaneous number of good and evil in the world on that day, and the weather and weather. Suddenly, you Yiling officer who came to report was rushed by the purple air from the lower world, fell from the cloud head, and said in surprise: "How can the purple air in the world rush into the sky and block the way to the gods? Qianliyan, shunfenger, go to the South Gate of heaven and see what happened!"

Before the two gods were about to leave, Taibai Jinxing reported: "don't worry, your majesty. I know about this! This is the supreme old gentleman of Lihen Tiandou palace, who was thirty-three days away. He was reincarnated yesterday and educated the world. He achieved great success. He went to the west to turn Hu into a Buddha. The sage went out. He had purple Qi with him and traveled thirty thousand miles, so he could collide with the heaven palace."

The Jade Emperor said, "that's true, but I see that the purple gas is divided into two parts, which is like a dragon and a tiger. It's a little strange." then he ordered shunfenger and Qianliyan to explore again.

In a moment, the second God general reported: "I was ordered to visit the place where the old gentleman traveled westward, and I have reached the boundary of Hangu pass, the patriarch of central earth. However, I saw the old gentleman driving with an ox, and a young sage walking side by side in the same car, living on the right of the old gentleman. Therefore, the purple Qi came from the East, followed 30000 miles, in the shape of a dragon and a tiger, fighting with a bull, disturbing the heavenly palace. I just don't know the origin of the saint!"

The Jade Emperor was surprised and said, "Oh, how rare is it? It's a blessing for the three worlds that the two saints drove West together and educated all living beings. Your family knows the origin of the young saint?"

The three officials, the great emperors and the four valued meritorious masters explored their ears one after another. The four heavenly masters looked around. The five sentient emperors, the four marshals were at a loss. The five stars, the six Ding and six Jia, and the four eyes were opposite. The nine Yao and 28 stars only shook their heads, and the Taibai Venus came out to play: "The young sage, who is well-known, can live on the right of the old gentleman and dress up as a young man, must be the embodiment of Taoist leader Chen, who is blessed with boundless life, boundless life, boundless merit and virtue, boundless Guangfa, boundless ten directions and boundless Dalai."

"The immeasurable Heavenly Master has not seen this world. It must be the old gentleman who came to the world and startled him. He came down from heaven and went west together."

The Jade Emperor bestowed kindness and kindness and said, "since he is the leader of tianwai cult, it's not surprising that he has great merit!" Taibai Jinxing intended to say something more, but when he saw the Jade Emperor drooping his eyes and opening his mouth, he didn't make a sound. He just sighed in his heart and returned to the ranks of all officials.

In Hangu pass, Yin welcomed two saints into the official residence for a temporary stay. On weekdays, in addition to handling official business, he went to the old gentleman's seat day and night to listen. He was afraid of Chen ang and did not dare to ask for advice again. Except when the two saints were listening to me when they were talking about Taoism, he did not ask Chen ang alone. He was ordered by Hangu pass, and the old gentleman traveled west and needed him to let him go. He asked for advice like this, but he left Chen ang. Lao Dan was close to the moon, though He is suspected of being a strong guest, but he is courteous and considerate. He can't blame him for saying good-bye in the morning and evening.

This month, Chen ang is quite free, so he often teaches Wukong.

He talked with Wukong about the Buddha's empty phase, the beauty of reading knowledge, the three wonderful truths, and the six nine principles of knowledge. Starting from consciousness, he said that there is no self outside the heart of the Buddha Dharma, there are impermanence of various actions, there is no self in various dharmas, and nirvana is extinguished. He also said that the wonderful origin, the twelve karma is the process of the birth of the conscious self from nothing. He also talked about the Tao's birth of one, two, two, three, three, and the ultimate goal of unifying heaven and earth Li also teaches the study of changes, such as three graves and five codes, eight cables and nine hills, connecting mountains, returning to Tibet, Zhou and so on.

In his spare time, he also taught him how to burn fire and refine pills, how to make utensils, and how to practice Qi.

After closing the door every day, he taught the natural philosophy that governs all science. The monkey head jumped and was the most painful when teaching mathematics. Chen ang gave him exercises to practice. However, learning the functional equation made Wukong miserable. Algebraic geometry almost made Wukong play truant. On this day, Wukong returned from herding cattle outside the pass. Suddenly, Chen ang saw him and called him over.

Asked: "Wukong, take out the homework I left yesterday!"

Wukong Na said, "master, the disciple didn't finish his homework all night yesterday. When he was herding the cattle today, he was tired and went to sleep on the back of the cattle. Suddenly a strong wind blew up and blew away the disciple's homework!"

Chen ang smiled coldly and pinched his fingers. Soon, he opened his eyes and glanced at Wukong and said, "I already know who the wind is. Hangu pass has always been an important town of Xiongguan since ancient times. Qin Zu herded horses for the son of heaven of Zhou. Before becoming a powerful vassal country, the dog soldiers invaded the Central Plains several times. They all lost their halberds under Hangu pass. White bones fell into the valley and bred poisonous insects."

"There is a horse worm under the pass, which is nourished by dead people's rotten meat and becomes fine over time. He is called general horse Lu. He stirs up the Yin wind every day, patrols between Dashan pass and Hangu pass, and looks for people to kill and eat secretly. The wind you see today is the evil wind he blows. He wants to confuse the eyes of business travel and make them fall into the valley."

Chen ang only waited for dusk, so he got up and went to the city tower of Hangu pass to watch the scenery outside the pass. In a few minutes, there was a rolling evil wind blowing outside the pass. With a hand, Chen ang inspired his vitality between his fingers, which led to a high-energy jump and turned into light. He saw a red light as thin as his fingers shaking in the evil wind, and a thousand foot demon insect as thick as a human hug fell from the air.

Wukong looked closer, but he saw that the thousand foot horse land was evenly split in two from beginning to end. His hands and feet were still moving, but he had died.

Chen ang raised his hand and photographed a roll of yellow book among the fallen sundries in the evil wind. He spread it out and saw that there was no word.

Then he sneered and ordered Wukong to roll over. The monkey head trembled and was at a loss. He knelt at Chen Ang's feet and shouted, "master, master, the disciple is wrong! The disciple is wrong! Please forgive... Forgive."

Chen ang only said: "If you don't want to learn, forget it! You also have plump wings and have learned many magic powers. What I teach later is nothing more than limit, calculus, spatial analytic geometry, linear algebra, series and ordinary differential equations. If you don't understand these, you can't learn fluid mechanics, advanced physics, space physics, high-energy physics, quantum physics and advanced chemistry. You can't teach what you can teach as a teacher Here you are. Go yourself! "

After that, he waved his sleeve and turned to leave. Wukong quickly hugged his leg and cried, "where did master teach me to go?"

The sound was like the cry of an ape, sobbing. The green bull also came, grabbed Chen Ang's sleeve, nodded and begged for it. Chen ang only said: "Those who are not proficient in mathematics are like porcelain. They seem to have an appearance, but in fact they are just an embryo. You are a monkey and can't become a great weapon. When you worship me, you only learn the art of immortality. You can't live forever after you practice mathematics. Just ask for a reason? Now you have to live forever. What's the use of keeping you? Go! Don't bother me!"

Wukong just kowtowed: "I'm wrong... Grandmaster, I'm wrong!"

Chen ang waved his sleeves, drove it away, went straight to the room, closed the door and resigned.