From a distance, you can see Hangu pass, flanked by high mountains and big rivers. From Tongguan to Hangu pass, there is a narrow mountain. The two Xiongguan pass are located here, far better than thousands of troops and horses, but the Xiongguan pass is dominated by tigers and towering natural dangers. Since the Shang and Zhou dynasties, Hangu pass has been an important town in the world. From the Eastern Zhou Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, the Guhan channel starts from Gushan Mountain in the west, hulaoguan in the East and Taihang in the East, The king's house guards the gate and the victory in Guanzhong, but it is the barrier of the Central Plains, which is given by heaven.

It is close to the plateau in the west, juejian River in the East, Qinling Mountains in the South and the Yellow River in the north. It is a powerful fortress in the valley. It is as dangerous as letter, so it is called letter valley.

Before Chen ang arrived at the pass, he saw the door of Hangu pass open. Out of it came a great doctor with three wisps of whiskers under his jaw. With foresight, Chen ang and Lao Dan came by car and went forward to pay homage. Zongzhou was based on rites and music, and literati and bureaucrats were proficient in it. These rites were not greetings and polite to future generations, but towering rites and loud guards of honor. Although Yin Xi was just a doctor, I dare not use the courtesy of princes, but it is already very respectful. It is the courtesy of the doctor to King Wen.

If Kong Qiu does this again, I'm afraid I won't accept it, and I dare to accept it.

Wukong came forward, but he also returned the rites according to the etiquette system. He studied with Zilu for two months and listened to Confucius. The rites and music system of Zongzhou was also skilled. He was not an ordinary naughty monkey. Yin Xi saw Wukong sitting in his clothes and his every move was in line with the etiquette system. Only then did he know how extraordinary the sage was in front of the door. He was a monkey leading a cow and had the demeanor of a scholar bureaucrat.

Yin Xi welcomed Chen ang and Lao Dan into the pass. Please come to the official residence and ask that night.

He asked Lao Tzu if the rites collapsed and the music was bad. The princes did not worship the emperor of Zongzhou. Seeing the war in the world, what about the doctor? Lao Tzu talked with him about inaction and inaction, and advocated the rule of the same body and country, based on the two-phase nature, things follow it, things move because of it, the law of heaven and earth makes all things natural, and even has to do it, and inaction makes things natural. In order to make things and me happy, be good at teaching without words, and make people self.

He also asked Chen ang. Chen ang told him about natural selection, survival of the fittest, avoiding harm all his life, valuing himself for me, not going with things, so as not to dye the nature of things, inaction, so as not to be tired and interfere with each other.

After Chen ang spoke, he said to the crowd: "All things are natural and have been raised by all living creatures, and then they are born and killed, and they are born and displaced, and they die, and so are they, but they are not good enough to live in their own lives. They are so expensive, but they are so expensive that they are so good that they run away, but the wolf * s deer are running well, but the wolf tiger has sharp teeth. It is only because they are all living in danger that they will die for me. Therefore, all things are born and all things are valued! "

"Pull a hair and benefit the world!"

"Because you pluck a hair and the world gets a hair, you will benefit others at your own expense. If people kill you again, the way of heaven will live and die, and this discomfort will die! Therefore, the matter of the way of heaven lies in utilitarianism, the growth of mankind and the reproduction of all sentient beings lies in selfishness! The son is like his father, which is called heredity, and the heredity is selfish!"

Yin liked to hear the truth of Lao Tzu. He was intoxicated and full of praise. Hearing what Chen ang said, he was extremely frightened and soul stirring. On the contrary, it was Wukong, qingniu and other different kinds. He once mixed with animals and animals, saw their life and death, and even the strong born and the weak died. He was eliminated naturally. Nature chose their strength, and the theory of the evolution of all things, but he was intoxicated and better than Lao Tzu's moralists.

Yin Xibai asked Chen ang, "the sage says so, and where is morality?"

Chen ang said with a smile, "listen to me... Natural selection is the fittest, not the strong. Tigers and wolves also have the dead, and cunning rabbits also have the survivors. Therefore, the way of natural selection is that the strong can not overcome the weak, the strong can not overcome the soft, and the weak can have the way. It can grow naturally, strong but without the way, and there are times of extinction. The way of valuing oneself is first to survive, second to reproduce, and the one who can survive but cannot reproduce is the last!"

"So loving his son is the first morality!"

"The nature of all things is different. Gathering is strong, scattering is weak, and gathering in a group is better than being alone. Wolves gather in the mountains and forests and think that survival is better than being alone. It is also the principle of natural elimination! Wolves have no way, how can they be better than lone wolves? This way has a leader, the first wolf, who loves his son and your group. Therefore, among the ethnic groups, self-respect lies in your group. Self-interest is only due to gathering, and self harm is due to scattering. If you regard the ethnic group as one person If you love your family, even if you love yourself. "

"So loving his family is the second morality!"

When Chen angxing came, he raised his hand and spoke about the way of vitality transforming into all things, blood reproduction and inheritance. There are no atoms in this world, but vitality atoms are only one thing and two phases. Chen angxing only modified them, telling the theory of evolution from the biological characteristics, the bones left behind, and even the body morphology of ancient demons. It is deduced that the world was lush in ancient times, and prepared to describe their species.

Talk about species evolution and extinction.

Later Yin Xi didn't dare to remember his way. He only dared to record the ancient landform and scenery mentioned by Chen ang. It was handed down to later generations as the book of mountains and seas. There was a waiter nearby who secretly wrote down the truth mentioned by Chen ang, but the waiter didn't know the Arts and Sciences. Although he could get the truth, he lost the proof. In ancient times, he didn't understand anything about evolution. Finally, he only wrote down the humanistic way, but lost the nature.

The waiter returned home and took Chen angzhi's Taoism as his son Yang Zhu.

Hearing Chen Ang's words, Lao Dan nodded and said with a smile, "goodness... You take yourself as the world, if you can send it to the world. Love takes yourself as the world, if you can trust the world."

Chen ang said that heaven has constant actions, but all laws are impermanent. Everything is the truth of movement, change and development. He said that heaven changes and things change. In order to adapt to the changes of heaven and earth, the truth of the continuous evolution of species is combined with your own thought. If you want to adapt to the changes of heaven and earth, you must grasp the truth behind the changes of things and seek its Tao, which is called development.

It is said that human beings are different from all things in that they are enlightened. Enlightened wisdom can seek Tao and change, rather than the change eliminated by nature. People are changeable, so they are good at all kinds of things in the world. People can seek Tao, so they are valuable to all living beings in the world.

It is also said that human groups have the virtue of loving their children and families, as well as the selfishness of loving themselves. People value themselves and individuals value themselves. Everyone's selfishness and self-esteem will harm the family and themselves, and there is wisdom and fickleness. Therefore, between loving the small self and loving the big self, we will evolve gender, human desire and morality.

In telling the story of the crowd, if you are a prisoner because of your own value, in natural selection, it is harmful to yourself, and everyone infringes on others, it is the most harmful to yourself. Finally, change from wisdom, conclude contracts and reach consensus, just like the collective consciousness in the crowd, which is morality. Morality is also the truth of valuing oneself.

Wukong listened to Chen Ang's description of the changes of heaven and the way of human development, but it has connected the evolution of human beings from animals to humans. Wukong was originally a stone monkey born in heaven. He wandered among the monkeys, opened the country of ignorance to human beings, and preached morality to the three sages of Lao, Chen and Kong. However, he has seen the natural laws of animals, human civilization and moral education. So far, he finally understands human nature, Understand that human nature is also a beast, and rule it with wisdom and morality. It will no longer conflict with the beast.

He gradually realized the difference between wisdom, morality and animal nature, and touched the way of all things in nature. His knowledge is high, which is rare in heaven and the world. From Chen Ang's place, he got the demonic nature of selfishness, greed, infatuation and anger, and from Kong Qiu's human ethics, etiquette and human nature of killing people. Finally, he got Lao Tzu's divinity of quiet and inaction and high morality. Tao and practice are beyond calculation!

Yin Xichu was really intoxicated when he heard Lao Tzu's moral words. He wanted to go under Lao Tzu's door. Later, he listened to Chen angzhi's learning. He was inexplicable and confused. He didn't know how much he heard. Finally, when the lecture dispersed, he hurried away, ignoring even the etiquette and law.

Yin Xi stumbled and returned to the official house. His wife turned him pale, flustered and panting. She quickly stood up to take him hot water and asked him what had happened. Yin Xi said, "I really heard the words of the sage today!"

"Since it's a saint's word, how can it be so?"

Yin Xi waited for his mind to settle before he replied: "The moral words of saints have a profound meaning. They are true and even the Tao. When they understand their subtlety, they are wise and accessible. That is why saints don't observe survival, virtue and immorality, but why. The words of saints' heaven and Tao... Are terrible, dare not listen, dare not listen! People can't get... Indifferent as God. Today we know that - people have no self, gods and men have no merit, and saints are nameless. These three are not human."

After Yin Xi left here, Chen ang said to Lao Tzu: "In my opinion, there are differences between good and evil in the four continents. Those who win the Shenzhou in the East respect heaven and earth, worship immortals and gods, and have few friends. They are like plants and trees. Although they are clean, they are as solid as trees, and wind and rain will rot; those in the North giant Luzhou fight for life in heaven and earth, have many effects in ancient times for survival, are clumsy and indifferent, and learn from birds and animals; those in the West niuhezhou are insensitive and content with the status quo. They are almost like gods and Buddha dolls and captive livestock Only those who support the southern continent value themselves, strive for fickleness, seek the development of the Tao, and do not confuse the immortal Buddha. It is a world of great struggle and a place of humanity. "

"Just as the saying goes, the way of heaven is still contested, and you should not invade yourself. The morality of other continents is the morality of immortals and Buddhas. It seems that immortality is enlightened, but in fact it is confined in captivity. If there is a slight change, it will be strangled by divine punishment. Only looking south, it is actually a place for the development of humanity. Morality sprouts from wisdom and obtains the way of the change and development of heaven and earth. Impermanent morality is that morality adapts to people, adapts to humanity, develops and completes Good, this is the way to seek the Tao! "

"I feel pity for all living beings in Xiniu Hezhou. The class is solidified, and humanity cannot develop. I raise for Lingshan and no longer be a person. It is really pitiful. The Holy Buddha confuses people with the blissful world and paranoid spirit, but is divorced from material. Wolf tiger and elk are friendly, and all things are peaceful without fighting. It seems to be free, but in fact it sinks. I have a road of freedom and can liberate all living beings!"

Hearing the speech, Wukong kowtowed his head and said, "let's ask the ancestor, how to save all sentient beings?"

"Make sure that all living beings value themselves, wolves and tigers are greedy for killing, officials are cruel, many people are greedy, angry, and still strive for change. It is like a pool of water, with contradictions everywhere, natural selection, competition, enjoyment, desire, freedom, and everyone is free from the imprisonment of the fairy and Buddha. Then make it develop naturally and make continuous progress. For the purpose of harmony in the world, the fairy and Buddha can only educate, not forcibly confuse people."

"The Western Lingshan mountain, which imprisons people's desire, is really a great evil. I'm about to preach the Dharma to the West and promote the way of freedom of desire. However, Lingshan mountain is stubborn, the Buddha is stupid, the Buddhas in Dalaiyin temple are numb, greed and human superstition and worship are actually the cancer of the world and the burden of evolution."

Wukong said, "master, what do you want?"

"Wukong, we are going to the west to liberate all living beings, not to fight with Lingshan. I know that Lingshan is big, and the Tathagata is stubborn and does not listen to advice. You go west with me, destroy his Buddhism and fight with him with ideas. I just want to turn Hu into a Buddha, blend into his sect, wear his cassock, destroy his Buddhism, and walk in the name of a monk. He told all living beings to restrain their desires and refine their spirit. I We want all living beings in Xiniu Hezhou to obey human desires and pay attention to reality. It is called "spreading humanity to the West and creating all living beings again!"